A peacock that has reached level three, can fly, and can control other mutant beasts as its little brother. It also occupies a spiritual vein that can continuously absorb spiritual energy. Whether it is its own talent or luck, it is definitely the template for the king among mutant beasts. , to be honest, Xia Feng really wanted to transfer fifty yuan to this mutant peacock and switch identities with it.

Although like the mutated peacock, the third-level golden python died in Xia Feng's hands, it was a calculated and unintentional sneak attack by Xia Feng, and he was lucky enough to stay on the python's head with the help of his horn. In the end, he could kill the golden python with the help of the two magical skills given to him by the two cyan jade talismans: Soul-locking and Soul-Swallowing and Five-Pole Rotation.

If it were a mutant peacock that could fly and be protected by a group of mutant beast brothers, Xia Feng's tricks would be completely useless. After all, he couldn't fly, so he was a target in the eyes of the mutant peacock.

As there was no way to deal with the mutated peacock, even if Xia Feng drooled over the zoo's spiritual veins, he could only keep his covetousness in his heart and start conquering the corpses in the university town step by step according to the original plan.

However, Xia Feng, the zoo's spirit vein, will not give up. Instead, he plans to wait until he is promoted to the fourth level zombie. At that time, the blue jade talisman will give him the fourth ability, and the magic pupil and some of his zombies will gradually advance. Then Only when the time comes can we have enough confidence to deal with the mutated peacock.

With the spiritual veins of the zoo as inspiration, Xia Feng also worked up his energy and spent three days without rest to gather all the zombies in the entire university town under his command. www.zbcxw.cn Star Novels Network

Of course, many survivors were found in such a large university town. Regarding them, Xia Feng also followed the original plan and controlled all the corpses to drive them towards the women's college, allowing Xie Dong to slowly conquer them. Even Lin Xiaxia and Li Xiaobei were also sent over to ask them to assist Xie Dong.

The proportion of superpowers among the survivors was not low. Many superpowers wanted to explode with their powerful superpowers, but they were easily subdued by Xie Dong. He also killed a few of the most violent ones, Liwei, who had hundreds of people each. The survivor base was successfully established.

Xia Feng deliberately controlled the zombies away from the women's college, leaving enough space for them to search for supplies. Of course, his own school still sent thousands of zombies to station, after all, he expected the spiritual veins there to provide him with a steady stream of energy. Providing high-level zombies should not give away survivors in vain.

At the same time, Xia Feng, who had completed the first step of his plan, also began to move towards the urban area. Although Zhangcheng District was only a small and inconspicuous area on the map, the population of the urban area alone was hundreds of thousands. It's definitely a big piece of cake.


With a muffled sound, a mutant dog about two meters long was thrown in front of Xia Feng. The demon also slid down the soft fur from the scar-faced mutant tiger named King Kong by Xia Feng. Said: The mutated beast you want.

Xia Feng nodded and touched another mutated tiger King who came towards him. The King just closed his eyes slightly and lay on the ground enjoying Xia Feng's touch, just like a large cat.

The two mutated tigers were somewhat hostile to him at first, but when Xia Feng fed them some zombies with broken arms and legs, the hostility disappeared and they became somewhat close to him.

Xia Feng teased the mutated tiger, and the demon pupil on the side came to the mutated dog. His sharp claws brought up an afterimage, like a peerless swordsman, and instantly cut the mutated dog into seven or eight pieces, a strong bloody The smell rose into the sky and spread in all directions.

After the zombies hiding in the surrounding buildings smelled the smell of blood, their bloodthirsty instincts were instantly triggered. They let out hoarse roars from their mouths and rushed towards the source of the blood smell.

The zombies in some streets and shops can walk over smoothly, but the zombies in nearby residential buildings all depend on luck. Their dry bodies cannot break through the strong security doors, and only a small number of zombies can do so. Most of those who managed to open the door handle and rush out of the room during the collision could only face the incompetent rage of the security door.

Some zombies ran directly to the windows, roared, smashed the windows and fell to the ground. Those with lower floors could slowly get up. Those with higher floors had broken bones and could only stay on the ground. Crawling slowly.

Xia Feng just stood there, watching the zombies keep coming. When a certain number was reached, the zombie-controlling light would be released to control the zombies.

As for those who jumped off the building and had their bones broken, or those who were unluckier enough to fall directly to death, Xia Feng looked down upon them and turned them all into food for the two mutated tigers.

Xia Feng also tried to let zombies devour zombies, but it had no effect at all. Maybe it was because the same kind repels others, or maybe the zombies were too inefficient at absorbing spiritual energy. Anyway, he gave up after a few attempts.

Now half a month has passed since Xia Feng moved with the zombies, but so far he has only subdued about half of the zombies in Zhangcheng District. The terrain in the urban area is too complicated, and many zombies are trapped in the building. Even if they use Attracted by the smell of blood, the effect is still unsatisfactory.

Moreover, while subduing the zombies, Xia Feng still had the idea of ​​​​looking for spiritual veins. However, after walking around half of the city, he still could not find the second spiritual vein, which made him quite depressed.

Fortunately, this half month is not without good news at all. First of all, there is the magic pupil. As a rare mutant zombie, every time the mutant beast that attracts zombies completes its mission, it enters his mouth and is fed by a large amount of flesh and blood. Next, he finally successfully promoted to level three a few days ago.

Next are the two mutated tigers. After eating a lot of zombies, there are faint signs of advancement. However, the low-level zombies contain too little spiritual energy. Even if they eat to their fullest every day, they may still have to wait a long time before they can truly advance. After a period of time.

In addition, with the support of the school's spiritual veins, a dozen second-level zombies were also spawned. Among the hundreds of thousands of zombies in Zhangcheng District, dozens of second-level zombies were also found. The number was barely enough to form a special force.

She was thinking about the recent gains in her mind, but her head was suddenly shrouded by a shadow. Xia Feng raised her eyelids and knew that the vampire was back. She and the ghost went to look for the mutated beast. The ghost completed the task, and she It seems to have been in vain.

But Xia Feng didn't mean to blame her. After all, there were not many mutant beasts in the city. Spiritual energy baptism was far more cruel to animals than to humans. Humans would turn into zombies if they couldn't hold on, but once animals couldn't hold on, they would Directly turned into a pile of minced meat.

Even those large animals have a low survival rate, not to mention pet cats and dogs kept in cities. They are lucky to be able to find them, but it is normal to not find them.

Master, I'm back.

The vampire folded his broad bat wings and slowly landed on the ground. At this time, Xia Feng discovered that the vampire did not come back empty-handed. He was holding a strawberry in his arms. The reason why he was hugging him was because of the strawberry. Even bigger than a watermelon.

Seeing this large strawberry, Xia Feng's eyes suddenly lit up. Plants will also mutate due to spiritual energy. To be able to grow such a big strawberry, I think the strawberry tree must have absorbed a lot of spiritual energy. Does that mean that the vampire discovered it? Got the spiritual veins.

Thinking of this, Xia Feng took Zixiao in hand and quickly wrote on the ground: Where did the strawberry come from? Is there a spiritual vein nearby?

To read the latest chapter of I am a zombie king in a doomsday world, please pay attention to the Knight Novel Network (www.tcknh.com)

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