It has to be said that the creativity of the players in this world seems to be stronger than that of the players in the previous life. Many of the cool operations that were developed later were discovered by someone in the afternoon.

Since everyone's experience time is limited, except for a very small number of players who chose to honestly go through the plot, the rest of the players all took unconventional paths!

Some were running around on the map to enjoy the scenery, some were killing chickens, some were killing people, and some were pushing cars around...

Moreover, the people standing behind them and watching were still thinking of crooked ideas. Later, someone even discovered the marriage system inside... cough cough.

In short, Fang Yun's experience store was surrounded by laughter and joy throughout the day. Except for a few players who were not very used to this dynamic perspective and would feel dizzy after playing for a long time, the rest of the players gave unanimous praise!

【An RPG game with a high degree of freedom!

This was a hot search on Weibo at the end of the day. There are all kinds of opinions about"The Elder Scrolls" circulating on Weibo: some say it's a chicken-killing game, some say it's a love game, and some say it's a corpse-whipping game... and they all have relevant videos to prove it.

Anyway, the players who hadn't seen it in advance were all confused:"What kind of game is this?" The players who had only stayed in a live broadcast room to watch it were also confused:"Isn't this an XX game? How come there are so many ways to play?"

The players saw that the background buildings in each video were almost the same, but the protagonists looked different, and what they did was also different, and each one was full of joy. If they changed the background, they really thought it was a different game.

At this time, the players began to really pay attention to the matter of [freedom].

"So this is what high-degree-of-freedom gameplay looks like?"

【[High degree of freedom] In Fang Yun's opinion, games are actually limited, and you can't just do it whenever you want. First of all, the subject matter is a limitation, and the identity/profession of the protagonist is preferably not fixed. Take"The Elder Scrolls" as an example. The protagonist can join any camp and choose any profession. This is determined by the background story.

You can think about it. If the background story is a big background of good and evil confrontation, even if the protagonist can choose good or evil at will, it is inevitable that he will have to take the road of confrontation with the other party in the end.

For example, in an urban game, even if the protagonist is a big boss, although there may be a high degree of freedom in other aspects, such as appointing subordinates and recruiting younger brothers, but in the end it is inevitable that he still has to pay attention to the development of his own company.

If he goes bankrupt, the game will end.

On the other hand, if the protagonist is an unemployed vagrant, then the degree of freedom is very high: he can rob, steal, start a company, drive a taxi, or even be an ordinary person in peace and stability.

In this way, the degree of freedom is undoubtedly much higher than that of"Real Estate Tycoon".

Fang Yun's"The Elder Scrolls" also caused a storm in the designer circle: this is the RPG game with the highest degree of freedom they have ever seen!

In the past, they would also make some games with high degrees of freedom, but they would encounter various difficulties in the design process, and the final results were far from expectations. Moreover, their games with high degrees of freedom were either small games or large games on the VR side. No one had ever thought of adding degrees of freedom to RPG games!

Because people are concerned about RPGs with skills and plots, and they only use their brains on this, without thinking about other places.

Fang Yun's"The Elder Scrolls" undoubtedly gave them a lot of inspiration.

Although there may be very few people who can really put these inspirations into practice, this can be regarded as Fang Yun's contribution.

The test activity lasted only one week.

Within a week, the players' plot experience was almost complete.

Although there were still many dungeons that had not been visited, at present, there was no problem with the game, so Fang Yun closed the test experience.

The rest was to package the game and launch it online.

During this week, the"weird" videos about"The Elder Scrolls" on major video websites were very popular, but some videos that were purely plot-based were not very popular. After all, many players wanted to experience the plot created by Fang Yun in person, rather than being spoiled in advance.

【Yunmeng products must be high-quality. This concept has gradually formed in the minds of players. On

June 1, many players who logged into [] found that"The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim" had quietly appeared in the [] store!

Price: 148! And if you buy the game, all subsequent DLC expansion packs are free!


The first reaction of players is these two words, but when they think of Fang Yun's《FGO》When I saw the terrifying money-making speed, I swallowed the two words back into my stomach silently.……

"Don't think you can buy my fragile heart that has been hit hard by useless dogs with just one or two games! Unless... you are making two games!"

《The Elder Scrolls was well received as soon as it was launched, but since there was only a Chinese version, and Fang Yun's fame has now spread throughout the world, many players in other countries are paying attention to Fang Yun's situation, so the news of the launch of The Elder Scrolls quickly spread abroad, and some videos were also circulated.

When these Westerners looked at the characters in The Elder Scrolls with a strong Nordic style, and learned about the freedom in it, they fell in love with the game all of a sudden, and tried every means to urge Fang Yun to quickly translate it and launch the international version as soon as possible.

This time, Fang Yun's reply was also very fast. The translation work would take a month, that is, on July 1, the multilingual version of The Elder Scrolls would be launched.

Some players chose to wait patiently, while some impatient players directly got the Chinese version of the game. Although they didn't speak the language, they still played it with relish. When necessary (mission introduction), they even used translation software to help themselves play the game better.

Of course, there are definitely players who understand Chinese among these players, but they are relatively rare in number. However, their experience is also the best. The first batch of videos about"The Elder Scrolls" abroad were made by them!

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