I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 419 Boni VS Tutuyun (2)

With the formation of the extremely cold realm of the Ice Demon Guard, Land Cloud can no longer despise King Boni and the Ice Demon Guard as it did at the beginning.

Although the Ice Ghost Guard is still unable to cause much damage to Di Yun, as time goes by, the proportion of ice attribute energy in the extreme cold field is getting higher and higher, and even allows Di Di Yun to mobilize ground attribute energy and flight. I feel a sluggish feeling when I attribute energy.

Moreover, Diyun Yun could feel that its movement speed in the sky had slowed down a lot, and its whole body was covered by some tiny ice crystals. It was these ice crystals that affected its movements.

Di Diyun also rarely became serious at this time. It knew that if it continued like this, it would probably be trapped and die in this area covered by ice and snow.

Although it is not clear how the Ice Ghost Guard did it, Tu Tuyun still plans to use his own strength to defeat this extremely cold field that is trying to surround it.

As the land cloud roared, the hot sand storm skill containing its original energy was released. The scorching sand swept by the strong wind began to spread outward, causing the entire arctic field to shake.

Whenever the sand touches the snowflakes, it will make a "chichi" sound, just like a red-hot iron being put into cold water.

Suddenly the fog began to fill, and Chiba Kaede and Terada Yuri couldn't even see clearly the figures of Tuchiyun and Hyoukigo.

However, Qianye Feng knew that at this time, Di Tu Yun and Ice Ghost Guard were competing in terms of energy. If Tu Tu Yun's hot sand storm broke through the extremely cold field that Ice Ghost Guard had carefully arranged, then Ice Ghost Guard would be at an extremely disadvantageous position. situation.

"Hyogoku, mega evolution!"

Just when Ice Ghost Guard was unable to suppress Tutu Yun's hot sand storm skills, King Boni decisively began to carry out mega evolution in order to check Tu Tu Yun's terrifying power.

King Boni and Hyou Demon Guard have already been able to communicate with each other, so when she called out the mega evolution, the key stone and super stone between the two parties directly fired out beams and linked together.

Following this, the light of evolution filled the Ice Ghost Guard's body, and soon the Super Ice Ghost Guard's figure appeared.

After the mega evolution, the power of the Super Ice Ghost Guard has made a significant leap. The extremely cold field that was about to be penetrated by the hot sand storm has stabilized under the blessing of the power of the Super Ice Ghost Guard.

The mega-evolved Super Ice Ghost Guard can form extremely cold blizzards with just one breath and one breath. There is no need to use skills to form blizzards like before.

Tornado Cloud and Thunder Cloud who were watching the battle looked solemn at this time. They were not in the mood to watch the show at all. After all, they were defeated by Dianxi's mega evolution before. For this mysterious power, Tornado Cloud and Thunder Cloud Thunder and lightning clouds are still a fear.

Now I am secretly surprised to see that Ice Ghost Guard has made a qualitative leap in strength after the mega evolution. This level of improvement is even greater than the last time Tornado Cloud merged into the manifestation mirror and transformed into a spirit beast form. .

And unlike Dian Xi, who only has the power of one blow after the mega evolution, Bonny King and Ice Ghost Guard have mastered this power skillfully, and can stimulate the power of Super Ice Ghost Guard to the greatest extent.

However, even if Ice Ghost Guard completes the super evolution, he has only upgraded his power to a level similar to that of Di Yun in the spiritual beast form, and is still unable to crush Di Di Yun in terms of strength.

Unlike Tutu Yun, the Super Ice Ghost Guard also cooperates with the top trainer Bonny King. This is also the key to the trainer and his own elves being able to defeat the strong with the weak.

With the bond between King Boni and the Super Ice Demon Guard, coupled with King Boni's amazing commanding talent, he suddenly began to suppress the earth cloud, constantly compressing its space of movement, making it somewhat tired. response.

"King Boni is so powerful, he can actually command the Super Ice Ghost Guard to suppress Tutuyun!"

At this time, Terada Yuri's eyes were filled with little stars when she looked at King Boni, and her admiration was beyond words.

Although Yuri Terada didn't like commanding elves to fight, she was still involuntarily attracted to King Boni. She was very envious of the calmness, calmness and elegant temperament of a mature woman.

Terada Yuri looks forward to becoming a woman like Bonny in the future, or at this moment, Bonny has become the embodiment of beauty in her heart.

Chiba Kaede did not deny Terada Yuri's emotion. After all, he could fight Tutu Yun, a fantasy spirit, to this extent with ordinary elves. Even his King Yan could not do it now.

However, Chiba Kaede knows that there is a time limit for mega evolution. If the Super Ice Ghost Guard cannot defeat Tutu Yun in the form of a spiritual beast within a short period of time, after its time runs out, there will be no chance of winning or losing the game. suspense.

Sure enough, after the Super Ice Ghost Guard released a powerful blizzard, its form returned to the Ice Ghost Guard form, and it became breathless due to excessive physical exertion.

"I lost!"

After completing a mega evolution with Hyou Demon Guard, King Boni's spirit was also a little sluggish, but after considering the overall situation, she immediately admitted defeat to Tutuyun.

King Boni's surrender made Tutuyun, who had been passively beaten for a while, depressed. It had already been gearing up to show the Ice Demon Guard some color, but it didn't expect that it would end before it even started to be implemented.

After a battle with Tutuyun, King Boni couldn't help but sigh at the strength of the phantom elf.

She could feel that Tu Tuyun did not release all her power during the battle with her. Even so, her Super Ice Ghost Guard could not cause much damage to Tutu Yun.

There is a gap in strength between ordinary elves and fantasy elves. Even though the super evolution has made their strength infinitely close, they are still unable to surpass them. In other words, the current Bonny King and Ice Ghost Guard are inferior in strength. Still can't compare to Di Yun.

However, King Boni was not discouraged. The battle with Tutu Yun allowed her to see the way forward clearly. She believed that as long as she continued to travel along this path, one day she would be able to give the Ice Demon Guard a strength that surpassed Tu Tuyun. .

After this battle, no matter whether it was Earth Cloud, Tornado Cloud or Thunder Cloud, they no longer dared to look down upon the human woman in front of them. The strength shown by King Boni earned her respect in front of Miyun.

"King Bonny, go back and take a rest!"

Chiba Kaede and Terada Yuri walked up to King Boni and said.

"Well, I'm sorry to bother you!"

King Bonnie did not reject the kindness of Qianye Feng and the others. After all, she really needed a good rest at this time. The battle with Tutuyun had left her physically and mentally exhausted.

Then, accompanied by Qianye Feng and Terada Yuri, the three of them walked towards the hut where Terada Yuri lived. As for the other elves, they dispersed. Qianye Feng was only followed by Dianxi and Xiemi.

However, Chiba Kaede was not able to say a few words to King Boni along the way. Yuri Terada showed an uncharacteristic liveliness of a girl.

The conversation between her and King Boni continued, and Qianye Feng on the side could hear the two laughing from time to time as if they had a tacit understanding. (End of chapter)

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