As the corpse poison spread, the middle-aged man's body completely stiffened, shriveled up at a speed visible to the naked eye, and began to make the final transformation into a zombie.

But Xia Feng discovered that when the middle-aged man turned into a zombie, his body not only withered, but also shrank. The bones of his body made a dense sound like firecrackers, and strangely shrank to the size of a four or five-year-old child, as if he had practiced The legendary bone shrinking skill is average.

Compared to his body, the middle-aged man's head has grown instead of shrinking, reaching the size of a basketball. His eyes have bulged like fish bubbles. The hair on his head has fallen off and been replaced by black tentacles. , dancing in the air, like little black snakes.

Xia Feng counted exactly eight tentacles. The dancing of the eight tentacles contained a strange rhythm, and a shrill and hair-raising cry like a wild cat's meow also spread.

Xia Feng didn't feel anything about the cry. He just thought it was weird that the big-headed zombie could make sounds with its tentacles. However, the vampire and the ghost subconsciously frowned and backed away slowly, obviously affected.

They were doing well. When the hundreds of second-level zombies heard this cry, they all started to hold their heads and howl. They seemed to be losing control. Even the demon pupil let out a hoarse roar, and the third eye was raised. It seemed to be very uncomfortable to emit light that flickered on and off.

Roar! Xingxing Novel Network

Seeing this, Xia Feng opened his mouth, and a majestic roar burst out, suddenly suppressing the screams of the big-headed zombies, and the zombies around him also returned to normal.

Through this brief observation, Xia Feng understood that the ability of the big-headed zombies was related to mental power. They could control zombies by shouting, which was somewhat similar to the zombie-controlling divine light.

And according to Xia Feng's speculation, although the big-headed zombie has just transformed into a corpse, its level should have reached level three. It is likely that it has inherited some of the middle-aged man's abilities related to the use of mental power. Otherwise, it would be impossible to affect hundreds of zombies at once. level zombies and the level three zombies called Demon Eyes.

Xia Feng would definitely not let go of a special third-level zombie. He immediately raised his palm and said silently in his heart: Zombie Controlling Divine Light!

The expected cyan light did not appear. Instead, an invisible wave spread from the palm of his hand in all directions, like ripples impacting the big-headed zombie.


This time the big-headed zombie did not use its tentacles to make a sound. Instead, it opened its mouth and let out a sharp and shrill cry, as if it was resisting the corpse-controlling god's light.

But the power of the zombie-controlling divine light after transformation was far more powerful than before, easily destroying the resistance of the big-headed zombie. Invisible waves penetrated his body and controlled him tightly.

Xia Feng looked at this scene, and his heart was full of surprises. The corpse-controlling divine light had already evolved once during his first advancement. He didn't expect it to evolve again now. It must be related to his breakthrough in mental power. After all, from the root , Corpse control divine light is also a kind of mental control.

And according to his observations, after the current zombie-controlling divine light evolves into this invisible wave, it will not be blocked by buildings. In this way, it will be much faster to conquer the zombies in Zhangcheng District.

Not only that, the big-headed zombie's ability is also to control zombies. You can send the big-headed zombie out to help him control the zombies, so the efficiency will increase again.

Even though the ability of the big-headed zombies is not as infinite as that of the zombie-controlling divine light, being able to control tens of thousands of zombies at once would be of great help, allowing him to collect the scattered ones and bring them to Xia Feng for secondary control.

Of course, before that, the ability of the big-headed zombie must be tested first. Following Xia Feng's instructions, the big-headed zombie tremblingly climbed up from the ground and walked forward with stiff steps.

The speed was slower, even compared to the extraordinary first-level zombies. Xia Feng shook his head when he saw it, and gave him another punch command. The big-headed zombie immediately punched out. Unexpectedly, the head was too big, which affected the balance. He actually fell to the ground.

Xia Feng covered his face with his hands. He couldn't bear to watch anymore, but he still gave the order again in his heart: Attack the ground with mental power.

The big-headed zombie received the order and did not stand up. The tentacles above its head began to dance, and the shrill screams sounded again, but this time it had little impact on the surroundings, and was instead concentrated on the ground.

But after calling for a long time, even the withered grass on the ground showed no reaction. It seemed that he had not inherited the middle-aged man's method of directly using mental power to carry out physical attacks.

Alas! It seems that his greatest ability is to control zombies. As for his combat ability, it can be basically concluded that he is a weakling. Xia Feng made a conclusion based on the performance of the big-headed zombies.

Let's test the speed and range of controlling zombies!

With this in mind, Xia Feng waved his hand to summon a second-level power zombie, asking him to hold the big-headed zombie in his arms so as not to affect his speed on the road.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the second-level zombie picked him up, the big-headed zombie crawled onto the second-level zombie's head, squatting half-crouched on the scaly head. From a distance, it seemed as if it had brought something to the tall second-level zombie. top hat.

Xia Feng was close, but he looked carefully. When the big-headed zombie climbed onto the top of the second-level zombie, many octopus-like suction cups appeared on the soles of his feet, firmly fixing him on the smooth top of his head.

With this ability, he is really born without walking.

Xia Feng casually complained, and then led the team out of the picking garden and came to a somewhat shabby old street. The zombies here had not yet been subdued, so they could test the abilities of the big-headed zombies.

A sound like a kitten meowing in spring came out from the eight dancing tentacles again, spreading in all directions. The next moment, the zombies wandering on the street seemed to have heard the rallying cry, and they all gathered towards the big-headed zombie.

Even the zombies in the surrounding shops and some old houses nearby broke out of the doors and all walked towards the big-headed zombies.

The speed of controlling zombies is very fast. The range is about three hundred meters in diameter. The effect is good. It's time to give you a name. Seeing that you have eight tentacles on your head and you were transformed from a person with mental powers, I will call you Yagami, hehe, when I was playing King of Fighters, I liked Yagami the most. Xia Feng decided on the name of the big-headed zombie in the future.

Just as he was feeling proud of his talent in naming, the mutated Tiger King Kong, who had been waiting quietly, suddenly let out a roar, and invisible sound waves swept towards a car not far away, instantly destroying the car that was worth a lot of money before the doomsday. The car flew up, revealing a human head hidden under the car.

To read the latest chapter of I am a zombie king in a doomsday world, please pay attention to the Knight Novel Network (

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