Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 791 only to rest


    Seeing Fan Xinglu walk out of the Yellow Dragon Temple, a sigh of relief sounded from several people's body at the same time.

    Fan Xinglu's disciples slowly got up and focused their attention on Fang Li's body.

    "Junior Brother Fang."Zhao Hufeng said with a look of censure: "You are in chaos."

    "Only this time, I have to like Hufeng."Cecily is also rare to face up to Fang Li. He said: "In the case of just one, if you can't fix it, it will be a big event. Even if I can't help but have a cold sweat for you."

    Even Zhao Hufeng and Cecily are like this. Li Shenyun and Li Shenhua needless to say. Even now, they still have a lingering look and can't speak for a long time.

    Only Wu Xiaofei has set his sights on Fang Li's body, with some solemn openings.

    "You are getting stronger."

    "The degree to which Master couldn't stand it."

    Wu Xiaofei’s words suddenly awakened others.

    Yeah man.

    Hasn't it just been because of the development just now?

    In other words, after nearly a year, leaving Jie Long's Fang Li became extremely powerful because of the unfortunate experience.

    It is so strong that even Fan Xinglu cannot suppress his heart for war.

    "Junior Brother …"Zhao Hufeng said: “What did you experience in the past year?”

    "I am also very curious."Cecily's attitude was so bold that he asked, "also, I'm curious as well, how strong you really are, and even Master becomes like that, it really makes people have to be surprised."

    In the mouth, Cecily and Zhao Hufeng's eyes are burning.

    That is an unyielding performance.

    Almost a year later, whether it is Cecily or Zhao Hufeng, there has been some progress in more or less.

    So, in the eyes of the two, even if Fang Li is getting stronger, it is just like himself.

    After all, before leaving, Fang Li's strength was not much different from the two, and it was almost between them.

    Today, after a time of one year, Fang Li is so strong that even Fan Xinglu loses self-control. How can Cecily and Zhao Hufeng not doubt?

    Actually, Cecily and Zhao Hufeng are the standard warriors, and they have extremely strong self-motivation.

    Regarding Innate Skill natural talent, the two can be accepted as disciples by Fan Xinglu, which is enough to show that they are all on the top.

    In that case, of course, neither Cecily nor Zhao Hufeng will easily admit that they are not as good as men.

    Not to mention, this person is still his own Junior Brother.

    Surpassed by your own Junior Brother, it's not something to be commended.

    Of course, there is no Envy in the hearts of the two people. The only thing is not convinced.

    As a result, even Wu Xiaofei could not help but speak to Fang Li.

    "I also want to know how strong you are now."

    This made Fang Li somewhat surprised.

    Unexpectedly, in addition to satisfying the wishes of their Master, the rest will not be considered. Obsessive's First Senior Brother, like Doll, will actually respond because of this incident.

    However, when Fang Li thought about it, Fang Li discovered one thing.

    "First Senior Brother."Fang Li looked at Wu Xiaofei and said some funny things: "Isn't your change too great?"

    This is not flattery.

    Wu Xiaofei's change is indeed great.

    If you feel it carefully, you will find it.

    In the past, Wu Xiaofei was dedicated to satisfying Fan Xinglu, constantly improving himself, but only in the numbness of Fan Xinglu's copy of everything, without the self, only the imaginary aura.

    However, today Wu Xiaofei, in the sense of Fang Li's, is full of incredible aura.

    That feeling is just like living.

    In this regard, Wu Xiaofei seems to have consciously, only whispered.

    "After that, I asked the Master to help me exercise again."

    That is, Wu Xiaofei has already overcome the shortcomings of the past and suddenly realized it.

    "This is what a scholar who has been away for three days must be looked at with new eyes?"Fang Li nodded said: "If it is the present First Senior Brother, I will not win any more than a year ago."

    This is also not flattery.

    At least, in the view of Fang Li, Wu Xiaofei may now be approaching the limit of Fourth Rank, and is half stepping into the threshold of coming into contact with Third Rank.

    Simply using Rank to calculate, the current Wu Xiaofei and Fang Li estimate that at one level, only a little bit will be able to reach the limit of Fourth Rank, and then you can prepare to contact Third Rank.

    Of course, the fighting power is different.

    After all, Fang Li has Equipment additions, Class additions and title additions, and Attributes alone, and it is already comparable to Third Rank.

    This is the advantage of Main God's Envoy.

    Wu Xiaofei only had some stubborn openings.

    "However, Master is not satisfied with me."

    This sentence was immediately rebutted by Zhao Hufeng.

    "It's not the case."Zhao Hufeng said: "Since First Senior Brother started to reform, Master has always been very happy, claiming that sooner or later you can reach her realm."

“……However, it is not now. ”Wu Xiaofei said some concisely: "I can't make Master feel satisfied now."

    "You're a bit to waste time on an insoluble or insignificant problem, First Senior Brother."Cecily couldn't help but say, "You are the fastest one in our apprentice brothers. If you are not satisfied with present self, then how can you let us continue to hone it?"

    "This is also a test for us."Zhao Hufeng sighed, then raised his head and said very seriously: “Perhaps this time the “Gryps” is also a bad bad for us.”

    In Zhao Hufeng's words, everyone's hearts were slightly moved.

    ""Gryps"?"Fang Li is also the raised the brows and says with a smile: "So that's how it is. Is everyone gathered here because of this incident?"

    "Junior Brother, how did you plan?"Cecily asked Fang Li: "Prepare to participate in "Gryps"?"

    Hearing this, Fang Li shook his head and said directly: "I have no interest in Gryps. This time I only came back to rest."

    BreakWu Xiaofei entire group suddenly burst into tears.

    The only Fang Li, who was attracted to the joke, said: "After all, I have to spend my time with my awkward girlfriend."

    GirlfriendWu Xiaofei entire group was suddenly scared.

    FemaleGirlfriendZhao Hufeng even said in a panic: "The teacher…Junior Brother, you have a girlfriend? ”

    Seeing Zhao Hufeng's performance, Fang Li closed his mouth.

    Almost forgot, Sylvie is the idol of Senior Brother Zhao.

    If be senior Brother Zhao know Sylvie is his girlfriend, that is afraid to be with oneself desperately.

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