Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 959 Get Everything Artifact

    "What? Why don't you catch him? Why

    In the Hall of Sighting, Aqua wrapped Fang Li.

    "The indecent guy absolutely has problems. I use Goddess as a guarantee. The guy who can drive the evil power is definitely not a good guy. Grab him!"

    Aqua has always been pestering Fang Li, and Fang Li is annoying.

    "Isn't it to you? Even if you catch up, it doesn't help?"Fang Li said to Aqua: "Everyone in the room knew that the pig had just done something shameful, but you and I are the only people who can find that power, and even if we testify against that guy, that guy is perfectly capable of pouring dirty water on our body, saying we're insulting him, so there's no evidence, That's not going to catch him at all. ”

    This is why Fang Li did not let everyone catch up.

    As it said, it is useless to catch up.

    "It would be better to say that if he intends to pounce on him, what is it that you suffer?"Fang Li reminded: "After all, what power scene did he use? No one saw it. Conversely, if you use Magic's scene, someone would see it. If he said he didn't use any evil power, but what kind of evil did you use? Power to confuse everyone, what are you going to do?"

    "What?"Aqua was in a hurry and yelled, "How does the power of Goddess-sama, my super-beautiful and wonderful Goddess-sama, is evil power? See I don't let the world's Axis Cult to sanction him! ”

……It feels like this may really happen.

    If that happens, perhaps, the Royal Family's Judgement is not needed at all, and Axis Cult alone is enough to make Alderp subject to real sanctions.

    After all, Axis Cult, even Demon King and state education, dared to dismantle and even spread the rumors of Problem Children Cult.

    Let them go so that a nobleman is not as dead. It's simple enough to not be easy.

    ,alsoOr please calm down, Aqua. ”

    "That's right, we can't really see people like that, right?"

    "It's still handed over to the Royal Family. Aqua shouldn't mess up."

    Kazuma, Megumin, and Darkness seem to have had the same idea as Fang Li, and they quickly stopped Aqua.

    In this situation, Claire and Rain looked at each other and then they all looked at Iris.

    "His Highness Iris."Claire said rigorously: "This matter, I think, is necessary for careful investigation."

    "I think so."Rain is also rare and expresses his opinion. He said to Iris: "Why I don't know why Sir Alderp can use the power that would be confusing, but if this thing is true, then…"

    "I know.Iris nodded said Rain's concerns and said, "If Sir Alderp really uses this kind of power, he can understand why he entered the Royal Family's blacklist and can be used as evidence of a crime. Not even a single point."

    There is no doubt that Alderp uses this power to eliminate many of the factors that are detrimental to him.

    Therefore, the nobleman who made this work can never be unfettered and beyond the law, even in front of the princess.

    "The problem is that guy's purpose."Fang Li lifted up his Artifact and said to the crowd: "Since the idiot would use this kind of power to send this Artifact, and the object is still the present prince, this Artifact must be able to reach a certain level. The degree of purpose."

    As a reminder by Fang Li, everyone immediately thought about it.

    It is also true.

    If not, why did Alderp send an Artifact to use mysterious power to confuse others?

    Is there something wrong with it?

    Fang Li cast his eyes on the Artifact in the box.

    In this unique necklace, but simple design, in fact, engraved with a line of words.

    That line of words falls on Iris and the others in the eyes , perhaps the same as Mystery 's mantra ?

    However, if it is Kazuma and Aqua, then definitely recognize this line.

    Because this line of words is not the text of this world, but the modern text of Another World.

    ————“Your things are my things, my things are your things, they become you”————

    This is the content of the text.

    Fang Li estimates that this should be the spell of using this Artifact.

    So Fang Li took the necklace and gave it to Aqua.

    "Aqua."Fang Li asks Aqua and asks: “You think about it, what exactly does this Artifact do?”

    Lemme see.Aqua grabbed the necklace directly, scrutinized the shape of the necklace, and saw the spell on the necklace. He picked up his head and muttered: "I really seem to send such an Artifact out…"

    This sentence, muttering halfway, Aqua suddenly patted his hand.

    I remember my detailsAqua shouted: "This is an Artifact that allows people to exchange the body!"

    This one out, everyone is simultaneously stunned.

    "exchange the body of Artifact?"

    Actually this Artifact?

    "You didn't use Goddess. Did you send some weird things out?"Kazuma said with no trace of politeness: "What is the use of this Artifact?"

    The rest seem to have the same idea, both looking at each other in blank dismay.

    Only Fang Li and Iris looked at each other and instantly understood the meaning.

    "Sir Alderp intends to hand over this Artifact able to exchange the body to Ani-sama."Iris whispered: "Then prove that he intends to exchange himself with Ani-sama's body, get the prince's status and power, and even seek King's status."

    A word awake dreamer.

    "Not only that."Fang Li added: "This Artifact, if used well, is almost equal to everything."

    When the body is old, it will change to the youngster's within the body, and will live forever.

    To see who's status, then change to the other's body to get the other's everything.

    Even if Alderp wants to be Demon King, he can also play Demon King's idea.

    That's what it is.

    "Danden's Alderp!"Darkness said some angry: "Dare to dare to do such a rebellious thing!"

    "unforgivable!"Claire also shouted: "You must never forgive him!"

    The rest of the group also expressed their opinions after one after another. It seems that Alderp had given him a complete hateful.

    Only Fang Li, so think.

    "Since Artifact only has the effect of exchanging the body, what is the mysterious power used by Alderp?"

    This idea has only just begun in the hearts of Fang Li's. A deep voice in his head sounded.

    "Serial Number 11273 triggers B-Rank Side Quest: Tracking secrets."

    "Quest Details: Investigate the power of the Plot Character Alderp, and expose all its crimes."

    "Quest Reward: 30000EX Change Points."

    System Notification sounds, let Fang Li's eyes look, thoughtfully.

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