I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 48 Something happened in the orphanage

Big Milk Tank, say hello to everyone!

Qianye Feng came to the yard and released the big milk tank from the elf ball.

The released big milk tank looked at the completely different environment around it, feeling a little novel and yearning for it.

Stepping on the green grass, the breeze blew by, and the afterglow of the sunset fell on them, giving them a comfortable feeling, as if they were born to run on the grassland.


Big Milk Can shouted to everyone.

Hello, big milk tank. My name is Iida Akiko. Can I be your friend?

Akiko Iida, who was playing with the sheep, saw the big milk can and ran over quickly and said.

She was answered with a hug from the big tits, and she returned the favor with a warm hug.

This means that she and Big Milk Tank are already good friends.

It turns out that the big milk tank has been born, how wonderful it is!

Mizuno Yuta held the elf egg of Proud Yan and said enviously.

Ever since he got the Elf Egg of Proud Swallow, he would take it with him wherever he went, for fear that he wouldn't be around when Proud Swallow was born.

Calculate the time, your Arrogant Swallow will be born in a day or two, so you don't have to be envious.

Chiba Kaede said to Mizuno Yuta.

Haha, I know this, but the closer I get to the hatching time of the Proud Swallow, the more nervous I become.

Mizuno Yuta scratched his head and said.

Yuri, I'll have to take care of the big milk tank from now on!

Chiba Kaede said to Terada Yuri.

He now needs to step up his training of his own elves. Only by improving his strength can he cope with the next gym challenge and Caiyu Conference. Since he has chosen to participate, he must go all out.

Of course there's no problem, boss, just leave it to me!

Naturally, Terada Yuri would not refuse Chiba Kaede's request and agreed directly.

After dinner, Qianye Feng began to plan which gym he would challenge first. After all, he still needed to challenge 7 gyms. Thinking about it was overwhelming, so he needed to carefully plan the challenge route.

Through studying the map of Hoenn, he found that he could first challenge the Zijin Gym which was relatively close to his home.

Then, go to the Kamayan Gym where Asha is located, and finally challenge the Kanaz Gym. After completing this round of gym challenges, you can return to Chiba Farm from Kanaz City for some rest, and then continue Next round of gym challenges.

After Qianye Feng's calculations, Wang Yan would drive him to his destination. If everything goes well, it would only take him more than half a month to complete the challenges of the three gyms.

Now that the route has been decided, Qianye Feng plans to train his elf for a while before setting off.

Come on, Da Wang Yan!

Have you not eaten, Heracross, and Mr. Mosquito Repellent?

It is now the 10th day since Qianye Feng returned to Qianye Farm, and now it is the fifth battle between Heracross and Mr. Mosquito Repellent to challenge King Yan.

Since their first battle ended in a draw, both sides were somewhat unconvinced by the outcome of the battle.

The result is that both sides want to challenge again, and Qianye Maple will naturally not refuse. The previous challenges resulted in one win, one loss, and two draws, so this game is particularly important to them.

However, the result may be a bit unfriendly to Heracross and Mosquito Repellent.

Since King Yan returned to the farm, I don't know if the previous battle was too fierce, which made it break through its own limit. Its height has increased by a step, and it has reached a height of 2.1 meters, which is higher than now. The Chiba Maple is much taller.

Not only that, but also the power and release speed of Da Wang Yan's skills are enhanced. This advantage becomes more and more important as time goes by.

Although Heracross and Mr. Mosquito Repellent have also grown a lot during this period, there is still a gap between them and King Yan.

This gap had actually been revealed the last time they fought, but it was just not as obvious as this fight.

Sure enough, with King Yan's brave bird attack skills, both Heracross and Mosquito Repellent lost their ability to fight. Although King Yan was scarred at this time, he was still capable of fighting.

After Wang Yan saw his opponent fall, he also flew back to the ground, then his whole body glowed with white light, and he used the Yuqi skill to restore his physical strength.

That's right, Wang Yan has already understood Yuqi's recovery skill. Qianye Feng thinks that he should have taught it the sleeping skill. He also used his ability on it many times so that it can understand some techniques of using life energy. Only in this way can he learn the recovery skill of Yuqi without any teacher.

Of course, Yuqi's skill is not easy to use in battle. The conditions for using this skill require King Yan to fall to the ground, and this will also give the opponent a chance to attack him.

Therefore, this skill can only restore one's own state and maintain one's endurance after defeating the opponent.

Shuttlecock, use the grass field!

This shuttlecock flower just evolved from shuttlecock grass a few days ago. After the evolution, its grass field effect is much better.

Through its evolution, Qianye Feng also learned that even if he does not fight, as long as he repeatedly exercises his skills and maintains sufficient nutrition, he can improve his level and evolve.

It is worth mentioning that two proud swallows among the proud swallows have evolved into king swallows. This has a lot to do with the large amount of energy cubes provided by Chiba Farm and regular training.

These two king swallows are of normal size and are more than half shorter than Qianye Maple's king swallows. They cannot carry people on flights for the time being, otherwise they would make it easier for other people on Qianye Farm to travel.

However, once they grow for a while, manned flights should not be a problem.

Hey, boss, I'm really sorry for disturbing your training. Could you please let Da Wang Yan take me to Chunhua Town?

On the other end of the phone, Terada Yuri's anxious voice came over.

Don't worry, tell me what happened.

Qianye Feng asked.

It's like this. I just received a call from Mei Ling. She said that she didn't know what happened. A fire suddenly broke out in the orphanage. After Grandma Uchino rescued them from the fire, she passed out and is now in a coma. Sent to the hospital in town.

Terada Yuri said to Chiba Kaede with a slight cry.

Wait for me, I'll rush back right away!

After Qianye Feng finished speaking, he immediately took back the other elves, then rode back to Qianye Farm on King Yan, who had mostly recovered.

Since the venue Qianye Feng chose for the battle between King Yan and the others was not far from his farm, it only took him a few minutes to return to his farm home.

Yuri, you and I will go there. Yui and Yuta are responsible for taking care of Akiko and the farm. Wait for our news!

Qianye Feng looked at the anxious faces and said.

Afterwards, Qianye Kaede pulled Terada Yuri onto the back of the big king swallow, and let the big king fly directly to Chunhua Town. With the current strength of the big king swallow, it was very easy to fly the two of them.

Yuri, should we go directly to the hospital now, or should we go to the orphanage first?

Qianye Feng asked.

Let's go to the hospital first. I just heard from Meiling that they have all been taken to the hospital in the town.

Since Da Wangyan's speed has improved a lot during this period, it only took less than 8 minutes to arrive at Chunhua Town Hospital.

After asking the nurse at the door, Chiba Kaede and Terada Yuri came to the ward on the second floor.

Sister Yuri, you are finally here, our family is gone, woohoo!

When the three remaining children in the orphanage saw Yuri Terada, they seemed to have found a backbone, and they all gathered around and hugged her.

Don't cry yet. How is Grandma Uchino?

Terada Yuri touched their heads and then asked.

I heard from the nurse sister that Grandma Uchino inhaled a lot of smoke in order to save us. Her lung problems are serious and she may need to rest for a long time to recover!

Yoshino Mirei said sadly.

Meiling, you don't have to be sad. I believe that Grandma Uchino will get better in the future.

Terada Yuri felt a little uncomfortable when she heard the news, but she still endured her sadness and comforted Yoshino Mirei.

Is it Yuri?

At this time, Rie Uchino, who was lying on the hospital bed, woke up and called out.

It's me, Grandma Uchino, are you okay?

Terada Yuri hurried to the hospital bed, grabbed Uchino Rie's hand and asked eagerly.

Ahem, I'm fine, I just feel a little uncomfortable in my throat. Don't worry!

Rie Uchino said after coughing a few times.

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