Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 870 to take some photos to commemorate

    The time is still far from late at night, but it is just the extent of nightfall.

    In the Queenvail Girls' Academy, because most people will fight with the acting career, even if the time for school is not a short time, people can still be in the activity room or the training room. To night.

    Therefore, during this period of time, there are still people in every corner of the Queenvail Girls' Academy coming out of a building and gradually returning to their dorms.

    However, none of these people discovered that there was a male infiltrating.

    Because the scenery of the Queenvail Girls' Academy is closer to nature, there are naturally transplanted trees and even small forests.

    Fang Li took advantage of the night and walked silently through the woods. Even if there was a forest path where people came and walked, they rushed to the front without hesitation and were not discovered by anyone.

    For Fang Li, the Queenvail Girls' Academy may be more familiar than the Jie Long Seventh Institute.

    In Jie Long, Fang Li generally stays only in the Yellow Dragon Temple, conversely in the Queenvail Girls' Academy, and many times infiltrating here, it is to let Fang Li find out the terrain.

    As a result, Fang Li crossed the patches of wood in a dangerous way and eventually appeared under the wall of the female dormitory.

    With the head raised, looking to the top floor of the building in front of him, Fang Li's gaze suddenly dropped on one of the windows.

    "Just go in from there."

    That room is not actually Sylvia's room.

    Sylvia's room is opposite, facing the avenue of the campus, so when Fang Li infiltrating here, it is usually from this room, and then to the opposite Sylvia's room.

    The reason for this is there there still one.

    "I don't know if those stupid people are not there."

    That's right, this room is the room of the girls of Rusalka.

    More precisely, it should be said that Miluse's room was right.

    Miluse's room is opposite Sylvia.

    Precisely because of this, Fang Li will choose this room as an invasion site.

    In the wake of the last duel, Rusalka's gimmick could only agree with Fang Li. When Fang Li was infiltrating here, basically Rusalka's teenage girls entered the girls' dormitory under the cover of unwilling and met with Sylvia.

    In view of this, Fang Li did not hesitate to jump directly. Like Agility's black cat, Fang Li immediately went to the top floor of the female dormitory and entered Miluse's room.

    Although Miluse's room is quite vast, it does not have the flavor of a girl's room at all.

    The clutter of things.

    Scattered upside down rag doll.

    There are tall magazines in the corner.

    In these scenes, we all know how embarrassing it is to mention a little.

    Obviously it was a girl, and Captain of the very cute world's second idol group. The residence was like this. If the scene was made into a photo, then Rusalka would lose a part of the fan instantly.

    Fang Li used to tsukkomi the first time he came here.

    "At least cleaning up your room is a good idol."

    However, in the face of Fang Li's tsukkomi , Miluse was blocked by a sentence.

    "Idol as long as cute and powerful then it will be be alright, no one asked the idol must clean the room."

    That's what it says, but as a girl, if you do that, you'll have to lose points first.

    However, it seems that there will be cleaning personnel coming in and cleaning at regular intervals. It has nothing to do with Fang Li, and Fang Li is too lazy to continue to clamour with those idiots.

    Therefore, Fang Li is already accustomed to the blind scene.

    Only, today is somewhat different from the past.

    The convenience of different places is that the messy living room on the ground is throwing clothes.

    Moreover, the bathroom next to it also brought splashing/underwater sound and noisy sounds.

    "Ah, finally come to life…"

    "I feel particularly tired today…"

    "Miss Patra didn't know what she was eating wrong. She has been crazy for us to participate in the event recently."

    "Conversely President Sylvia, it seems to reduce a lot of activities."

    "really tired…"

    Hearing these sounds, Fang Li raised the brows and turned to look in the direction of the bathroom.

    There, headed by Miluse, Paivi, Monica, Tuulia and Mahulena entire group one after another were all naked and joking in the bathroom.

    "Say, Mahulena, have you gotten a bit bigger recently?"Miluse)


    "mǔ mǔ mǔ mǔ …You betrayer…! "(Monica)

    "It seems to be true…"Tuulia)

    "only…No! Iya…!

    The group of young girls just scampered in the bathroom and performed all the men's dreams. They could only play in the imaginary bath.

    The one by one girls are all naked, covered with water drops, and alluring and charming.

    Looking at Miluse, Paivi, Monica and the Tuulia group of four as if they were planning to sanction Mahulena, Mahulena, who was crying like a face, flung himself into the ground and snarled, not knowing why, Fang Li only felt Speechless.

“……Are girls here not closed when taking a bath? ”

    Rusalka's girls are like this, so is Sylvia. Isn't it defenseful?

    Of course, the Queenvail Girls' Academy is a women’s school. There are no men. These young girls are so unprepared. It seems to be a matter of course.

    "Forget it, it's pretty seductive anyway."

    Moreover, perhaps today Fang Li saw these idiots for the last time.

    Without these gimmicks playing stupid side, it is also very lonely.

    "Is it better to take some pictures to remember?"

    Fang Li, who did not even realize that he had said something unpleasant, murmured.

    Then, when Rusalka's girls were still playing in the bathroom, Fang Li left the room.

    Incidentally, Fang Li did take photos.

    Still shot a lot.


    "How did you come?"

    In Sylvia's room, his Master looked at Fang Li, who had suddenly come in from outside the door, and he was surprised.

    At this point, Sylvia's body only surrounded a scarf and the body was brash and steamy.

    Obviously, like Rusalka's girls, Sylvia was just bathing in the bathroom and she was just out.

    Seeing that his girlfriend appeared in such a defensive appearance, even the already familiar Fang Li could not help but look at it a little.

    Upon seeing this, Sylvia cheeked.

    "Isn't it going to be a rogue again?"

    Hearing this, Fang Li only smiled.

    And I said that sentence.

    "I should have left recently."

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