I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 422 Encounter

While Chiba Kaede was immersed in the joy of evolving Gyarados mega, Takemoto Yui and Ogata Akino were heading towards their destination.

During this period, they set out from Chunhua Town and tried not to use the King Yan to travel along the way. Instead, they relied on their legs to experience all the scenery on the road.

Takemoto Yui and Ogata Akino chose Yinyu City as their first stop because there is a flying attribute gym, Yinyu Gym, and the gym leader Naki is also a friend of Chiba Kaede.

For them, the initial elves are proud swallows, and here they can learn many skills about flying.

During this period, Ogata Akino subdued another flying mantis, while Takemoto Yui subdued a mushroom.

Compared to Ogata Akino's persistence in flying elves, Takemoto Yui is more casual. As long as she likes the elves, she will conquer them no matter what attributes they are.

The two of them walked together towards their destination, Yinyu City, during which they met many new trainers like them.

It is also a coincidence that Qianye Feng opened a breeding house to provide people around Chunhua Town with proud swallow elf eggs and mosquito tadpole elf eggs, so at the beginning they found that many new trainers' initial elves were these two. kind.

However, unlike them who evolve the Arrogant Swallow into the King Swallow and then travel, most new trainers take their own Arrogant Swallow and Mosquito Tadpole and then carry their backpacks and travel.

Therefore, Ogata Akino and Takemoto Yui rely on their two giant swallows to stand out among the cute newcomers.

At least when they were adventuring in the forest, they relied on the advantages of flying elves to save many rookie trainers who were ill-prepared for the dangers of the wild.

Of course, the two also encountered several dangers during this period. The most dangerous one was when they encountered a group of wild giant wolfhounds known as newcomer killers in the forest.

Fortunately, the two relied on the big king swallow to carry them away from the siege of the big wolf dog group. Although Ogata Akino's big king swallow was hit by the evil wave of the big wolf dog leader when flying away, and suffered a lot of damage. But at least he escaped.

After recuperating in a nearby town for a few days, when the two were about to continue setting off, they suddenly heard unusual stormy weather near Kaina City, which lasted for several days.

At this time, the two of them could no longer care about traveling, and quickly contacted Terada Yuri via mobile phone to inquire about the specific situation.

Originally, the two planned to return to Chiba Farm to help with disaster relief, but before they set off, news came from Yuri Terada that the storm had passed, and the situation at Chiba Farm was also very good, so there was no need for them to rush back. .

So after they breathed a sigh of relief, they decided to continue their journey to Yinyu City.

On this day, Ogata Akino and Takemoto Yui set up their temporary camp beside a creek on the way to Inyu City.

Afterwards, the two began to conduct daily training on their elves. During this time of traveling, the two of them had deeply realized the importance of their own elves' strength.

Without the support of Da Wangyan's strength along the way, they would not have been able to get here. Born as orphans, they lacked a sense of security, so they worked harder to train their elves and improve their strength.

"Sister Akino, I have finished my training today, how about you?"

Takemoto Yui wiped the sweat from her forehead, and then asked Ogata Akino, who was still training at the side.

"Yuyi, please go back and rest first, I will train for a while!"

Ogata Akino showed a smile to Takemoto Yui, then waved his hands.

"Okay then, I'll go back and prepare lunch first, and don't train for too long!"

Takemoto Yui did not force it, and returned to the camp with King Yan and Momo Mushroom, planning to prepare lunch at noon.

Although this period of time was very hard, it gave Yui Takemoto a novel experience that she had never had since she was a child. She felt an unfettered and free life.

It feels like her whole world has been completely opened. She wants to experience more things and see different scenery. Until one day she is tired of this kind of life, she will return to Chiba Farm, because she has regarded it as own home.

While Takemoto Yui was humming a song leisurely and cooking their lunch, a gaze in the grass not far away from her was looking at her.

This is a small beast with jet black fur and a tuft of fiery red hair on its head. However, its current condition is very poor and listless, and there is a scar on its hind leg that has not yet healed. Because of this scar, It looked painful from time to time.

The little beast sniffed hard, and a few drops of liquid dripped from the corner of its mouth. It couldn't find food at all because it was being hunted. It had not eaten for several days, and its stomach was growling at this time.

The female human in front is cooking food that makes her mouth water, so she is attracted and stops here for a long time.

However, because it has been hunted by humans for a long time, this little beast does not dare to be exposed to humans now.

Although he had some concerns, the alluring fragrance still made the little beast unable to restrain himself.

Its smart little eyes turned, it laughed mischievously a few times and then changed its appearance directly, turning into a cute and cute Pichu, but this Pichu still had a huge wound on its leg.


Just as Takemoto Yui was happily loading the cooked lunch on the plate, a slightly weak cry caught her attention.

When Takemoto Yui turned her head and looked towards the source of the cry, she found a very cute Pichu standing not far from her, looking at her with some vigilance.

Takemoto Yui, who had no resistance to cute things, immediately brightened up her eyes, but she didn't do anything too outrageous for fear of scaring the Pichu in front of her.

"Hello little one!"

Yui Takemoto happily greeted Pichu.


Pichu responded pitifully, but its eyes were fixed on the food that had been plated.

"You must be hungry, just wait!"

Seeing this scene, Yui Takemoto wouldn't know what Pichu meant. It was obviously attracted by the food.

Soon, Takemoto Yui took out another plate, then filled a plate full of food and placed it in front of Pichu. She even placed a primary energy cube she made on the plate.

Pichu looked at the food in front of him and couldn't bear it. At this time, he didn't care about being vigilant and just grabbed the food and ate it quickly.

Not long after, the full plate of food was eaten by Pichu, and he was seen lying leisurely on the grass with his bulging belly. Apparently, he was no longer wary of Yui Takemoto at this time.

"Pichu, I see your leg is injured, let me help you take care of it!"

Takemoto Yui had long discovered the scars on Pichu's legs, so after Pichu had eaten enough, she took out the wound medicine and planned to help Pichu deal with it.

Pichu looked at the medicine in Yui Takemoto's hand and did not refuse. Instead, he nodded to her very gratefully.

Then Takemoto Yui carefully helped Pichu treat the wound and then bandaged it. (End of chapter)

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