I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 99 Stone Cave

The match just now was exciting. Your strength has been recognized by me. This is a boxing badge. Please accept it!

After taking back the Iron Palm Rikishi, Fujishu came to Qianye Feng, handed a fighting badge that looked like a boxing glove to Qianye Feng, and then said.

Thank you, Master Fujishu, for your affirmation, thank you!

After Qianye Feng took the badge, he responded politely.

After completing the gym challenge, Qianye Feng did not leave in a hurry, but came to the auditorium. After all, he was a companion who came with him, so he could only leave after watching the match between the two.

Congratulations, Xiaofeng!

After seeing Qianye Feng coming over, Ishikawa Shizuru and others congratulated him.

Afterwards, Ishibashi walked to the battle field, but compared to the anxiety when he first entered the martial arts dojo, his face was obviously much more confident now.

By observing the last battle, he felt that he had somewhat grasped the fighting style of the gym trainer Fujiki.

Afterwards, the competition between the two officially began. The first elf sent by Fujishu, who was the trainer of the gym, was Masana, also known as Yoga Monkey. This is a rare elf with fighting and super attributes.

For Masana, daily yoga practice is indispensable and she will improve her mental strength through meditation. It has to meditate for several hours every day. After improving its mental strength through meditation, it can make itself float in the air.

But the concentration is always interrupted during meditation, so the practice never ends. It only eats one fruit a day. Eating less is also a part of spiritual practice. It will endure hunger to sharpen its mind.

Qianye Feng actually prefers to call it Ah Sanhou. Although it is a bit of a joke, it does not mean that Martha is not strong.

Not to mention its super attributes, its characteristic yoga power alone can double the damage of non-fixed damage physical moves, which is very troublesome.

And Ishibashi Goichi's first elf is a hunting swallowtail butterfly with flying attributes. Obviously he intends to win by relying on attribute advantages.

After a fierce battle, Martha was finally defeated by Hunting Papilio, but at this time, Hunting Papilio had only the last bit of physical strength left.

The second elf sent by Fujishu was Zhanwulang. Ishibashi Goichi made Zhanwulang's body covered with paralysis powder at the expense of hunting swallowtail butterflies and losing his fighting ability.

The second elf, Ishibashi Goichi, sent out his ace elf Bogwap. When Zhan Wulang was disturbed by his paralyzed state, Bogwap finally defeated it at the cost of serious injury to himself and also gained the gym. Win the challenge and get the boxing badge.

Seeing that both companions had successfully obtained gym badges, all the pressure was placed on Kosuke Kiuchi, who already had disadvantaged attributes.

With this uneasy feeling, he stood on the battlefield.

This time, the first elf used by Fujiki is Makoshita Rikishi. This elf looks like a cheerful little fat man. His temperament has a bit of joy, which makes it difficult for people to hate him. Anyway, seeing it At the first glance, Qianye Feng thought of a famous cross talk actor he knew in his previous life.

Kosuke Kiuchi's first elf is the One-Horned Rhinoceros, a simple-minded, rock-and-ground elf with well-developed limbs.

The one-horned rhinoceros has a small brain, and its single-cell brain can only think about one thing. Once you start rushing, no matter what the reason is, you will quickly feel that it doesn't matter and forget it, and you may even forget why you ran.

It is a pity that Kosuke Kinuchi still failed to become a master of reverse attributes. Although his one-horned rhinoceros also caused some troubles to the makushita rikishi, he was ultimately defeated by the fierce push attack of the makushita rikishi.

After that, he could only send out his initial elf Rumble Stone, but it still couldn't change the situation with unfavorable attributes.

During the battle, although Ryuushi barely defeated the Makoshita Rikishi, he also suffered a lot of damage and was quickly defeated by the second Elf Kuaikenlang sent by Fujiki.

Regarding the result of this game, Chiba Kaede was not surprised at all, or it was surprising that Kosuke Kiuchi won.

After all, Fujishu is also a gym trainer. If he can be defeated by two elves with restrained attributes, it will easily make people doubt whether he is qualified to be the gym trainer of this fighting gym.

After leaving the gym, Chiba Kaede looked at the somewhat dejected Kosuke Kinuchi and didn't say anything. She just patted him on the shoulder to give him some encouragement!

Although Qianye Feng has finished challenging the martial arts gym, there are still two days before Old Man Hutch will sail to the island. He needs to consider how to spend these two days.

Immediately, Qianye Feng thought of a place, which was the Stone Cave, a place where stone collectors collect rare stones.

According to legend, Wudou Town was originally established because of this cave. However, later excavators dug away most of the rare stones, making it difficult for later people to dig out stones of sufficient value. These people also They slowly left here and went to other places, and Wudou Town gradually declined.

It wasn't until the establishment of the Martial Arts Gym that this town became slightly more popular. However, most of the people who come here now come here to challenge the Martial Arts Gym and generally don't stay too long.

It was already afternoon time today, and Qianye Feng planned to buy some exploration tools in the town and set off tomorrow morning.

On the way back, Qianye Kaede revealed his plans for tomorrow to a few people. Except for Kosuke Kinuchi, no two people were interested. However, Kosuke Kinuchi wanted to give his elves some special training before going I challenged the martial arts gym once, so I had to give up with regret.

Although there were no companions, Qianye Feng was not depressed. After all, they were all on this small island, and it would not be good to disappear out of thin air, so he politely invited them.

Early the next morning, Qianye Feng packed his bags early and headed directly to the Stone Cave. After walking for more than 20 minutes, he finally found the entrance to the cave in the northwest of Fighting Island.

Not long after entering the cave, Qianye Feng could no longer see the surrounding environment clearly, and only felt darkness.

Fortunately, this is the real world. There is no need for the elf to use the flash spell to see the surrounding environment clearly like in the game. He directly took out the prospecting light he purchased and put it on his head, which directly illuminated the surroundings and the road ahead.

In this dark cave, Qianye Feng released King Chuanshan, Heracross and Wrist and let them guard him. Of course, Ghoststone had been in his shadow for a long time, always ready to come out to protect him. he.

Of course, in this dark cave environment, the Sand King can play the greatest role. Its eyes can see things in the dark, and if it gets lost or collapses, it can also dig holes directly to the outside.

After walking forward for a while, Qianye Feng came to a relatively spacious place. He looked around and saw traces of digging with shovels. He knew that there should be a mineral vein here before, but it must have been dug out now.

Tick tock!

Qianye Feng suddenly heard the sound of something dripping from the top of his head to the ground. He quickly looked up and found many supersonic bats lying on the stone wall at the top. The thing that just dropped might be the feces of supersonic bats.

Fortunately, these supersound bats had no intention of attacking him, but for safety reasons, Qianye Feng did not intend to stay here any longer. He hurried forward and took the time to leave the territory of these supersonic bats.

After walking forward for a certain distance, there were no supersonic bats occupying the top of the cave. This also made Qianye Feng sigh in relief. However, after knowing that this dark cave was not as peaceful as he saw, his vigilance level increased again. .

The further you walk, the more forked roads appear. Some of the forked roads are connected and it's okay, but some of the forked roads are independent, making it easy for people to get lost.

Before going deep, Qianye Feng asked Chuanshan King if he could remember the route they took, and only after receiving its affirmative reply did he dare to go further.

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