Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 837 “Identical” and “Different”

    As a result, Orphelia seems to be really planning to stay here and not return to the Rewolf Black Institute.

    For such Orphelia, Fang Li was able to say only one sarcasm.

    "Don't you hate me ? Why do you follow me like this? ”

    Faced with such a mockery of Fang Li, Orphelia only kept silent and said nothing.

    As a result, Conversely Fang Li talked about a disinterest.

    That's what it said, but Fang Li did not drive Orphelia out.

    Although this girl gave up hope and chose to follow the crowd, she did not feel favored. For her bitter past, Fang Li did not produce much sympathy, but Fang Li herself was curious to inspire this girl. Now it's turn. There is nothing to complain about when someone comes to provoke yourself.

    Perhaps only Fang Li will be like this. I would like to go to the very bottom of my life and think what you are doing.

    Indefinitely, Fang Li will change his mind tomorrow and drive Orphelia out.

    Of course, at least today can still tolerate it.

    "It's time for each other."

    With this statement as a conclusion, Fang Li did not give his bed to Orphelia. After bathing, she lay down directly on the bed.

    And Orphelia lay in bed with the same silence and slept directly with Fang Li.

    If a third party sees this scene, then it will absolutely feel ridiculous that both sides hateful each other's remarks.

    Really hateful each other, it really can not coexist, then it will be like lying in bed like this?

    However, either Fang Li or Orphelia did not have any kind of courtesy to each other, and even had the slightest scruples, even if lying in the same bed, even if each other is the opposite sex, there is still no slightest hesitation.

    In this way, it means that the two of them are definitely not half-hearted about each other.

    Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to ignore the other person's feelings, and then calmly to this point.

    This wonderful way of getting around is probably only possessed by exceptions such as Fang Li and Orphelia.

    Therefore, the two did not even go back to each other, lying shoulder to shoulder together, body covered with the same bed, leaning against the same pillow.

    Incidentally, Orphelia's school uniform has been taken off, leaving only one shirt to be worn on the body, and pure white snow hair is laid on the bed so that the bed surface looks a kind of white and flawless feeling.

    Night has long been deep.

    Fang Li has almost even fallen asleep.

    Orphelia alone was still staring at the ceiling like a red moon, staring at the ceiling, not knowing what he was thinking, and the charming face that was full of mischief was still confused and a little reticent. feel.

    Until a certain moment, with eyes closed, it seemed as though the normal Fang Li suddenly had no sign of opening.

    "Is there anything I want to ask? It's uncomfortable."

    Hearing Fang Li's words, Orphelia draped slightly and opened her mouth softly.

    "When did you become Genestellar?"

    Hearing this, Fang Li did not have the slightest concealment and answered directly.

    "A year ago when I first entered Jie Long."

    More precisely, it should be said that it was only a year ago in this world.

    If it refers to Fang Li's somatosensory time, it will be far from just.

    one year agoOrphelia whispered: "Because of the experiment?"

    Orphelia became Genestellar because of human experiments, and even became Strega (Witch).

    Unfortunately, Fang Li is not.

    "At least, no one tied me to the operating table and injected my body with something unfathomable mystery."Fang Li still kept his eyes closed, as if talking about sleeping talking, saying: “If you have to say something, then you can only say that it was affected by mysterious power.”

    The mysterious power referred to here is naturally Main God's Dimension.

    Originally, it was because Fang Li was able to sense the existence of Mana, reached Genestellar's class transition requirement, and finally it was transformed by Main God's Dimension's power to become Genestellar.

    Only, this so-called mysterious power, listening to Orphelia's ear, but it is another meaning.

    "Aah …"Orphelia uttered a bitter sigh and said: "If this is the case, then it can only be said to be fate."

    I know."

    Because of the influence of unknown's power, the result is transformed from ordinary people to Genestellar. What is the fate?

    However, Fang Li opened his eyes.

    "Don't push everything to fate, not only denying your own possibility, but also quite annoying."Fang Li said indifferently: “I volunteered to become Genestellar and I did not make a mandatory transition like you did.”

    VoluntarilyOrphelia gave a slight glimpse of silence, then half a will, and after a while, from the heart, said: "Why voluntarily become a harm to others?"

    "Hurt someone?"Fang Li grinned and said: "Could it be that, does having power mean hurting people?"

    "At least, all I see so far is this."Orphelia said sadly: "I am, you are too."

    The only difference lies in the fact that Fang Li uses power according to his own wishes, and Orphelia only became involuntarily at first and later became abandon oneself to despair.

    In addition, Fang Li and Orphelia also have a decisive difference.

    "Perhaps, in your opinion, no matter what kind of life has its meaning of survival, it should not hurt."

    Fang Li took a look at Orphelia, with some ironic openings.

    "But I haven't been so kind to you. I also have seven passions."

    "If it is someone you like, then get along."

    "If it's a hateful person, kill it."

    “Like my Senior Brother Senior Sisters, I still like to get along with them.”

    "But if those guys are similar to those who sent you to the operating table without permission, I wouldn't be able to kill it."

    Orphelia's shoulders suddenly shuddered.

    Fang Li did not seem to find it, but said to himself.

    "Goodness is not a bad thing, but it is also not a good thing."

    "At least, I think so."

    At the end of such a sentence, Fang Li closed his eyes as if he intended to end the dialogue.

    "It's late. I will practice tomorrow morning and go to bed early."

    After that, Fang Li ignored Orphelia, adjusted his breath, and began to sleep.

    Listening to the even breathing sounds from his ear, Orphelia stared at the ceiling again.

    Unclear eyes like the Red Moon, the emotions revealed, perhaps, even Orphelia himself does not know its proper body.

    But Orphelia still understands one thing.

    "Could it be that, in this case you are my destiny?"

    With this idea, Orphelia was tired and closed his eyes and slept.

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