Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 805 is simply two issues

    “Un… p> At this time, Sylvia made a startling sound.

    "This room…"

    Obviously, Sylvia has already noticed the wonders of the Stars Room.

    "Found it?"Fang Li smiled at Sylvia and said: "Here was originally used to exercise Prana, but I was later used as a room."

    Saying this, Fang Li looked at Sylvia a little and said with some admiration: "Only, you don't seem to be affected a lot."

    This shows that even if Sylvia's control of his Prana does not reach the same level as Fang Li's, it is definitely not too weak.

    "Well, I would say nothing more than Strega (Witch), which uses the more specific Ability. If various kinds of ability are involved, then naturally it would take a bit of control under Prana's control."Sylvia said something awkward: "Only, it feels like the body will get heavier without paying attention."

    Living in the Stars Room means that it is necessary to keep Prana flowing smoothly for 24 hours. There can be no deviation.

    That difficulty is not naturally easy to achieve.

    "Have you lived in such a place forever?"Sylvia looked like he saw Fang Li and said, "No wonder you have the strength."

    This is also a reasonable evaluation.

    After all, the use of Prana is now an important part of Fang Li's strength and cannot be ignored.

    If there is no Prana, then Fang Li's strength will have to be discounted.

    "And if you say it, you can just honed this opportunity."Fang Li said to Sylvia: “It will always help you?”

    Sylvia suddenly smiled, closing one eye and saying something like sourness/bad mind: "I'll take advantage of it."

    Having said that, Sylvia's expression only changed, and an irritated teacher sinned.

    “What I said was because of you, and it caused me to be joked by Xinglu. When I was a child, I couldn't lift my head in front of her.”

    Sylvia's appearance is like a gas drum.

    "You don't always tell me that you don't care what other people think of you. Even if you reveal the relationship, it's okay to withdraw it."Fang Li said with a laugh: "Now, instead of looking forward to face?"

    "This time is not the same."Sylvia said in distress: "Exposed relationships stay in a man's room. It's just two problems."

    "It has already happened anyway. It's too late to regret it again."Fang Li smiled and said: "So, you still give up."

    Eh…Sylvia only sighed and seemed to really give up.

    "Okay, don't sigh."Fang Li touched Sylvia's head and said: "After a shower, they all ran for a day."

    "Right."Sylvia nodded, shortly afterwards thought again and said: "But I didn't have clothes to change."

    "This is also true."Fang Li seemed to think of this matter now, touched his chin, and said: "Or else, I'm going out to buy a set now?"

    After hearing this, Sylvia immediately looked at Fang Li with a smile and said, "Are you sure you want to go outside to buy women's clothes during the middle of the night?"

    "Uh?"Fang Li suddenly became silent.

    This time, Fang Li's room was ringed.


    Fang Li and Sylvia were surprised at the same time.

    A voice came from outside the door.

    "Junior Brother, are you there?"

    Upon hearing this sound, Fang Li immediately stunned.

    "Senior Brother Zhao ?"

    Awesome, it is Zhao Hufeng.

    It's him?Sylvia is also surprised.

    "What?"Fang Li asked even more surprised: "Do you know Senior Brother Zhao?"

    "The list of Jie Long's ranked fifth place, "Tenka Musou, who led Wood Faction. Who doesn't know?"Sylvia replied: "And, he has heard of my concert through of come come, I found."

    In other words, Sylvia knows that Zhao Hufeng is his own fan.

    At this time, Zhao Hufeng's doubting voice again rang from outside the door.

    "Junior Brother, who are you talking to?"

    Should I really say that I am a five-strong warrior?

    Both Fang Li and Sylvia have deliberately lowered their voices. They have even been discovered.

    At the moment, Fang Li quickly opened up.

    "Senior Brother Zhao? I'm talking about video conversation with people! You wait for me for a little ! ”

    After that, Fang Li caught Sylvia's hand and whispered, "No matter what, let's hide."

    In any case, this condition cannot be discovered by Zhao Hufeng.

    If Zhao Hufeng finds out that his idol has actually been brought back by Fang Li, it will definitely break out on the spot.

    Sylvia also seemed to realize what was going on. After a bitter laugh, he was able to get into Fang Li's bed with Fang Li's push.

    Nothing. There was nothing in the Stars Room. There was only one bed. Even the bathrooms were all arranged for cleaning after the training.

    In addition, the bathroom is the kind of no door, only the type of shower head and water outlet.

    Sylvia can only hide in Fang Li's bed.

    Immediately, Fang Li sat down on the edge of the bed, and after being hidden behind, he sang out to the outside door.

    "Senior Brother, come in."

    When the voice fell, Zhao Hufeng pushed the door and walked in.

    "Junior Brother."When Zhao Hufeng comes in, he asks Fang Li: “Have you just seen the Master?”

    "Been there."Fang Li replied concisely: "what happened?"

    "It's the "Gryps" thing."Zhao Hufeng no doubt had him. He looked at Fang Li and said to Fang Li: “Master said, originally wanted to have five of us together to form a team and go to participate in “Gryps” a month later, but now you are back. Master is still thinking about whether or not you should be playing, so I would like to ask if Master has talked to you about this matter."

    "No, Master didn't tell me."Fang Li directly said: "Moreover, I also have no interest in "Gryps." Even if Master let me go, I probably won't go."

    "In other words, do you want to defy the Master's order?"Zhao Hufeng frowned and said: “That is too disrespectful. Although the Master never considers the consequences and is extremely involuntary, but no matter how it is said to be our Master, if Master sincerely hopes us to play, then we as disciples must Try to meet Master."

    The senior Brother of the plate suddenly started to reach out.

    This caused Fang Li to regret something.

    As far back as possible, I'll try to perfunctory.

    This is better. It seems that it will not go in a short time.


    I don't know if this scene is very interesting. A laugh of cannot help laughing came from the bed behind Fang Li.


    Zhao Hufeng suddenly froze.

    Fang Li secretly opened his heart.

    "Oh no…"

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