I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 56 Arm Strength

Dr. Odamaki, how can you help me make a decision!

Nachi looked at Dr. Odamaki with some displeasure.

Oh, since you don't need to fight Xiaofeng, I can still use the elves fostered by other trainers to complete this battle.

Dr. Odamaki said with a smile.

Humph, I'll just do my best to help you!

Naqi originally wanted to compete with Chiba Kaede, but just now she was a little unhappy that Dr. Odamaki made his own decision, and it was not that she refused to fight.

Then, Naqi, please give me some advice!

Seeing that Naqi had agreed to fight, Qianye Feng stretched out his hand and said.

I won't give in. If you fail the challenge, don't blame me!

Naqi and Qianye Feng shook hands and said.

Come out, Great Wang Yan!

Go, Great Wang Yan!

Qianye Feng glanced at Naqi, who also smiled back. Obviously, both of them wanted to know the strength gap between the two kings.

Big Wang Yan, use Shunfeng!

As Naqi finished speaking, her heterochromatic king swallow was surrounded by an air current. The appearance of this air current made her speed soar so much that Qianye Feng could hardly see its figure clearly. .

Big Wang Yan, move at high speed!

At this time, Qianye Feng could only let King Yan use the acceleration skill. Although the speed boost of the high-speed movement skill was not as much as that of Tongfeng, it could at least allow King Yan to barely keep up with the opponent's footsteps and capture the opponent's figure.

Then, the two King Swallows began to attack super fast, colliding in the sky. At this time, Qianye Feng could not give any effective instructions, fearing that the King Yan would be distracted by his own instructions.

However, as time went by, Qianye Maple's King Swallow gradually gained the upper hand. The most important factor of Naqi's King Swallow was its super speed.

When its speed could not crush Qianye Feng's King Swallow, Qianye Feng's King Swallow gradually took the initiative by virtue of its size and endurance.

However, as the injuries on his body worsened and his physical strength was exhausted, King Yan of the Different Colors could no longer maintain his ultra-fast state.

Da Wang Yan, use recklessness!

Naqi ordered directly after seeing that her king Yan's physical strength was almost exhausted.

Great Wang Yan, come back to life!

Qianye Feng was also shocked when he heard the skill that the other party was about to use. This skill was a magical skill that forced the balance of both sides' vitality.

However, his reaction speed is also very fast, allowing Da Wang Yan to use Resurrection directly. After a large amount of vitality is eliminated by the opponent, the power of this skill can be greatly enhanced.

Sure enough, after being hit by the opponent's reckless skill, the King Yan endured the pain caused by this skill and directly used the resurrection skill. After being hit by this skill, the heterochromatic King Yan just screamed and fell from the sky. down.

Qixi Bluebird, catch the big king swallow!

When Naqi saw that her big king swallow had lost its fighting ability and fell from the air, she let the Qixi Blue Bird catch the big king swallow in mid-air to prevent it from causing secondary damage due to the fall.

Great King Yan, Yuqi!

Seeing that the battle was over, Qianye Feng hurriedly asked King Yan to use Yuqi to restore itself. After all, its current condition was very bad.

How's it going? Is your big Wangyan okay?

Qianye Feng walked up to Na Qi and asked.

It's fine now. I just gave it some pain medicine. It will be fine after returning to the elf ball to rest. Also, the game just now was very exciting.

Naqi looked at Qianye Feng and said.

What a wonderful battle, Xiaofeng. Since you have won, I will also abide by the agreement and upgrade the illustrated book for you.

Dr. Odamaki also came over at this time and said.

Sorry to trouble you!

Qianye Feng handed the Elf Illustrated Book to Dr. Odamaki and said.

Naqi's purpose of coming to Weibai Town had been achieved, so she declined Dr. Odamaki's invitation and planned to leave directly. After all, she still had the gym to take care of and could not leave for too long.

However, when she learned that Qianye Feng would go to Yinyu Gym for a gym challenge in the future, she was still very happy and said that she would let Wang Yan from both sides compete again.

Since Qianye Maple only had one flying elf, King Yan, by his side, and King Yan was tired enough today, he agreed to Dr. Odamaki's invitation to stay one night at his research institute.

After that, he wandered around the backyard of Odamaki Research Institute.

In Dr. Odamaki's backyard, Chiba Kaede saw many rare and cherished elves. He knew that most of these elves were fostered by other trainers under Dr. Odamaki's care.

There are various forms of the three royal families in the Hoenn region. Qianye Feng also saw a strong fire-breathing dragon. This was the third royal family in the Kanto region. Before traveling through time, Qianye Feng also dreamed of owning such a tall and powerful dragon. Charizard.

Suddenly, a wrist appeared in front of him. It was doing push-ups. Qianye Feng didn't know how long it had been training.

However, it can be seen from the pool of water under its body and the large amount of sweat on its forehead that it has been exercising for a long time.

Of course, these are not the most critical. The most eye-catching thing is that there is only one arm left in this wrist. Yes, it is doing push-ups with its only left hand.

Qianye Feng didn't know why this arm was working so hard, nor why its arm was missing, but when he saw this scene, he was inexplicably touched.

Qianye Feng didn't mean to disturb it. He just took out a bottle of Moo Milk from his backpack and placed it next to it, hoping that it could drink it when it was thirsty.

But Wanli just glanced at Qianye Feng indifferently, without even stopping his movements. From its eyes, Qianye Feng saw indifference, a sense of isolation that refused to communicate with the outside world.

This world is real. He has experienced a period of wilderness survival and knows how terrifying the wild environment is.

Natural selection and survival of the fittest are clearly reflected. Many elves and trainers will die and become disabled due to various reasons. Qianye Maple is no longer surprised.

It's just that the wrist strength in front of me can still cheer up and work hard after losing his powerful right hand. This kind of spirit is really amazing.

Dr. Odamaki, can I ask about the condition of the arm in the backyard?

During lunch, Qianye Feng finally couldn't hold it back and asked.

You name it, this is a kid who works very hard, but unfortunately he doesn't have good luck!

Dr. Odamaki also sighed a little when he saw Chiba Kaede asking about his wrist strength.

Afterwards, Dr. Odamaki began to talk about the past of wrist power.

It turns out that Wrist is not born with a disability. It was once the elf of a trainer who set out from Baibai Town. However, during an expedition deep into the Chenghua Forest, the trainer encountered a group of wild giant wolfhounds.

It may be that the trainer injured the young coyote, which angered the entire wolfdog group. Wrist's right arm was bitten off by the wolfdog in that battle.

Naturally, this trainer was also seriously injured. If a powerful trainer hadn't arrived in time, they would have been torn apart by the angry wolfdog pack and become one of the many missing persons.

But since then, the trainer has been scared out of his wits. After recovering from the injury, he gave up his identity as a trainer and settled in a big city, but Arms was abandoned by him in Dr. Odamaki's research institute.

Wrist probably felt that he was abandoned by the trainer because he was too weak to protect himself, so he started training himself crazily from then on.

During this period, Dr. Odamaki also made a lot of efforts, but still could not change its mind, and in the end he had no choice but to let it go.

Doctor, haven't you thought about finding another trainer for it?

Qianye Feng asked directly after hearing what happened to Wrist.

I have looked for it before, but most of the trainers refused because the wrist strength was disabled. Some trainers like you who recognized the wrist strength's efforts also tried to take away the wrist strength, but they were all rejected by it.

Dr. Odamaki said helplessly.

So that's it. So, Dr. Odamaki, can I try to subdue it?

Qianye Feng asked.

It's possible, but don't have too much hope.

Dr. Odamaki felt that the probability of Qianye Kaede being successfully recognized by Arm Force was low, but he would not stop him. After all, he also hoped that Arm Force could have a good ending.

I think I can get the wrist recognition, Dr. Odamaki, just wait!

After Qianye Feng finished speaking, he ran directly to the backyard.

Thanks to book friends Meng Lemeng and Ma Yuan Tofu for their monthly support!

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