I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 66 Traditional Chinese Medicine Store

By the way, Xiaofeng, what are your plans next?

Asha asked when she saw that Qianye Feng had put away the Flame Badge.

The main purpose of my coming to Fuyan Town is to challenge your Fuyan Gym. Now that the challenge in the gym has been completed, I also experienced the famous hot springs in your Fuyan Town. After the Great King Yan and the others recover, I should go to Zijin Let’s take on the next gym challenge, and then we’ll go back to the farm to rest for a while.”

Qianye Feng briefly explained the next plan to Yasha.

There is a place I believe you will be interested in, and that is our Chinese medicine store in Fuyan Town, which is as famous as the hot spring. It would be a pity if you don't check it out!

Yasha introduced to Qianye Feng in a serious manner.

Oh, that's right, I almost missed it, thank you for reminding me!

After being reminded by Yasha, Qianye Feng remembered that there were many Chinese medicines with magical effects in Fuyan Town, the most famous ones being Vitality Root and Resurrection Grass.

Both Vitality Root and Resurrection Grass are very effective traditional Chinese medicines, which can quickly heal the injuries of elves. Of course, Resurrection Grass is much more effective than Vitality Root, and can even completely cure the dying elves, which is also its name. The origin of.

Of course, their side effects are also very obvious, that is, their taste is very bitter, so that elves are unwilling to eat it unless they have to. If the trainer forces the elves to take it, it will also reduce the intimacy between the trainer and the elves. Spend.

In addition, the growth of Resurrection Grass and Vitality Root requires a special environment, which is difficult for ordinary people to obtain, and Fuyan Town, where he is currently located, is one of the producing areas of these two medicinal herbs.

Time passed quietly as Qianye Feng and Asha chatted, until a crisp female voice interrupted the conversation between them.

Asha, and Xiaofeng, your elves are now back to health!

Miss Joy had already walked out and said to the two of them with a smile.

Thank you very much for your treatment, Miss Joy!

Qianye Feng and Asha quickly took their elf balls, and then thanked Miss Joy.

After the two of them left the Elf Center, they walked towards the only Chinese medicine store in the town. This Chinese medicine store can be said to be famous far and wide.

According to Yasha, this traditional Chinese medicine store has been in business for a long time. It existed as early as when her grandfather was still young. The store is now opened by an old couple who have been friends with Yasha's grandfather Mulla for many years.

Under the leadership of Yasha, Qianye Feng arrived in front of a shop after walking for more than 10 minutes.

The appearance of the shop is a bit old, but it is very clean. There is no garbage in front of the door, and there are very few fallen leaves. It shows that someone cleans it frequently.

Grandpa Takagu, I'm here to see you!

Asha shouted before she even entered the door.

It's Yasha, come in quickly, you haven't been a guest at grandpa's house for a long time!

After hearing Yasha's voice, an old but loud voice came from the store. From the loudness of the voice, it can be seen that although the person making the voice is old, he is still very strong.

Sure enough, after entering the door, Qianye Feng saw a strong old man. Although his hair was gray, his face was very rosy and he was relatively tall.

Grandpa Takatani, isn't Grandma Ishibashi in the store?

After Asha inspected the store, she asked curiously.

The old lady went out to play with her friends today. It's really unreasonable to leave me here alone to look after the store!

Takatani Kazuya pretended to be a little angry and said.

Okay, okay, it's rare that Grandma Shiqiao is in such a mood, I should be happy for her.

Asha comforted.

Haha, I'm not kidding you anymore. I heard from your grandpa that you have taken over as the gym leader. Why do you have time to visit me today?

Takatani Kazuya glanced at Qianye Feng and asked.

Obviously, he already knew that the young man in front of him was the reason why Yasha came to see him today. It is not just talk about how people become better with age.

Grandpa Gao Gu, let me introduce to you. This is Xiao Feng. He just arrived in our Fuyan Town yesterday. He is more interested in Chinese medicine. I will bring him to your store to have a look.

Asha introduced.

Hello, Grandpa Gaogu, I want to know if you have any vitality roots and resurrection grass seeds here?

Qianye Feng asked politely.

Oh, yes, there is. I don't know what you want their seeds for, Xiao Feng. Let me tell you that the seeds of Vitality Root and Resurrection Grass are difficult to grow in other places. It's not like no one has tried it before, but they are all Failed!

When Takatani Kazuya heard that Chiba Kaede wanted seeds, he knew that he or someone else wanted to grow these two herbs. In order to prevent them from doing useless work, he kindly explained.

Grandpa Gaogu, are there any restrictions on growing these two herbs?

Qianye Feng didn't know if there were any taboos that he didn't know about, so he asked.

It's not that there are any restrictions. Even in our Fuyan Town, these two herbs can only be grown on a small piece of land on Chimney Mountain. They cannot be grown elsewhere. As for the specific reasons, we are not very clear.

Takatani Kazuya replied.

That's it, but Grandpa Gaogu, I have a piece of land of my own. I want to try planting these two herbs. I wonder if you can provide me with some seeds. Even if I can't successfully plant them, I will thank you. .”

Qianye Feng pleaded.

According to his understanding, since these two herbs can restore the vitality of elves, they must contain life energy. He can further understand the life energy by planting these two herbs.

Moreover, there are now three shuttlecocks on his farm that can use the grass field. He wants to try if he can make them germinate or even grow normally by regularly using the life energy of the grass field to water the seeds of the Vitality Root and Resurrection Grass. .

Of course, all this is just his imagination, and he has no idea whether it can succeed, but even if it fails, there will be no loss for him. If it is successfully planted, then his farm will have two more specialties.

Well, originally I would not give out the seeds of Vitality Root and Resurrection Grass easily, but since you were brought here by Yasha, I will make an exception and give you some. But this is the only time. If you fail to plant it, you can Don’t even think about asking the old man for me again!”

After Kazuya Takatani pondered for a while, he finally gave Qianye Feng some seeds for Asha's sake.

However, the number of seeds he gave was not many. There were 3 resurrection grass seeds and more vitality root seeds, but only 10.

Thank you, Grandpa Takaya!

After Qianye Feng received the seeds, he thanked her very sincerely.

Although the number of seeds was not large, it was already a favor to him if he was willing to give it to him, so Qianye Feng was still very grateful to the old man in front of him in his heart.

Haha, you're welcome!

Takatani Kazuya saw that Chiba Kaede did not dislike the small number of seeds he gave him, but sincerely thanked himself and felt that the young man in front of him was a good person!

By the way, Yasha, I recently found a good quality charcoal on Chimney Mountain. I originally wanted to send it to you in a few days. Since you came here today, I will give it to you directly!

After Takatani Kazuya finished speaking, he took out a small black wooden stick from behind the counter and handed it directly to Asha.

It's really good charcoal. Grandpa Takaya, you are so lucky. I like it very much!

Yasha took the charcoal, looked at it, and said happily.

Haha, as long as you like it, remember to come to the store to play when you have time!

Takatani Kazuya also laughed heartily when he saw that Asha liked the charcoal he gave her very much.

Qianye Feng watched with envy. Charcoal, which can be called an elf prop, is not just made from random wood. It needs to go through very harsh conditions to form.

Therefore, these elf props are very rare, just like the evolutionary stones that Qianye Feng obtained. The better the quality, the more expensive they are. Some of them are even valuable but not marketable, and you need to be lucky to get them.

Afterwards, Qianye Feng purchased a resurrection grass and several vitality roots from a traditional Chinese medicine shop. Holding them in his hands, he could indeed feel the breath of life energy in them.

The life energy in the resurrection grass is several times that in the vitality root, which is why the resurrection grass can directly restore the dying elves.

Thank you to book friends Wuyou Wuxin and Ruyan Miaomiao for your monthly ticket support!

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