Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 943 slashed atmosphere

    In any case, even if Kazuma, Aqua, Megumin, and the Darkness group of four make trouble, the evening celebration banquet still has to go.

    The Royal Family and the nobility held a celebration banquet and the main character was the Tang Li entire group who punished the Leader of Demon King's Army. If you don't go there, then the final problems will not be less than the troubles caused by Kazuma and the others. .

    So, Fang Li replaced the dress prepared by maid in Royal Castle and looked at his dress in front of the full-length mirror. While looking through the mirror, Fang Li leaned toward his behind.

    I saw that Kazuma, Aqua, Megumin, and the Darkness group of four had already changed their dresses.

    Kazuma wore an evening dress in a black suit and tie, giving the hikiNEET, which is not exactly right, some of the elegance. Even if it weren't much, it was at least a place like the banquet of the upper class.

    Aqua has changed the usual aqua blue tone of Hagoromo, wearing a pure white dress, only the beauty of special superiority is finally revealed, as obediently closed his mouth, I believe that many people would like to believe that she is a Goddess.

    Megumin is wearing a dark dress, no fabric on the shoulders, directly exposing the white skin. Although the figure is still petite, but a little more gorgeous feeling.

    As for Darkness, wearing a golden dress, a good figure is perfectly displayed. The long golden hair is made into a beautiful three-pronged puppet. It hangs down from the right shoulder to the clavicle and looks like a name. Actually Rich Ojou-sama.

    As the main character of the celebration banquet, this group of four dresses are completely impeccable.

    However, at this moment, such four people are one after another and they are sitting on the ground.


    "Is it almost right?"Powered by

    "Is it right?"Megumin)

    "My legs are already numb, although the punishment seems to be not bad…" (Darkness)

    The four incorrigible pits sat as if they had been punished. It seemed that they had all reached their limits. Not only did the knee tremble, they shook with the whole body, and cold sweat flowed from the forehead.

    In this case, Kazuma is a look of pain, Aqua is a cry, and Megumin is a patience and patience. Only Darkness is painful and happy, obviously full head sweats. The result is actually a happy face.

    "Celebration…celebration banquet seems to be starting soon…"Kazuma smiled so hard that he couldn't see it even more than crying. He said: "Almost let us get up?"

    "I …I'm Goddess because it's a Goddess relationship, so this level is nothing at all. ”Aqua suddenly cried out, but still said reluctantly: "Can…However, if you want me to get up, then I can't not stand up. ”

    NoNot as good as we can discuss it. ”Megumin tried his best to say, "As long as you forgive me and let me get up, I don't release EX plosion Magic today. What do you think?"

    "Megumin, I think you are too embarrassed."Darkness immediately dismantled the problems in Megumin's discourse and said: “You have already released EX plosion Magic today, and Magic Power hasn’t recovered to the extent that it can be released again, so it’s not itchy or it’s with me. Enjoy together…No, take this painful punishment together. ”

    The words of the four people still do not lack the old style, giving people a feeling of no reflection.

    In fact, even if these four guys really reflect on it, it is absolutely good. Scar forgets the pain and it will be repeated soon?

    Therefore, Fang Li did not have the sympathy of a little bit, while finishing his own dress while lightly uttered.

    "Since the celebration banquet is about to begin, you can get up and wait until later to get back later and it will be alright."

    In a word, the expression of the group of four has changed.


    "I have to make it up again?!" (Powered by

    Cheatin' eh?!Megumin)

    "This…"This enjoyment…! No! Does this unbearable thing have to be made up again? ! "(Darkness)

    The voice of the four people immediately welcomed Fang Li's reply.

    "Or do you really want me to sell you after I go back?"Fang Li smiled and said: "I don't mind, even if you sell it, you can't pay off the debt you owe me, but I also admit it."

    As soon as this statement was made, the group of four immediately bowed their heads.

    “Excuse me. We are wrong! Please be sure to give us a chance to make up for it later! ”

    It should be said that it is not a teammate who has been with Fang Li for some time.

    Even if they were pitted again, these people also realized it.

    Fang Li's words are absolutely not a joke.

    So, four people immediately put it.

    Fortunately, the moment of liberation arrived in the end still.


    With the sound of somewhat unnatural, I didn't know when the maid came in and looked at Neat and Tidy's Kazuma, Aqua, Megumin, and Darkness group of four.

    “Celebration…celebration banquet has already begun. Please also step over.”

    In the words of maid, let Kazuma, Aqua, Megumin, and Darkness both cast their pleading eyes on Fang Li.

    This is not to ask for mercy, let Fang Li cancel the appearance of punishment, but to pray for sheltered eyes in the doomed celebration banquet.

    However, Fang Li did not look at the group of four, only silently.

    "Then, let's go."

    Hearing this, Kazuma, Aqua, Megumin and the Darkness group of four can only be stunned and restless, rubbing their numb feet, and following the Fang Li trembling with fear, stepping out of the room.


    Celebration banquet

    Here, there is a long table full of white cloth with a plate of cooking and a bottle of valuable wine.

    The aristocrats in the dress gathered in various corners with an elegant smile.

    Adventurers wearing high Rank Equipment also arrived and were chatting with each other.

    As a result, there were small people gathered in each corner of the venue to chat together, and the atmosphere of the entire party was displayed. There was an atmosphere of the Senior Dinner of Another World.

    Unfortunately, this atmosphere quickly broke with the appearance of the main character.

    "Kacha …"

    As the door opened, the door of the venue slowly opened.

    Fang Li entire group slowly came in from outside the door.


    Split second , the atmosphere in the venue was gone.

    Everyone has focused on the body of the Fang Li entire group and the responses are different.

    Only the reactions of one group of people are exactly the same.

    That is the invited High Level Adventurer in the venue.

    These people, all through to the Fang Li entire group cast steep eyes.

    Let the atmosphere suddenly become tense.

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