Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 811 to stay home to raise children?

    Fang Li did not hear Sylvia mention Rusalka.

    After all, Rusalka used to follow Fang Li and Sylvia.

    After that, Sylvia made a slight mention to Fang Li and commented on it.

    "You don't blame them. Their hearts are not bad. Only there are stupids."

    Now, Fang Li finally understands why Sylvia made such an evaluation.

    These gimmicks, with the exception of Mahulena, aren't the best brains?


    Fang Li rubbed his forehead, raised his eyes, and looked at the group of young girls who had turned to Rusalka.

    "In short, let me listen first. Why do you have to complain to me?"

    Hearing this, including Mahulena, Paivi, Monica and Tuulia have all focused on Miluse's body.

"Miluse suddenly said with some panic:" I mean? ”

    A group of members suddenly opened their mouths.

    "Of course it's you."Paivi)

    "Are you Captain?"Monica)

    "This time should come in instead of us."Tuulia)

    NoOtherwise, we still go back. "(Mahulena)

    That said, Monica, who was most sourness/bad mind, even pushed Miluse out, causing Miluse to be awkward and almost without falling.

    "Om…"Miluse suddenly cheeks with dissatisfaction, but still leaned toward Fang Li.

    To be honest, that is not terrible, but rather a little cute.

    The other person is Captain of the world famous rock band. Popularity is only under Sylvia.

    Only, unlike Sylvia's sensational ones, Miluse is more like a Little Sister who loves fucking eggs but can't bear to scold them.

    (Siccon is estimated to hold it?)

    This is the only idea of ​​Fang Li.

    Do not know what Fang Li Fang Li thought about so Fang Li, imposing manner 汹汹 opening.

    "You are harmless!"

    At the beginning, this is the case.

    "Do you know?"Miluse panting with rage said: "Because of you, Sylvia is ready to retired!"

    Miluse's speech, let Fang Li's raised the brows and looked to Sylvia.

    Sylvia was still laughing there, and after observing Fang Li's gaze, he said with a smile: “I only mentioned this with Superintendent. If it is necessary, it is okay to withdraw.”

    "Is it so?"Fang Li shook his head and laughed, then looked back at Rusalka and said to Miluse: "And then? Why do you have to complain to me? ”

    ,alsoWhy do you ask? ”Miluse angry said: "Sylvia wants to retreat because of you!"

    Therefore, Miluse will say Fang Li is harmful.

    And Fang Li finally understood what happened.

    "in other words …"Fang Li looked directly at Miluse and said: "You think that Sylvia's withdrawal is a bad thing, right?"

    Of course.Miluse said without hesitation: "That was the world's best throne that you finally got. How long did you think we wanted this throne?"

    Following Miluse's words, the rest of Rusalka's members were also one after another.

    "Yeah Right!
Monica has long wanted the throne of the world! "(Monica)

    "Sooner or later, we will all surpass Sylvia!" (Paivi)

    "Then get the first in the world!" (Tuulia)

    This is the statement made by Monica, Paivi and Tuulia.

    Only Mahulena, silently sighing, didn't know what to look like.

    However, everyone in Rusalka thinks so. That's not wrong.

    Sylvia is an idol for countless people.

    Even in a place like the Queenvail Girls' Academy, many debuting idol stars are striving for Sylvia and only hope to reach Sylvia's height one day.

    Believe that everyone in Rusalka is also a part of it.

    And even in the eyes of outsiders, Sylvia's careers can only describe the word success.

    The idols that countless people have in mind, whom they admire, actually choose to retire because of Fang Li. Who would be willing to accept it?

    Rusalka could not accept it.

    Therefore, they came here to complain to Fang Li.

    Have to say, like Sylvia said, these gimmicks are not good brains, but the heart is not bad.

    At the very least, they also know to find Fang Li's complaint and speak for Sylvia.

    However, Fang Li still wants to say so.

    "I said that withdrawal is not necessarily a bad thing?"Fang Li said: “Even if popularity is high, idols will only be part of acting career after all. Like a job, if you don’t want to resign naturally, why is it a bad thing?”

    The people of Rusalka suddenly stopped.

    "You say Sylvia will be retired because of me?"Fang Li shrugged and looked at Sylvia and asked, "Do you like the current career?"

    "Not like it?"Sylvia said straightforwardly, "I said earlier that I would choose the current position. Only because it allows more people to hear my singing, even if they give up, then there is nothing to miss."

    "It is like this."Fang Li spread out his hands and said to many of the young girls in Rusalka: “If Idol becomes Sylvia's dream, Sylvia also reluctantly cares about her and she chose me in the helpless situation. Then you complain to me. Of course."

    "However, oneself doesn't feel that the job has anything to do with nostalgia. Isn't it bad to give up?"Fang Li's mouth rose slightly and said: “The most is to stay at home to raise children later. Will I have to raise her?”

    The explosive speech just appeared.

    supportRaising children? ! ”

    Rusalka's group of young girls all blushed.

    "It's hard…could it be that …"Miluse is even more shaken against Sylvia trembling: "You…You're already following %s.

    "It's not!"Sylvia's charming face was finally red, and she gave Fang Li a look and could not help but say, "Don't say anything weird!"

    "I'm only an analogy. How do you respond to that are you doing?"Fang Li said with some funny smiles to Rusalka's group of young girls: “Anyway, in my opinion, this is not a bad thing. I don’t accept this complaint.”

    "wú wú …"Rusalka's group of young girls suddenly gave an unwilling voice.

    WellThat, I think Fang Li-san is right. ”Mahulena said weakly: "It depends on Sylvia-san's wishes."

    Unfortunately, Mahulena's companions have not heard her words.

    "In that case, no way!"

    Miluse seems to have made a decision, pointing to Fang Li, loudly declare.

    "We will fight it!"

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