Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 855 Who Doll Is All the Same


    The sound of gravel rolling fell on the tattered earth.

    Moreover, that voice also comes from all directions.

    The area that had already become a piece of rubble, under an astonishingly offensive and defensive battle, seemed to be completely scrapped and turned into a wasteland.

    The ground is charred black after being corroded.

    One of the buildings did not remain, turning into numerous rubble, spread all over all around.

    Even the poisonous fumes of smoke are rising from every point of the soil, gradually polluting the area.

    I am afraid that in the coming decades, the vitality of this zone will not be restored and it will be impossible to emerge.

    In such a place, among the open space that has been razed to the ground, Fang Li and Orphelia are facing each other.


    Disturbed breathing sounds from Fang Li's body.

    Blood stains on the corner of the mouth.

    The body is still sharp pain.

    Internal organs continue to twitch.

    The heart beats.

    Without knowing how many deadly poisons there were, Fang Li's was standing in an unusually strong position.

    Ice blue Mystic Eyes looks ahead.

    The light sword in his hand points to the opponent's throat.

    With a slash posture, Fang Li stayed motionless.

    Only breathing sounds are intensifying.

    Looking at such a Fang Li, Orphelia is silent.

    At first glance, Orphelia seems to be much calmer than Fang Li.

    If you look closely, you can find that Orphelia's complexion is also paler than usual, and even the body has a kind of faltering feeling of weakness, as if falling down at any time.

    That's how Prana is about to run out.

    In this case, the throat's vital point is directly pointed by the opponent with a weapon. Whoever wins or loses does not need to say anything.

    Fang Li and Orphelia are in such a wasteland, facing each other, and even if the condition of their bodies is worse, their eyes are as if they were at the beginning, and the calm is so cold.

    Only, Orphelia's in the eyes, in addition to calm, but also a heartache.

    That way, it's almost like a child who can't find a way back home.

    Looking at this kind of Orphelia, Fang Li raised an empty hand and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

    Then, on that hand, the waning moon dagger was quietly put into it.

    "pū chī …"

    With a slight puncture, the Moon Blade was thrust into the chest by Fang Li.

    In this instant, the sharp pain of Fang Li's body suddenly disappeared, and her breathing began to flatten.

    Its deadly poison within the body was not killed until this moment.

    Fang Li only feels a little light, and the originally exhausted Prana is also starting to flow again, gradually infusing the troubled body.


    Fang Li heavily put out a long breath.

    Breathe and start to calm.

    Ice blue Mystic Eyes flung in Fang Li's in the eyes.

    However, the light sword pointing to Orphelia's throat was not retrieved.

    Fang Li looks straight at Strega (Witch), who is pointed at his throat with his sword.

    The next second, so open.

    "In this way, you will be satisfied?"

    In a word, it did not usher in any response.

    Orphelia only looked at Fang Li's eyes and looked at the past.

    The exquisite charming face carries bitterness that was not available in the past.

    As a result, Orphelia allowed all his feelings to be translated into a single sentence.

    "I, really really hate you."

    It was the daytime time, and Fang Li said the same thing.

    Moreover, it is not necessary to confirm, both sides are extremely clear things.

    Only, the disgust of the two is completely different.

    Fang Li disgusted it with Orphelia, who gave up everything and drifted.

    Orphelia dislikes Fang Li's personality.

    Just as it was before.

    Because Fang Li ignores life, Orphelia hate him.

    Because of fear that one day he will become Fang Li, so Orphelia excludes him.

    However, when he learned that Fang Li was the same as himself, both were Artificial Genestellar, even if he was disgusted, Orphelia couldn't help keeping up with Fang Li in an attempt to find anything from Fang Li's body.

    However, Orphelia could not find anything.

    That is a matter of course.

    Originally, Fang Li's body didn't have what Orphelia wanted.

    It would be better to say that Fang Li ignored life and was indifferent to death, the most objectionable that Conversely had in Orphelia.

    In this way, how could Orphelia want something from Fang Li's body?

    However, if so, why does Orphelia want to follow Fang Li?

    Just because Fang Li is the same as Orphelia, is Artificial Genestellar?

    Of course not.

    It wasn’t until this moment that Orphelia understood why he was doing such a thing.

    "I…only pursuing it…"


    Only in pursuit.

    People who are in darkness are thirsty for light.

    Those who are above the earth will long for the sky.

    Limited things often expect an infinite future.

    Cold weather makes people subconsciously near the flames and heat.

    People often want to get what they don’t have.

    Orphelia wanted to follow Fang Li, not because of what he wanted to find from Fang Li's body, except that he was instinctively approaching Fang Li who was not able to do what he could do.

    In front of cruel facts, Orphelia lost to fate.

    However, Fang Li has always been fighting, to do as one pleases.

    Obviously Artificial Genestellar, Fang Li has something that Orphelia does not have.

    So, Orphelia will be close to Fang Li.

    So, not to get anything from Fang Li's body.

    Orphelia, only only exists in his own ideal.

    Even if Orphelia's heart has long since died, the other person is the most hateful type of his own.

    And such Orphelia didn’t realize it…

    "Only those who hope for it will be eager to hope."

    Fang Li's voice, with a touch of calmness, passed into Orphelia's ear.

    "Your heart is dead, but your body is still eager to be redeemed. That's it."

    The fact that it cannot be refuted makes Orphelia's expression extremely bitter.

    Because this is also what Orphelia discovered.

    "I …

    At a loss The sound of overwhelming sounded from his mouth.

    "What the hell should I do?"

    This time, Orphelia's heart really started to shake.

    Staring at such Orphelia, Fang Li blinked slightly.

    "Are you not already giving up everything?"

    Fang Li grinned and somewhat indifferent.

    "In that case, stop thinking about what you should do."

    Saying this, Fang Li hung down with a sword and said so much in Orphelia's blank expression.

    "If you like Doll so much, who's Doll is the same?"

    In a word, let Orphelia kneel there completely.

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