Xia Feng never liked talking about preferential treatment policies for prisoners. When he came to Quan City, he kept Xianghan in the trunk. It was not until last night that he took advantage of Lu Qingyun to lead someone to pull out the corpses of two mutated cats. At that time, Xiang Feilong put him in a sack and carried him back.

Under Mo Xiaomo's control, Xianghan had already explained everything he could, but tonight, Xia Feng planned to investigate the Holy Sect, and he still wanted to know about the distribution of troops in the Holy Sect.

The main altar is in the original town government. There is a ten-person team standing guard at the door, and two ten-person teams patrolling the courtyard. The prophet's photo stone is placed in the conference room on the second floor of the government building. The people living in the building are at least second-level gods. The envoys, especially the second floor, are the residences of the left and right guardians and our third-level divine envoys. Xihan introduced the armed forces of the holy sect.

Xia Feng knew that all holy sects were called divine envoys. The second-level divine envoys were second-level supernatural beings. The third-level divine envoys were third-level supernatural beings. Ordinary people were first-level divine envoys. As for the protectors, they were also third-level supernatural beings. A capable person is just stronger than a divine envoy.

According to the grading principles formulated by Xia Feng himself, the guardians on the left and right are likely to be top evolvers, at least those who are more defiant in some aspects like Mo Xiaomo. As for the third-level divine envoys, there are still Shifang in the past. Judging from their performance, they should all be very powerful superpowers.

Therefore, after listening to what Xihan said, he asked: I remember you said before that there are four third-level divine envoys in the Holy Sect. Apart from you and Shifang, what abilities do the remaining two have? Let’s talk about it together with the Dharma protectors. www.zbcxw.cn Xingxing Novel Network

Both the left guardian and the right guardian have the same ability. They can control gravity. If they join forces, few people at the same level can be their opponents. As for King Kong and Sekirei, they have ape-like beast transformation and fire control respectively. Ability. Xihan replied calmly.

Hearing this, Xia Feng nodded slightly, then turned to Mo Xiaomo and said, I'm going out for a while. You have to work hard at night and guard the house. I'm worried that the twelve Taibao people will plot something evil.

Okay, I won't let any bad friends in. Mo Xiaomo nodded seriously and said.

Xia Feng is still very relieved about Mo Xiaomo. Although it seems harmless to humans and animals, his mind invasion is a magical skill. Not to mention the Thirteen Taibao, I believe that even the Three Provinces Alliance can't do anything to him.

After the explanation was completed, Xia Feng transformed into a black bat and flew towards the main altar of the Holy Sect under the cover of night. After a while, he saw the town government building.

The building was brightly lit, and there were faint sounds of laughter. In a daze, it seemed to have returned to the ordinary situation before the doomsday. However, the roar of the engine accompanied by the laughter made Xia Feng understand that this was a sacred thing. The sect found a powerful diesel generator so it could supply electricity to the building.

The sentry of the Holy Sect was just as Xihan said, it was very strict, but there were no guards on the top of the building. Xia Feng simply landed on the top of the building, then continued to transform, turned into a little fly, and flew quietly Go in.

The Holy Sect is not a regular army, and the superpowers are not well-trained soldiers. The guards in the building are very lax. However, some sounds of drinking and playing cards can be heard in the room, and there are even some men and women umming. The cry of ah made the whole building seem a little noisy.

Xia Feng expressed his understanding of this. Survivors after the apocalypse face a crisis of death every day, even those with superpowers. They spend their lives searching for supplies during the day. If they are not allowed to vent at night, the pressure will accumulate. , but something big will happen.

Moreover, their venting allowed Xia Feng to perfectly hide the noise caused by flying flies and flew all the way to the second floor. Once there, it was much quieter. Xia Feng turned into a gecko and crawled along the wall. .

The perception of level three superpowers is far beyond that of ordinary people. The slightest movement will arouse their vigilance. In addition, the animals after the apocalypse have all become mutant beasts. Compared with flies, the silent geckos are more concealed. .

Crawling quickly with his limbs against the wall, Xia Feng quickly arrived at the door of the conference room. Before he entered, he heard a deep voice coming from the conference room: Prophet, I'm sorry to bother you so late.

It's a coincidence. Xia Feng sighed secretly in his heart, and climbed in quietly along the crack of the conference room door. As he climbed, a hoarse voice also came into his ears: It doesn't matter, I know you guys What do you want to ask, Shifang is dead, Ehanhan is not in good condition, and the mission has failed.

This is the prophet. He has such an ugly voice. He must also be ugly. No wonder he dares not see anyone.

Xia Feng was very resentful towards the hidden prophet and silently cursed in his heart. At the same time, he found a dark corner shrouded in shadows and slowly looked at the scene in the conference room.

At this time, two men in their thirties were standing in the conference room. One was wearing a black leather jacket, and the other was wearing a white leather jacket. It was hard to tell what the material was, but it looked a bit like combat uniforms from the future world.

The two of them look exactly the same. They should be the guardians of the left and right in the mouth of Qi Han. The two of them are standing on the left and right sides of the conference table. In front of them, there is a blue stone wall more than two meters high. There are many inscriptions engraved around the stone wall. The mysterious silver inscription in the center seemed to be thrown into the water of pebbles, causing ripples.

As the ripples spread, a somewhat blurry figure could be seen, a figure shrouded in a black robe. It was unclear whether he was a man or a woman, but his body looked very bloated. He must be the mysterious prophet.

Then what should we do next, continue to wait? Guardian Zuo, dressed in white, asked again.

You continue to step up the collection of blood essence and improve your own strength. I will soon be able to decipher the secrets of the battleship. At that time, we will be invincible. Whether it is zombies or the Silver Moon Wolf King, they will all fall apart. The hoarse voice seemed a little excited, and there was a faint sense of breaking at the end.

But Xia Feng keenly grasped two key words from his words, blood essence and battleship. Blood essence is easy to say. Since it needs people to collect it, the answer must be obtained from Xihan's mouth. But regarding battleship, it is necessary Think it over carefully.

Thinking about it carefully, the bows and arrows used by Shifang were spiritual weapons, and the clothes of the guardians on the left and right did not seem to be of normal workmanship. Xia Feng originally thought that the prophet had found a broken secret realm by virtue of his ability to predict, and had made some gains, but now it looks like Come on, it seems that his harvest does not stop there, he even built a battleship.

Xia Feng is very confident in his own defense. He doesn't pay attention to ordinary assault rifles at all. He is not too afraid of large-caliber artillery shells. Those things are powerful in large-scale destruction. As long as he doesn't take them stupidly, there will be nothing. A big problem, but if it were an alien warship or a weapon containing spiritual power, he might not be able to stop it.

To read the latest chapter of I am a zombie king in a doomsday world, please pay attention to the Knight Novel Network (www.tcknh.com)

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