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In the primary version, Fang Yun did not make too many heroes, only dozens of them, mainly because he was lazy...

Fang Yun's goal was to use this map to make moba games popular, and then when the time was right, he would directly make a separate moba game, which was where he really needed to spend his energy!

After the production was completed, he conducted some simple tests and modified some minor bugs, and then uploaded it directly to the Internet:

Map name:"Defense of the Ancients"

Game mode: Multiplayer online competitive mode

Producer: Fang Yun

This is the information uploaded by Fang Yun, and he even used his"authority" to put this map at the top of the self-made map list!

Usually, this position is automatically pinned by the system for the map with the most online people.

After finishing a game of RPG map, some people returned to the lobby and happened to see"dota" ranked first, and the producer written on the introduction of this map was Fang Yun!

"What the hell? Fang Yun made a map? This can't be fake, right?"

The player couldn't believe it, but after looking at the number of people online on this map, which was much less than the second place, but inexplicably ranked first, the player seemed to understand a little:

"This must have been done by Fang Yun! Otherwise, how could a map with such little traffic be pinned to the top? He must have used his authority to do it!"

When it was confirmed that this map was made by Fang Yun himself, many players curiously clicked in and began their first experience. When the number of people was gathered, the game began!

As soon as you enter the game, it looks like a mercenary wild shop in World of Warcraft. Click it and you will see familiar character avatars appear in front of everyone, but when you put the mouse on it, each avatar has a different name.

How can a first-time player understand all this? He just chose a few characters he liked and started the game: As soon as you enter the game, you will find that there are three roads to go. The other half of the map and your own wild area are shrouded in thick fog of war.

Moreover, you can buy equipment at the fountain where they were born, but now everyone has very little money and can only buy a few of the cheapest equipment.

So, they bought some supplies such as eating trees, blood bottles, and blue bottles, and walked to the line On.

After a while, the soldiers appeared, and the selected characters also appeared in their field of vision.

Since both sides were playing for the first time, the ten people knew nothing, so they fought while groping, and studied their equipment by the way.

Fortunately, Fang Yun’s hero introduction was written in detail, and some players quickly understood the gameplay of this game: operate a single hero, and gain experience and money by killing the opponent’s heroes, soldiers or monsters. Money can be used to buy equipment and buy lives, and experience can be used to upgrade characters and thus upgrade their own skills.

Then the theme of the game is to push towers. Whoever pushes down the opponent’s main base first wins. During this period, it also requires teamwork. As for how to cooperate, this is something that needs subsequent research.

After the first game, the ten players all liked this type of game, and they agreed to play a game together.


The same situation happened in different places. All the players who downloaded this map were quickly addicted to it. They had never seen such a game before!

Especially when your equipment and operation are ahead, you can beat five people and get a runaway. With the shocking"runaway" prompt sound of the system, you will also have an unparalleled sense of accomplishment! The number of online users began to soar just one day after the map was launched. At the end of the day, the number of people had exceeded the second-place tower defense RPG game!

After seeing this, Fang Yun silently cancelled his own permissions and changed to the original system automatic pinning. But even so, the"dota" map is still hanging high in the first place!

Countless players who have played it recommend Fang Yun's map to their friends, and new players are deeply attracted by this new game mechanism as soon as they play it!

《Dota suddenly and naturally became popular!

Many professional RTS players would open Dota and kill a game in it after training!

After all, their operation is very strong, and for games like Dota, although awareness is important, operation is more important!

Fang Yun would play Dota from time to time. Of course, he used his own trumpet, because the ID in Dota is his ID. Fang Yun's ID is now known to everyone. In order not to cause a"commotion", Fang Yun could only make a new account, so that he could experience the game quietly.

Many anchors in the RTS area also fell in love with Dota. After the spread of these anchors, Dota became more popular. There were also translators abroad who translated Fang Yun's map. Of course, this was with Fang Yun's permission. For a time, the online forums were discussing the main topics of Dota's equipment and hero positioning.

Some videos of masters' operations are also widely circulated.

Of course, the popular videos also include some funny highlights: for example, the ultimate skill of the Demon Wizard (Dota 2's Lion) (Finger of Death: tear the target apart in an instant, tormenting it to death, causing 600/725/850 damage).

This is originally a powerful single-target damage skill.

When it reaches level 6, a set of skills combined with a basic attack can easily cause an instant kill effect.

However, when someone saw that the opponent was low on health, they were too excited and clicked the mouse crookedly: the Finger of Death pointed directly at a soldier next to the low-health hero...

Then, the low-health hero escaped alive and well, and the innocent soldier turned into money and entered the pocket of this player.……

《The video of"Death Finger Soldier" has been widely circulated on the Internet!

When Fang Yun saw it, he immediately thought of a player in his previous life, who performed almost the same operation.……

"Could it be that the two worlds are really connected? Such operations can be restored almost 100%? I thought I would never see such operations in my life."

Fang Yun couldn't help but think.

PS: The player who made the above operation is actually very famous. Later, he switched from dota to LOL professionally, WE team, cough cough!_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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