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"Hey, orcs, get up! Hurry up, the gods won't give us a second chance!"

Then, the first task appeared in the middle of the screen: Start, escape from death (break a way to the fortress).

At the same time, there are some basic operation tips

"It seems that Boss Fang has integrated CG into the novice tutorial this time, but this is quite suitable for this game."

Liu Xin controlled the character to wander around for a while, but did not find a way out. However, there was chaos outside, and the door of a high tower was open. It was not far from where the protagonist was. After a while, Liu Xin walked over. As soon as he entered, he saw Lord Ulfric and Larov waiting inside. It was too chaotic outside just now, and he didn't even notice when the two men ran in.

The two had a conversation, and then the second task was given: rush up the tower with Larov.

The tower is the fortress where they are now, but when Liu Xin just controlled the character to climb halfway, the wall suddenly broke open, and what came into view was the giant dragon that had just been showing its might outside!

The dragon blew a fierce breath of fire into the tower, and then disappeared.

"Damn, I was shocked! Isn't this too realistic? Why do I feel like I'm playing a VR game?"

Not only Liu Xin, but the audience in the live broadcast room also had this feeling. Many people were shocked when this suddenly happened during the tense and exciting escape.

At this time, Larov also ran up and saw the broken wall. He thought for a while and said:

"Do you see the hotel on the other side? Jump off the roof and keep going forward!"

Then, Liu Xin jumped down as instructed...

He really jumped straight down! His health dropped a lot!

The landing point was not the platform in front, but... on the ground

"Friends, I don't think I jumped up……"

"There's no such thing as"as if". You just didn't jump up. Hurry up and go back around!"

"You can't jump up even when you're so close? You're too bad! Even if I were here, I could jump up. It's not difficult at all!"

""You're such a wimp!"

The comments started to mock him. Liu Xin could only run back to the fortress, climb upstairs and jump down again. This time, he took aim before running and jumping, and succeeded.

"My friends, don't underestimate this, it's really quite difficult. If I hadn't aimed just now, I might have fallen down again!"

Liu Xin followed the instructions and said as he walked.

Finally, they ran to the exit, and when Hadawa of the Empire (the Empire man who asked who the protagonist was before) was about to run away, the dragon flew over again and landed at the mouth, blocking their way!

At this time, Hadawa spoke.

Hadawa:"If you want to save your life, follow me!"

"??? Isn’t this the emperor? He wanted to chop off my head before, but now he comes to save me?"

Liu Xin was confused, but the mission was like this, he could only follow Hadava and flee all the way, and finally came to the gate of the fortress.

Here, Hadava met Larov who also fled here!

Hadava:"Larov! You damn traitor, get out of my way!"

Larov:"We are running away, Hadava, don't try to stop us this time!"

Hadava:"Very good, I hope you will all be sent to Sovngarde by that dragon!"

At this time, the previous [Break a way to the fortress] mission is completed, and a new mission appears: follow Hadava or Larov into the fortress!

Larov:"You, go to the fortress quickly!"

Hadava:"Follow me, prisoner, quickly!"

The two of them said almost the same words, which confused Liu Xin, but since Hadava spoke later and had the follow mark on his head, Liu Xin followed Hadava into the fortress in a daze.

This was actually a link set by Fang Yun to choose a camp.

One was the Storm Cloak camp, and the other was the Empire camp.

Choosing the Storm Cloak camp could allow"revenge", and later you would have a chance to kill the Imperial female officer who wanted to chop off the protagonist's head, and the equipment dropped by killing Imperial soldiers would be better.

Choosing the Empire camp had a bit of the meaning of"surrendering to the enemy", but the iron ingot given by the Empire camp at the beginning was a good thing...

Many players did it for this...


Liu Xin didn't know about the subsequent developments, he just followed Hadava into the fortress in a daze.

Once they entered the fortress, there was a dim stone room.

Hadava:"It seems that we are the only ones who escaped. Is that really a dragon? The messenger of doom? We should keep moving forward, come here and see if we can break these ropes."

""Okay, search around and take whatever you want. I'll see if I can find something to treat burns."

Then, it was a free search of the room: there were several iron swords on the weapon racks around, and there were equipment such as [Imperial Light Armor], [Imperial Light Boots], and [Holy Land Town Fortress Key] in the box.

Liu Xin took them all! He put on the armor and shoes directly, and took the [Iron Sword] (a one-handed sword) in each hand, and then put all the wine glasses that fell on the wooden table on his body!

It looked like the devils had entered the village, and took away everything they could!

"Damn, you are so cruel, you didn't even leave a wine glass for others? What's the point of holding a wine glass?"

"A two-sword man who collects junk?"

"Really a rag picker! You have the potential to become the rag king!"

The audience was speechless watching Liu Xin's behavior of plucking feathers from passing geese. He searched the boxes, and took several weapons, which was nothing to say. After all, this world seemed to be a world of battle, and weapons were the foundation of survival. But he even took the wine glasses on the table?

How poor is this?!

When Liu Xin finished searching the room and followed Hadava to the next room, before opening the iron door, he heard the conversation of two Stormcloak rebels:

"We have to keep going! That dragon is about to burn the entire castle to the ground!"

"Wait a minute...let me catch my breath……"

Hadava:"Did you hear that? Stormcloak, maybe we can talk some sense into them."

But as soon as the door opened, the two soldiers saw it! Then they rushed over with their weapons raised!

At this time, the screen gave a battle prompt: press the left mouse button to attack, and hold to perform a heavy attack.

Then Liu Xin performed the [Sword Skill of Cutting Vegetables] in front of the audience, slashing around, and cooperated with Hadava to kill the two soldiers! _Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend

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