Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 987 The Rapidly Rising Idol

    In the first grade classroom at A Certain High School, such a turmoil is ongoing.

    "Did you not say that you will give us Diva's signature? Signing it? Signing it? Give it to me quickly! ”

    What he said was a bad-looking man with a long face and a shivering hair. He was scratching the head that was already chaotic and looking crazy.

    The boy's name is Kamijou Touma and is a famous prominent character in A Certain High School.

    How famous?

    It is said that as long as he stays by this person, all his misfortunes will be sucked away by him.

    This person has the ability to drink water like this and he can walk and fall. The lottery ticket has never won a prize in his life. It is a provocative character that yells “unfortunately” from day to night.

    “No! You must give us an explanation! Otherwise, we will not take it easy! ”

    He was talking about a very long arm, tall and tall, with blond short hair like a hedgehog, sunglasses on his face, and gold chains hanging on his neck.

    The boy's name is Tsuchimikado Motoharu and is a famous prominent character in A Certain High School.

    How famous?

    It is said that oneself dressed up like this is to be welcomed by the girls, but the result is respectful.

    Moreover, the way this person speaks is still an incredible Kyushu accent, which makes him feel very sick and disgusting.

    "For Diva's signature, we spent a whole day mad with you yesterday. No matter if it was a high-class restaurant or a game center, the three people were all responsible for the package. But you only sent an SMS saying "Sorry, I forgot". Is this done? You are like this to be extinguished! ”

    The last thing to open was a guy with a blue hair and earrings, tall enough to have a height of 180cm and a surprisingly low presence.

    The boy's name is unknown, and everyone refers to it as Aogami Pierce. It is a famous prominent character in A Certain High School.

    How famous?

    It is said that this person's strike zone is extremely wide, not "Only" likes a certain Attribute, but "links" an Attribute likes.

    Whether it is Onee-san, loli, tsundere or black belly, or even shota and otokonoko, as long as cute, then anyone can accept the overweight dead house.

    The conclusion is that all three people are prominent characters.

    Unfortunately, all are in bad terms.

    In view of this, people of A Certain High School call it idiot trio, and people in the class regard it as the three idiots of the class.

    Looking at these three idiots, Fang Li's felt only one.

    "I feel that Aqua here will absolutely meet them well."

    In other words, Fang Li has become accustomed to coping with this pit cargo.

    This does not know that it should not be sad.

    As a result, when Fang Li partially narrowed the eyes and watched the three idiots conduct their own performances, the three idiots were once again crazy.

    "I said, are you listening to Ah?!

    "By what you gave me, I'm completely penniless now. Even if you don't know what to expect this month, it's not understood. Now my words are even if God can drag you to hell. Don't force me!"

    "Other things can be compromised. It's just not this matter. You don't say pay back. We won't allow it. We only recognize one thing!"

    The so-called Kamijou Touma, Tsuchimikado Motoharu and Aogami Pierce three people shouted in unison.

    "" "Diva's signature! Give me Diva's signature! """

    Yelling in an imposing manner, the rest of the students in the classroom began to withdraw.

    However, after hearing what the trio said, these people still discussed with excitement.

    "Hey, they just said Diva's signature right?"

    "true or false ?"

    "Fang Li even has the kind of thing that can be put on auctions for high-priced auctions?"

    "Deception is definitely deceiving."

    "However, if it is true…"

    In this way, those students who turned to Fang Li's eyes became wolf-like and full of green light.

    Fang Li, who has become the target of criticism, is still only partly narrowing the eyes and a helpless face.

    Well, these people have these performances. Fang Li is not understandable either.

    For the reason, it is in the sky outside.

    There, there is a spacecraft slowly flying over.

    That was the board of directors who ascended on the grounds of “in order to make students more aware of current affairs”.

    On the hull side of the spaceship, there is a huge, most New-Type ultra-thin screen for broadcasting weather forecasts and various current events.

    At this point, on the huge screen, live concerts are live.

    "Oooooooooooooooh —!"

    Deafening cheers, even if separated by that distance, are still clearly heard.

    It can be seen how high the scale of the concert and the enthusiasm of the audience are.

    Bathed in such cheers and enthusiasm, on the stage, under the spotlight, Diva with its peerless beauty is dancing and singing.

    What's hung on the face is a beautiful smile.

    "Aah …"

    In the classroom, one by one students watched this scene, and at the same time they gave a fascinating sound.

    Especially the three idiots are trembling.

    "Sylvia Lyyneheym …"Kamijou Touma said in a low tone, "Rank is Level 0 Esper. Only a student who passed the name a year ago, but it quickly emerged during this year, was active on stage as an idol. Learned."

    "It is said that in this short period of one year, Sylvia Lyyneheym's continuous entertainment professionals have been stunned and quickly gathered a lot of popularity. concert tour."Tsuchimikado Motoharu pushed the glasses on his face and said with a dignified expression: “It wasn’t long before people began to call her Diva, claiming that once she heard her song, it must have been captivated.”

    “Outside world’s people are still rumored that she was able to do this level, using what Superpower was doing brainwashing and eventually alerted Academy City. After a detailed data survey, the three directors of Board of Directors announced the event together. ,oneself did not use any Superpower, that singing really belongs to her."Aogami Pierce is holding his own body and wringing around with disgustingness: "Diva is now recognized as the world's first famous idol, Goddess in everyone's mind!"

    When the words fell, the three people were all staring at Fang with blood congestion.

    ""How could such a person's signature devour you!"""

    The three idiots humming with one another rushed toward Fang Li again.

    As a result, there has been no change.




    After the three muffled sounds, Kamijou Touma, Tsuchimikado Motoharu and Aogami Pierce either fell to the ground again, either crashed against the wall or hung on the desk.

    This is unbearable!

    Fang Li can only roll one's eyes.

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