I knew this was a treasure. Xia Feng turned his wrist, admired the yellow bracelet, and said proudly in his heart.

Although the yellow bracelet has no other variegated colors, it is inlaid with three prismatic gemstones, and there are also some bean-sized mysterious runes looming on the surface of the bracelet. It is not ordinary at first glance.

Xia Feng was wearing a bracelet, he clenched his fist and aimed it at the bluestone ground in the square, then punched it down. There was a loud boom sound, and the bluestone slabs within a radius of one meter were smashed into powder by the punch, causing cracks. It also spread out like a spider web, spreading over a distance of more than ten meters.

Sure enough, the strength has been increased by about twice.

Xia Feng looked at the yellow bracelet and said to himself that he had noticed the existence of this bracelet when he was fighting the Minotaur. Every time the Minotaur attacked with his right hand, the bracelet would light up, and the Minotaur The strength of the right hand is obviously much stronger than that of the left hand, which is obviously the reason for this bracelet.

Precisely because of observing this, Xia Feng immediately took off the bracelet when the tauren fell. Facts have proved that his guess was correct. After putting on the bracelet, he could clearly feel a surge of energy when punching. Integrated into the arm, making this punch more devastating.

Just a harvest is worth the price of admission, but for now, this is just an appetizer. A palace that can be guarded by such a huge formation and such a powerful tauren must be hidden inside. Holding an extraordinary treasure. www.zbcxw.cn Star Novels Network

Dozens of second-level power-type zombies gathered in front of Xia Feng. They walked to the palace gate first, roaring neatly from their mouths, and slowly pushed the heavy stone door open.

When the stone door opened, the scene in the palace slowly unfolded in front of Xia Feng. The first thing that caught his eye was a four-legged square tripod more than two meters high. Two lifelike blue ice dragons were coiled around the tripod. , with their dragon heads facing outward, each holding a black stone bead in their mouths.

Behind the Double Dragon Cauldron, there is a huge translucent ice crystal. Within the ice crystal, there is a monster that is four meters tall, covered with red scales, and has the head of a dragon. Even from a distance of more than ten meters, you can feel it. There was an indescribable ferocious aura.

It turns out that the formation and the bull-headed guards were guarding not the treasure, but this dragon man. Xia Feng finally understood the reason at this time. It should be said that this world exists to imprison this dragon man.

Thinking of this, Xia Feng's first thought was to leave immediately. The strength of a monster that can be treated so seriously can be imagined. If this monster breaks the seal, he and tens of thousands of zombies may not be able to resist it.

But another thought emerged uncontrollably in my mind. After the endless years of isolation here, everything has decayed. This monster's lifespan should have been exhausted long ago. If the remaining spiritual energy in the monster's body can be swallowed, then He will definitely be able to advance to level four.

While hesitating, Xie Dong also came over. Seeing the frozen dragon man, he said with surprise: Damn it! Why does this monster's body look similar to mine after transformation? Could it be my ancestor from prehistoric times? .”

He's your biological father hundreds of generations away. Xia Feng kicked Xie Dong and cursed angrily in his heart. He was really amused by this nervous guy with quick thinking.

Why did you kick me, Xiaomo, did he say anything? Xie Dong asked with a puzzled look on his face after being kicked.

No, you are not interested in me. Mo Xiaomo shook her head and said not far away.

While the two were talking, Xia Feng suddenly had an idea in his mind. He waved to Mo Xiaomo and said in his heart: Xiaomo, have you seen the dragon-headed man? Use your ability to invade his head and see if you can Feel something.”

Okay! I will activate the formation right now to make him beautiful. Mo Xiaomo agreed in a weird little language and walked to the huge ice crystal.

My friend, beauty has arrived. Mo Xiaomo shouted with a serious look on her face. She put her hands on the ice crystal at the same time and activated her superpower.

After a while, Mo Xiaomo put down her hands and said with aggrieved expression: Sir, I can't penetrate this layer of ice crystals.

Forget it if you can't penetrate it. Just go and wait for me outside! Remember to stay away. Xia Feng patted Mo Xiaomo's little head and asked her to leave the palace first. At the same time, she made up her mind.

Ever since he saw the power of mutant beasts and the strange abilities of humans, Xia Feng has always had a sense of crisis. Although he is living a comfortable life now, his status as a zombie is destined to become the enemy of mutant beasts and humans. .

The sea of ​​corpses formed by hundreds of thousands or even millions of zombies is very powerful, but it is not a threat to mutant beasts that can fly and humans who have evolved the ability to fly like vampires. Only if they are strong enough can they It is the greatest guarantee.

In order not to become a monster that everyone shouts about, and in order to become strong enough to find his parents and relatives, Xia Feng decided to take a gamble. Once successful, he would probably be directly promoted to the fourth level. Taking down the spiritual veins of the zoo will greatly improve the strength in a short period of time. If the sealed dragon man is still alive, he will admit it. The end of the world is coming anyway, so there is no shortage of this disaster.

As long as you are brave enough, the teacher will take maternity leave. Even if you are a bastard, you will die. I still don't believe you can live.

Xia Feng cheered himself up fiercely in his heart, and suddenly raised his palm. Five black chains came out of his palm, easily pierced into the ice crystal, and activated his devouring ability.

As a burst of cold energy came from the chain, Xia Feng knew that the ice crystals and the blue stone pillars outside came from the same source, and they also needed to be restored by the five poles to turn into spiritual energy.

Brother Feng, what are you doing? Are you ready to release this monster? Xie Dong asked in surprise when he saw Xia Feng using chains to swallow ice crystals.

Xie Dong had been wandering around the palace just now. Xia Feng was debating whether to break the seal and didn't notice him at all. When he opened his mouth, Xia Feng realized that he had only asked Mo Xiaomo to leave and actually forgot about it. Xie Dong was still here. He immediately waved his hand to Xie Dong and motioned for him to get out quickly.

You let me out? Xie Dong saw the gesture and was stunned for a moment. Then he shook his head and said, What nonsense are you talking about? This monster must be very powerful if it can be guarded so closely. Wouldn't it be very dangerous if it is alive? How can I I can leave you behind.

When Xia Feng heard this, he couldn't help but feel moved in his heart. This brother was really not in vain. At this time, he still stood firmly with him.

Just as he was moved, he heard Xie Dong say: You think I'm stupid! If you die and the zombies outside lose control, you won't be able to feed me even the dregs. Being with you will count as death. , I should still be able to keep a whole body, if I can’t die, and it still looks like I’m righteous enough, I can still settle this account.”

You'd better just die! Xia Feng cursed angrily in his heart, and raised his foot to kick him again, but Xie Dong was already on guard at this time, jumped back, and nimbly dodged.

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