I'm a Corpse King in a Post-Apocalyptic World

Chapter 2 Monster Fighting and Evolution

With a low cry in his heart, several golden runes appeared on Xia Feng's shriveled palm. The next moment, chains as thick as five fingers rushed out from his palm and rushed towards the zombie he was aiming at.

The chain is completely black, with tiny golden lines all over it. The ends are tapered and exude a cold luster, giving people a strange and noble feeling.

The five chains were like five venomous snakes that preyed on others. They pierced the zombie's limbs and chest respectively. No matter how hard the zombie struggled, they did not loosen at all.

Immediately afterwards, a suction force erupted from the chain, and a hoarse wailing sound came from the zombie's mouth. The red eyes suddenly dimmed, and the body became more shriveled than before.

At the same time, Xia Feng clearly felt a warm current flowing into his body along the chain. After his limbs swam around in a circle, he disappeared, as if it was just his illusion.

But Xia Feng understood that this was not an illusion, because he clearly felt that his body was more flexible than before, his strength had also increased, and even his shriveled skin seemed to be showing signs of stretching again.

It seems that this soul-chaining soul-swallowing one can swallow the energy of other zombies and strengthen myself. I just don't know if it can only swallow zombies or anything else. Xia Feng looked at the zombies that fell straight to the ground as the chains were retracted. I was thinking silently in my heart.

But now except for zombies, there are no living things to be seen here, and there are no other test subjects, so we can only practice with these zombies.

This Dolphin Internet Cafe is quite large. There are sixty or seventy zombies wandering on the second floor alone. As Xia Feng launches his pulse-locking spirit swallowing again and again, the number of zombies begins to decrease sharply.

As more and more zombies were devoured, Xia Feng found that in addition to becoming more flexible and his shriveled skin began to stretch, his height also increased. He was originally 1.75 meters tall, but after turning into a zombie, he shrunk to 1 meter. Seven, but now there are signs of secondary growth, and it has jumped to about 1.9 meters.

However, what frustrated Xia Feng was that he showed no signs of turning into a human again. Not only were his nails getting sharper and his teeth getting sharper, but some fine black scales also began to grow on the surface of his skin. He was obviously turning into a monster. The road is getting farther and farther.

Fortunately, the apocalypse has come and the world has collapsed. Even if you turn into a monster and hide among millions of zombies, you don't need to worry about being taken away and sliced ​​for study.

In this devouring process, Xia Feng also explored many ways. First of all, the number of five chains is the limit. Two palms can only release so many, but the chains can be controlled. You can choose to attack at the same time. One target can also attack multiple targets separately.

However, if five chains attack together, the limbs and chest will be pierced at the same time. The chains will swim inside the zombie body and lock the joints, giving these zombies no chance to break free. But when one chain attacks, the zombies will definitely be able to break free. , especially some zombies that, like him, have begun to grow scales on their bodies, have a greater chance of breaking free, but they also absorb more energy than those ordinary zombies.

Most of these zombies had blood stains on their bodies, and they had obviously eaten a lot of flesh and blood. Xia Feng speculated that the flesh and blood should contain something that could allow the zombies to evolve, so the zombies would be strong or weak.

If this idea is correct, then his own pulse-sucking spirit swallowing should not only be able to swallow zombies, but also have an effect on humans. However, in the current city, even if there are survivors, they must be hiding, and now they can only I can steadily devour zombies to improve myself.

Xia Feng felt as if he was playing a game to brush monsters. The warm current was the experience of brushing monsters. The entire Internet cafe was a copy of the game. With his unremitting efforts, the monsters on the second floor of the copy had been wiped clean. Then it's time to go to the first level.

With the energy donated by the zombies on the second floor, Xia Feng was now close to two meters tall. Most of the area was covered with thick black scales, and his weight had also increased a lot. As he walked on the stairs, he made a muffled sound. , just like the prelude to the arrival of the BOSS.

The first floor was larger than the second floor, and there were naturally more zombies. Two of them were just hanging out at the top of the stairs. Xia Feng was not polite. He opened his palms skillfully, and five chains flew out, stabbing them accurately. He picked up two zombie bodies and started a new round of monster spawning journey.

When more and more zombies fell to the ground, Xia Feng's height became closer and closer to two meters, and at the same time, there were more and more scales on his body. When another zombie fell to the ground, a warm current circulated and dissipated in the body, and the little finger of his left hand At the fingertips, the last scale finally came out, and the height also grew to two meters at this time.

Click! Click!

Every joint in Xia Feng's body began to make noises. He felt extremely comfortable all over his body, as if some kind of imprisonment had been broken. He felt indescribably comfortable. He couldn't help but open his mouth and let out a low roar.

The roar spread, and the surrounding zombies seemed to have heard some terrible sound, and they all backed away. No one dared to come within one meter of Xia Feng.

Could it be that after evolution, it will still exert pressure on these ordinary zombies? Then can these zombies be controlled? If it can be controlled, wouldn't it mean that countless younger brothers will appear out of thin air?

As soon as this idea came up, the majestic voice burst out of my mind again: The ninth turn of the Corpse God, the second turn, controlling the light of the Corpse God.

The sudden sound made Xia Feng's head become confused again, and ghost images appeared in front of his eyes. However, he didn't know if it was due to the improvement in strength. He did not fall into coma this time. After shaking his head, his eyes recovered. The Qingming Festival.

Controlling the Corpse Divine Light is another new ability.

Xia Feng recalled the voice in his mind, then looked at the more than 20 zombies left in the Internet cafe, raised his palm again, aimed at one of them, and said silently in his heart: Zombie Controlling Divine Light.

The next moment, a stream of cyan light suddenly shot out from the palm of his hand, accurately hitting the zombie not far away.

The green light entered the body, and the zombie's body trembled slightly, and then returned to normal, but then, as if he had been summoned, he walked to Xia Feng and stood next to Xia Feng with stiff steps, like the most loyal guard.

Seeing this, Xia Feng nodded with satisfaction. Just like its name, this corpse-controlling divine light can control zombies. Just now, when the corpse-controlling divine light penetrated into the zombie's body, he had a reaction. As long as he thought about it, he could control it. Let this zombie do what it wants.

After controlling a zombie, Xia Feng was not satisfied. He once again set his sights on the remaining dozen zombies. He raised his palm again and activated the zombie-controlling divine light.

The familiar green light bloomed again, but what surprised Xia Feng was that this time it was not a single green light, but a dozen green lights flying out one after another, controlling all the remaining zombies in the Internet cafe.

Damn it, this is still a group skill, and the voice just said that the Corpse God has nine turns. Doesn't the second turn mean that I can also have seven different abilities? This is really Qin Shihuang eating pepper, winning! Xia Feng thought excitedly as he looked at the zombies in front of him.

While I was excited, a woman's scream suddenly came from my ears: Ah! Don't come over.

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