Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 860 Selection and Changes

    That night.

    After completing a daily video chat with Sylvia, Fang Li left Jie Long.

    With Orphelia next to him.

    Only, Orphelia's expression is no longer with the sadness of the past, but with a little uneasiness.

    At this moment, Fang Li and Orphelia are boarding a flying boat.

    In Gakusen Toshi Asterisk, the flying boat is a relatively popular means of transportation.

    With the Meteor Engineering technique, this kind of mini-vehicle is enough to take off and land as long as there is a helipad-sized open space for helicopters.

    Perhaps it is precisely because of this, in this Water City, most of the use of a flying boat is to carry tourists, and students seldom ride.

    At least, during the Festa period, the use of a spacecraft can be very useful, and all kinds of tourists can carry it.

    Another use of the flying boat is to carry the famous students.

    After all, during Festa, if the star-like contestants wandered around the streets, it would surely cause a great stir.

    Not everyone is good at disguise.

    As a result, the flight ship also came in handy, during Festa, to avoid turmoil and crowding, and a special part was provided to those famous contestants participating in Festa.

    Today, this year's "Gryps" is about to end.

    Tomorrow, the final will be held.

    In this case, to say who is the most famous student, besides the contestant who will play in the finals tomorrow, the second person will not think.

    In other words, the flight ship that Fang Li and Orphelia boarded is the means of transportation used by one of the teams that will need to participate in the finals tomorrow.

    Only, this time, the role of the ship is not to carry passengers, but to provide places.

    "Kacha …"

    With a slight opening sound, the automatic door is opened.

    A rather spacious chat room immediately entered the field of view of Fang Li and Orphelia.

    Fang Li and Orphelia haven't had time to walk in. In the chat room, one by one who is sitting in the seat is standing up.

    In particular, one of them is even more excited.

    "Orphelia !"

    The person who made such a sound was shocked by Julis.


    Orphelia turned his gaze to Julis's body, and his red eyes hung slightly, as if he couldn't face his old friends.

    Looking at such Orphelia, Julis seemed to calm down, turned his gaze and looked at Fang Li.

    Julisa's gaze was noticed, and Fang Li only had a faint mouth.

    "Let you chat."

    After that, Fang Li turned around.

    However, when Fang Li's footsteps had not yet had time to lift up, one hand was grabbing his clothes.

    Seeing this scene, headed by Julis, Amagiri Ayato, Claudia, Toudou Kirin, and Team Ensam, a member of Sasamiya Saya, are at a loss.

    Only Fang Li seems to feel helpless in general.

    "If you don't go by yourself, you will wait for you to come out."

    Hearing it, Orphelia seemed to be just letting go, and after hesitated, he released his hand.

    Fang Li took a look at everyone in the chat room and smiled and left.

    Almost at the same time, Claudia clappered and smiled.

    "Then, let's go out."

    Amagiri Ayato, Toudou Kirin, and Sasamiya Saya were all immediately nodded.

    Obviously everyone wants to give Julis and Orphelia a separate space to talk about.

    As a result, the people have stepped back one after another, leaving only Julis and Orphelia in the entire lounge.


    Silence suddenly spreads between the two.

    In this moment, as if both sides do not know what to say, let them look at each other.

    It was not until after a while that Julis lifted his pace and walked in the direction of Orphelia to Orphelia.


    Orphelia looks at Julis coming in front of him, opening the mouth.

    However, before Orphelia opened, Julis hugged her.

    Orphelia suddenly froze.

    Immediately, Julis's voice rang in his ear.

    "idiot …"

    The simple two-character words are all to express Julis's mood.

    Orphelia's eyes fluctuate slightly.

    After a long time, he only slowly extended the hand, hesitantly embrace Julis in hesitation and anxiety.

    After many years, when I met in the orphanage, it was a pair of friends who had embarked on a completely different life and finally reunited.

    That is a true reunion.


    Flying boat, chat outdoors.

    In a corridor, Fang Li is looking through the window and watching the night outside.

    The night scene of War-Academy City is very prosperous and very good-minded.

    The panoramic view overlooking War-Academy City may also be an important reason for tourists to take a flight.

    Not long afterwards, behind Fang Li sounded footsteps.

    There is no need to look back. Fang Li knows who the newcomer is.

    In the next second, the other party also spoke.

    "I didn't expect it. It didn't take long for you to talk to you. You just made things like this."

    Amagiri Ayato arrived at Fang Li's side and looked at the night view below, making a helpless sound.

    "Is it not for me to be ready to contact you again? As a result, you secretly put Orphelia's things in order. ”

    Originally, Julis wants to open Orphelia's heart, which is almost equal to impossible.

    It can be different now.

    The fate of Orphelia has been completely subverted.

    Now Orphelia is no longer a simple item but a student of Jie Long.

    "Only, this does not mean anything."Fang Li continued to look into the night view below and said: "The heart of Strega (Witch) has not completely recovered."

    This is not Fang Li's alarmist talk.

    In fact, Orphelia still gives up everything.

    Without his will and not having his own ideas, even if he moved from “Solnage” to “Jie Long” and became a student at Jie Long Seventh Institute, Orphelia did not feel a trace of happiness and joy, only obeying Fang Li’s arrangement. Only.

    In this case, there is almost no difference compared to the past.

    However, Amagiri Ayato has another idea.

    "even so, she still made a choice."Amagiri Ayato said righteously: "Even if there is no joy or happiness, she chooses to live as a person at least, not as a Doll to live."

    This is only one change.


    In addition to this, perhaps another change.

    "I think Orphelia seems to be very stick to you."

    Amagiri Ayato laughs and sings.

    "Your feelings are good?"

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