Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 914 The Greatest Arch Priest (Monthly Ticket)

    After thoroughly recognizing what the teammates around him are, Peng Li finally mastered the methods and became the dominator of the team in the most ruthless manner.

    If not, I am afraid that in the future these guys will have to be pitted and left behind, leaving a shadow of the next life.

    There has never been a shadow of Fang Li leaving someone else's life, and there is absolutely no possibility for others to leave a psychological shadow on Fang Li.

    That being the case, you can only use Megumin's words.

    "It's better to let others die than to die by themselves."

    Now, Fang Li has interpreted its perfect interpretation.

    So, Fang Li sobbed on the four sides, while his teammates, dejected behind him, came to the old abandoned city.

    In front, the gate of the castle presents a feeling of ancient and vicissitudes. It is full of signs of years. Like a long-established relic, it is very solemn and terrifying.

    Looking at the majestic and terrifying city gate, Fang Li palm grabbed a sword.

    It is a very ordinary One-handed Sword.

    No magic is applied on the sword, nor is it a rare top grade weapon. It is really only a very ordinary sword.

    However, holding this sword, Fang Li has a sense of familiarity that has accompanied his long years, and has caused his lips to rise.

    "Sure enough, it was right to learn those Basic Skills."

    The reason why this feeling is produced is naturally the effect of the skill that Fang Li is learning.

    ———— "One-handed Sword".

    Can make people more skillful to use skill of sword weapon.

    This skill, once learn, is not to say that there is a variety of superb Sword Techniques who will be self-reliant and make people become Sword Master overnight.

    A skill like this that can increase the level of use of a weapon simply increases the user's proficiency in the weapon.

    Like a person, even if no Sword Technique is holding a sword for more than a decade, it will be used smoothly and smoothly, and it will easily defeat those who have not used the sword.

    For example, the skill of One-handed Sword is to increase the proficiency so that people can use the specified weapon more accurately, smoothly, and smoothly, and exert the maximum attack effect. It is absolutely impossible to show what is not happening. The teacher comprehended the superb combat technique and other things.

    Therefore, Fang Li will only want to learn this type of skill.

    After all, although Fang Li has already grasped the essence and rules of Nanaya Assassination Arts, he can use any weapon to use its essence. He can use weapons he has never touched and use weapons that he has been using for a long time. different.

    With this type of skill, Fang Li can use various weapons to embody the finesse of Nanaya Assassination Arts and Profound Truth.

    Therefore, Fang Li learned the skills of One-handed Sword and dagger from the very beginning, and later learned the skills of various weapons.

    Now, regardless of the use of any weapon, Fang Li will be able to use the combat skills of Nanaya Assassination Arts to the greatest extent, even as the proficiency increases, the effect will be even higher.

    "The addition of the title "Guardian Knight" is also triggered. When using a sword weapon, the full Attribute is increased by 10 points. This should be enough."

    No matter how you say, the Moon Blade has been exposed. Almost everyone knows that the wanted Black Knight has a waning moon dagger and cannot be used blatantly. Bo Xie is also Ogre Lux. When it is not necessary, it is just a waste of Prana. This can only be done now.

    Of course, if only Fang Li was alone, that would be the only way.

    "Then, Aqua."

    Fang Li followed in the direction of Aqua’s behind him.

    "Help us with all-round support."

    Hear this, where does Aqua dare to say no?

    So, Aqua took a deep breath and raised one hand.


    The dazzling Magic Power light bloomed on Aqua's hand.





    Accompanied by the chanting of Magic's incantation, waves of dazzling light shone in Fang Li, Megumin, Darkness, and even Kazuma's body.


    "Good… amazing…!"

    "power …Gone from within the body…! ”

    In the radiance, Kazuma, Megumin and the Darkness group of three made a startling sound.

    Fang Li also silently closed his eyes and felt that within the body, there was a power that had never existed before, and Physical Ability was gaining a leap.

    In this case, Aqua is still singing a spell.

    "Physical Resistance !"

    "Magic Resistance (Magic_ resistance)!"

    "Blessing !"

    The brilliance of the waves not only raised the Ability parameter of Fang Li entire group, but even improved their luck.

    Perhaps it was a real fear of the consequences that Fang Li had mentioned before. Aqua took advantage of it and breathed all the support magic in support of the fight.

    If the average person is squandering like this, it will have fallen because of the depletion of Magic Power.

    However, Aqua is a face-lifting player.

    You can only add trouble at the usual time, and you can't even claim to be Goddess. At this moment, you can completely incarnate more than any other Arch Priest in the world.

    Putting on all the support Magic that people want on an amazing scale, Aqua is still humming.

    "I …I am very obedient! Did you see it? Fang Li! Afterwards, I can't do too much to me! Excluded? ! ”

    It seems that Aqua is really scared.

    "As long as you are obedient, then I will open a celebration banquet to ensure that you are rewarded."

    Fang Li smiled slightly, regardless of the eyes that had lighted Aqua, slowly walked to the city disciple.

    "Then, let's start attacking."

    After that, the long sword in the hands of Fang Li waved.

    "pū chī —!"

    As if the huge physical body had been cut off, the strong and tall city gate under the flash of glory had been split in half by a lifetime and fell slowly.


    "Un… /p>

    In the highest level of the ancient castle, in a place like the Hall of Chih-see, a black shadow sitting on the throne slowly moved.

    "Is anyone here?"

    It was as if it was aware of what was happening far below, the dark shadow whispered.

    "Kingdom's Knight Regiment ? Or Royal Capital's Adventurer? ”

    "Anyway, all in all make me happy."

    In words like this, the body of the darkness, like the dense fog of dark aura, began to fluctuate.

    "Bring in the intruders, my loyal people."

    As a result, the dark fog turned into a dark shadow.

    Lost the sensible scarlet eyes, the body of these dark shadows lit up, exudes a dark breath.

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