Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 817 only one advice


    The smashing of the school badge's smashingly clear sound to the ground clearly echoed throughout the training room.

    Miluse, Paivi, Monica, Tuulia, and the Mahulena group of young girls seemed to have reacted until now. They quickly lowered their heads and looked to the ground, then they all sluggish.

    "How…How come?



    Group of young girls are screaming out as if they dared not believe it.

    Immediately, the expression has become at a loss.

    "Will not…"

    In the next second, Miluse, Paivi, Monica, Tuulia, and Mahulena group of young girls all seemed to lose their strength and sit on the ground.

    The blue glow of the body, like a mirage, vanished without a trace.

    When the group of young girls were at a loss overwhelmed, Fang Li slowly walked in front of them.

    In the eyes ,ice blue Mystic Eyes has been cancelled.

    "You can make me use this pair of eyes. You guys are amazing."

    Fang Li condescendingly gazed at the girls on the ground and shrugged, so open.

    "However, I still won."

    Fang Li's remarked that the girls' shoulders shuddered.

    Even if the brains are no longer good, Rusalka's girls will not forget the promise that was made soon.

    That is, if Fang Li wins, Team Rusalka will have to disband.

    "Well, what can I do now?"

    Fang Li's careless voice was introduced into the girls' ears.

    "This is no matter how you say it is a formal duel. The school badge has already recorded the previous agreement. If it can not be fulfilled, then can the Integrated Enterprise Foundation not guarantee you?"

    After all, the rules of the duel are fundamental to War-Academy City, even if the Integrated Enterprise Foundation cannot shake.

    No, it should be said that it will not shake.

    Otherwise, there is no need for War-Academy City.

    So, Fang Li's words are not alarmist.

    In order to maintain the existence of War-Academy City, even if Rusalka is the world famous rock band, only the superhuman gas woman group under Sylvia was disbanded.

    In other words, Rusalka, the Superhuman gas rock band, is really teetering.

    This fact runs through the hearts of the girls.


    Miluse lowered his head.


    The next second, suddenly burst into tears.

    "I don't want to disband! I don't want to dissolve! ”

    Helpless cries began to sound from this girl's body.


    Not only Miluse, even Paivi, Monica, Tuulia and even Mahulena all began to cry and even hug each other as if they did not want to leave each other. It was a sad one to cry.

    As a result, Rusalka's group of young girls one after another began to cry, tears kept falling down, how pitiful it was.

    Said with no trace of politeness , if Rusalka's fans can see this scene, then it would be a drooling person to drown Fang Li.

    However, in the face of this people's pity, Fang Li's expression did not waver.

    Only , Fang Li said such a sentence.

    "Well, it's okay to not dissolve."

    In a word, let Rusalka's maidens stop the crying cry globally and lift up the face crying-stained face of a beauty, staring at Fang Li, in the eyes full of pleading.

    In this case, Fang Li could not help laughing.

    "Can I not have seen anything today?"

    Fang Li said so, and squatted down and extended the hand, provoking Miluse's chin closest to him and making a loud noise.

    "Only, if you don't obedient later, then I will inevitably remember what happened today. Do you understand?"

    To this point, how can Rusalka's girls dare to say no?

    At the moment, the group of young girls are just like whistling and constantly nod.

    And these girls are completely undiscovered.

    Sylvia, long gone.


    In the training room, there is actually an auditorium.

    It was in a small room.

    At this time, one person was in the small room, through the glass, and saw the scene in the training room.

    Seeing Fang Li treating Milus, Paivi, Monica, Tuulia, and the girls of Rusalka of Mahulena and Rusalka, he was silent.

    If you take the full-faced glasses on your face, you might be able to see it?

    See a changeable look.

    It wasn’t until a certain moment that a sound began to ring next to it.

    怎么样? Did my family's little man not let you down? ”

    With the sound of the sound, World's first Diva did not know when it was here, leaning against the wall of the door.

    "I knew you must have mastered the whole process and will absolutely hide here to observe."Sylvia laughs and says: "After all, this is your style, Petra."

“……So, did you not stop your little boyfriend's duel with Rusalka? ”Petra was silent for a moment and said, "Let me see his real strength. Do you think the Integrated Enterprise Foundation will be jealous?"

    "Indeed, for the Integrated Enterprise Foundation, Fang Li's power alone is nothing more than it?"Sylvia smile on face is not reduced, so to say: "But, it still needs to be considered carefully, isn't it?"

    Petra fell silent again.

    Obviously, for Sylvia's statement, Petra is the default.

    Sylvia only sighed.

    "To be honest, I don't know why he suddenly became so strong."Sylvia said: "But if you are against him, I can guarantee that this is definitely not a wise choice."

    “So?Petra unemotionally said: "Are you threatening me?"

    "only gives you a piece of advice."Sylvia turned his eyes and looked into the training room. Standing in front of Rusalka, Fang Li seemed to say something. He smiled and said, “Petra has always been a smart person. I believe that what kind of person is There is a real threat. You should be able to see it."

    "So, this is really only a piece of advice."

    "I only wanted to tell you that if I were against him, I would stand to your opposites anyway."

    Leaving such a word, Sylvia turned and left the room.

    Only Petra remained, quietly watching the interior of the training room. After a long time, he sighed.

    "It seems that there is really no way to retain Diva…"

    What does that mean?

    It means that starting today, the dominance is in the hands of Sylvia.

    Whether it is Petra, Queenvail Girls' Academy or Integrated Enterprise Foundation, you can only sit back and relax.

    Sylvia is seated in the end, choose to stay, or choose to leave.

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