
Under the magical skill of locking veins and swallowing spirits, the blue stone pillars that had been drained of energy were no longer as indestructible as before. They cracked with shocking cracks and finally collapsed completely, turning into a pile of rubble scattered on the ground.

After destroying the first stone pillar, the formation in the square did not disappear. Xia Feng walked to the second stone pillar and continued to swallow the soul with the pulse lock for the second round of devouring.

When he followed suit and devoured all the energy in the four blue stone pillars, the dragon head pattern on the square completely lost its energy source, the blue chains quietly disintegrated, and Xie Dong and others finally regained their freedom.

After Xia Feng devoured the energy of the four stone pillars, his size also increased to about 3.9 meters, and he was only one step away from advancing to the fourth level zombie.

At this time, the armor formed by the black crystals on his body was almost perfect. Important parts of his body were wrapped in thick armor, and his whole body exuded a deep black luster, like a knight from the dark abyss.

Hum hum!

Xia Feng was admiring the armor on his body when he heard the sound of a pig squealing in his ears. He turned around and saw Xie Dong riding on the back of the mutated pig, walking over triumphantly.

Brother Feng, you are becoming more and more handsome!

Xie Dong smiled and said hello, he is indeed a top-notch superpower. The demon has been frozen to the point of being unable to walk, but he is still full of energy and energy. Star Novels Network

That's right, I also feel that I am becoming more and more like the king of zombies. Xia Feng obviously didn't know the meaning of modesty in front of Xie Dong. He nodded in agreement, and then looked at the wild boar in front of him. More than a mutated beast that looked like a domestic pig, he suppressed a smile and said, You're not bad, pig-riding boy.

I don’t know how Xie Dong managed to tame this mutated pig so honestly. Although the mutated pig looked fierce and tall, it was still a pig. He couldn’t bear the thought of Xie Dong riding a pig. Can't help but want to laugh.

Xie Dong listened to Mo Xiaomo's translation and was not ashamed of it, but proud of it. He patted the mutated pig's huge head proudly and said with a smile: This pig is quite smart. If I beat it, it will grow old. To be honest, when I saw it on the road, I accepted it as a mount. After all, we are also the leaders of the base now, so we can’t walk every day.”

In that case, how about I give you a name, Pig Dragon King? Xia Feng teased casually.

As soon as these words came out, Xie Dong's eyes suddenly lit up, he clapped his hands hard and said: You are right, we should have a resounding name, but if Pig Dragon King is not good, just call him Dragon King. What about you? Just call him the Corpse King.

Speaking of names, Xia Feng also became interested, but he was not satisfied with the name Corpse King. However, he shook his head and said: The name Corpse King is not very nice. Zombies are a strange life between life and death. , just call him Pluto, which sounds more pleasant to your ears.

Hey! Pluto sounds better. When we encounter enemies in the future, we will use the names of Pluto and Dragon King to overwhelm them with momentum.

As Xie Dong said this, he did not forget to stretch out his hand and make a gesture of pointing a sword at the country.

The direction he pointed happened to be the dragon's head pattern in the square. Before he finished the action, he saw the ground with the dragon's head pattern carved on it suddenly shattered, and a pair of big purple hands broke out of the ground at this moment.

What the hell is this? Xie Dong opened his mouth in surprise.

Before he finished speaking, a huge bull's head emerged from the ground, and then jumped up. A giant puppet with a height of more than five meters and a body of a bull's head appeared on the square.


A series of weird notes popped out of Niutou's mouth, and then he waved his fist and hit the mutant Tiger King closest to him.

As the king of beasts, the King of Heaven showed no sign of weakness. He jumped up and rushed towards the Minotaur's fist.


The tauren's fist hit the huge tiger's head, making a muffled sound. The king's mountain-like body was thrown away and fell heavily to the ground. Little blood.


The King of Heaven let out a whine and struggled to get up from the ground, but failed. The Minotaur's simple punch actually caused the King of Heaven to lose his fighting ability.


The minotaur once again said the same strange note as before, then raised his foot and trampled towards a speed-type second-level zombie next to him.

The biggest characteristic of the speed zombie is its flexibility. He jumped up and narrowly avoided this kick. But the next moment, the Minotaur's fist fell from the sky and accurately hit the speed zombie's thin body, turning him into a A pile of minced meat.

This thing is too perverted! Xie Dong said in amazement as he watched the tauren display his power.

It's quite perverted, but this thing is a puppet. As long as it loses energy, it is just a pile of rotten wood. Xia Feng said calmly.

With the experience of meeting the puppets two times before, Xia Feng is not afraid of the tauren, although they are fierce. These guys who only know how to execute certain orders, have a single mind, and have limited energy are actually not difficult to deal with. As long as they find a way to drain them all That's energy.

While he was devouring the blue stone pillar, the zombie army had already arrived. With an order, a large number of zombie troops began to move and rushed towards the Minotaur like a tide, covering the entire square in the blink of an eye. It turned into a black ocean.

The tauren even the king of heaven

Even a mutant tiger can be killed with one punch, so it is no problem to deal with these ordinary zombies. Every time he punches, one or two zombies will be smashed into a pile of rotten meat. With a kick, seven or eight zombies will be killed. The zombie was kicked far away.

But the number of zombies is overwhelming. If the tauren kills one, there will even be two or three zombies to make up for it at the same time. Although he is killing non-stop, it is not enough to break the huge sea of ​​corpses. On the contrary, His own energy is depleted more and more.


Another string of weird notes came out, this time the pronunciation was completely different from the previous two times, and it should have a completely different meaning.

Sir, run quickly. He is talking about killing and destroying the lives of Han Lingzhu. His target is you. Mo Xiaomo reminded anxiously from the side.

Her powers were of the psychic type. When the Minotaur first began to speak, she tried to use psychic invasion to control the Minotaur. However, the Minotaur was a puppet and could not be controlled at all. However, she was able to detect the Minotaur's words through her psychic power. The meaning is just a warning to Xia Feng.

To read the latest chapter of I am a zombie king in a doomsday world, please pay attention to the Knight Novel Network (

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