Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 844 is not going to say hello?

    As a result, Fang Li was given a three-second preaching by Sylvia in the expensive guest room that caught the Queenvail Girls' Academy.

    Yes, it is three seconds.

    Because, three minutes after Sylvia began preaching, she was immediately rushed into the arms by an impatient Fang Li and had a three-minute kiss, blocking everything.

    Of course, after the kiss was over, it was a slapstick.

    In the eyes of outsiders, this should be considered love in Xiu En?

    In fact, neither Fang Li nor Sylvia will ever remain indifferent to the small separation in this three-week period.

    After all, as it was said before, Fang Li and Sylvia had only had the closest relationship, but they were suddenly separated for so long, and certainly they still care about it.

    Therefore, the two talents will be slapstick like this, be considered to ease the missed this period of time.

    Afterwards, the two talents ended up batting like this and sat down and began to talk about business.

    It’s just a matter of business, but it’s just “Gryps”.

    “The most powerful team in our school is Rusalka. There should be no one else who can enter the quarterfinals except for them.”Sylvia said: "And Rusalka wants to win the championship. It's probably difficult. After all, there are a lot of strong teams today."

    For example, Team Lancelot and Team Tristan of the Saint Galahadworth Academy are the hurdles that have to be past anyway, otherwise they will never win the championship.

    Another example is Team Enfield of the Seidoukan Academy, who has the runner-up of Phoenix and the semifinals partner. Captain is Claudia with a ranked second place, holding Pan-Dora capable of predicting the future. Such a team is absolutely comparable to the threat. Team Lancelot.

    "Your long-team Team Huanglong of Jie Long is also a favourite to win the championship. If you have "Hagun Seikun", what should be the strongest in this Festa?"Sylvia looked at Fang Li and said with a smile: "If you also play, then the odds of casino are more afraid than Team Lancelot?"

    After all, Team Huanglong is a hot favourite.

    However, such a team did not win Fang Li once in a row at least once a day for three consecutive weeks.

    That is, one person from Fang Li is enough to defeat a team that has the ability to win at Gryps.

    Sylvia basically plays video with Fang Li every day, so Sylvia knows it naturally.

    In this way, if you add teammates such as Wu Xiaofei, Zhao Hufeng, and Cecily, basically winning is already a credible thing.

    Therefore, Sylvia will have such a statement.

    However, Fang Li shook his head.

    “First Senior Brothers are very strong, but they are actually biased towards singles. I naturally have the ability to defeat all of them who are better than everyone else.”Fang Li said: "The Team Lancelot is different. It has always been a team-oriented cooperation. If I'm alone, I'm afraid it's hard work to maintain a tie."

    The best example is Rusalka.

    Each member of Rusalka is weaker than Wu Xiaofei entire group, and even outside of the rankings, they can be joined by the first five people. With Lyre-Poros' power, Fang Li is forced to use Mystic Eyes of Death Perception. .

    In contrast, Team Huanglong, one by one, is an elite elite, but he is good at playing alone. He has always been flanked by Fang Li at an amazing speed and he has never been forced out of Fang Li's Mystic Eyes. Of Death Perception.

    In this comparison, whoever threatens Fang Li's is even more visible.

    However, if Team Huanglong and Rusalka face each other, then the situation is completely different. Team Huanglong certainly will not lose to Rusalka easily. This is due to the difference in the battle situation and the number of people.

    While Team Lancelot's Consecutive Association even overrides Rusalka, even if there is no Lyre-Poros, Ogre Lux's words, there are also two people holding Lancelot, plus all ranks in the top five, once on Rusalka, as long as Solve the problem of Lyre-Poros's activity strengthening and hindering weaken, even if only one of them is solved, the situation is basically one-sided.

    "I guess if I'm on Team Lancelot alone and want to reach a tie, I have to use Bo Xie at least. If I want to win, I'll have to use the hidden Ability…"

    This sentence, Fang Li only halfway, is to find Sylvia's expression is somewhat subtle.

    This puzzled Fang Li and asked, "Why is this expression?"

“……Didn't you pay attention to how amazing your speech was? ”Sylvia sighed in a whisper. "Team Lancelot has won a team of "Gryps" and you are faced with such a team. You have a way to reach a draw and even defeat. Do you know how many people will be scared of the chin?"

    I know."

    Even Sylvia did not dare to say that Fang Li could defeat Lancelot alone, but that if Fang Li joined Team Huanglong, then the odds of the casino would be higher than Lancelot, and it would be unclear if it could win.

    However, if Fang Li is good enough, it is directly that one can overcome himself. How can Sylvia not feel subtle?

    "You Ah…
“Fang Li feels funny and likes to say:” Perhaps I only talk big? ”

    "I don't know you yet, because nobody else knows you."Sylvia said, “I am calmer than anyone and more acute than anyone else. If I don’t have a certain degree of certainty, I’m not going to make that assertion straightforward. And since I’ve asserted, it’s proof of your certainty. ”

    Sylvia's rather outrageous statement allows Fang Li to continue to spread his hand and have no alternative.

    "Well, no matter what, you haven't participated yet. It wouldn't be worth using more."Sylvia said with deep meaning: "However, those gimmicks have participated but don't you plan to say hello?"

    "Hello?"Fang Li raised the brows and laughed, "Okay, let's play a little."

    After that, Fang Li got up and came to the door of your guest room and suddenly opened it.


    Accompanied by a few neat and tidy screams and a "crackle and rattle" sound, the five young girls fell into the ground directly from outside the door like an avalanche, and they fell on the ground in a pyramid and appeared in Fang. Li's before.

    Looking at the group of young girls, Fang Li likes to laugh.

    "It is tracking and eavesdropping. You are still as busy as ever. What you want to know, directly ask me then it will be alright. Why is it so troublesome?"

    The familiar, laughter-free voice made Rusalka's group of young girls froze.

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