Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 769 One Two Three (Seek Monthly Tickets)


    Habi's eyes widened.

    In that pair of eyes, it was full of shock.


    Habi whispers something like he sees a monster.

    How can that be?

    Is this perhaps the first time in my life?

    Goddess, captivated by "War" and "Love," was as shocked as he could not believe what his eyes saw.

    On the other side, Fang Li's situation is not as good as it looks.


    Some quick breathing, from his mouth.

    The storm-like Prana, which has risen from its body, has already gone extremely fast.


    Fang Li's not only was spotted on the heart, but was hit by the laser beam of light, even with a flicker of smoke.

    "Is there a way to completely stop even if I use all the Prana to strengthen the defense?"

    If, then, Fang Li's Prana is weak again, I'm afraid, at this moment, his heart has been penetrated?

    In other words, Fang Li took a trip back at the Ghost Gate.

    In such circumstances, it is also possible to maintain calm people, and it is estimated that only Fang Li will ignore the existence of death.


    Fang Li once again put out a long breath.

    The body is somewhat weak.

    That is the excess consumption of Prana.

    In order to achieve defensive power comparable to that of an outbound warship, Fang Li really exhausted all Prana, leaving only a trivial part of it to flow, making Fang Li unconscious because of Prana's lack of coma.

    In order to stop Ruyi Bang, Fang Li’s price is so great.

    However, that's the end of it.

    "You said that whether you are Ruyi Bang or Somersault Cloud, can you only use once in one day?"

    Fang Li ignored the scorched skin on the heart and stood up and looked at Habi.

    "Now, Ruyi Bang, you have already used it, and Somersault Cloud has already used it. Next, what are you?"

    Even if Prana is nearly exhausted, the only thing that can threaten Fang Li's Ruyi Bang has been blocked.

    Well, even if not can use Prana to further strengthen it. With Fang Li's strength, if you want to overcome Habi without Hihiirokane's power, even if it is not easy, then there is no suspense.

    So, Fang Li will say that.

    "I won…"

    Bringing Bo Xie in his hand, Fang Li points the sword to Habi.

    Ice blue Mystic Eyes appears again.

    "Come on and off without courtesy. Since you used Ceramic Kill Technique for me, I also reciprocated and offered my strongest killing move here."

    Afterwards, Fang Li raised Bo Xie in his hand high and pointed to the sky.

    However, at this moment, Habi who had been silent suddenly smiled.

    Smile helpless unusual, but also unusually strange.

    "Don't worry, Fang Li."

    Habi smiled as she opened her mouth.

    "You're the first person ever to direct Ruyi Bang and survive. It's like you're such a good Warrior. Killing you here is too wasteful."

    Habi's words made Fang Li's movements on his hands a little more painful. The ice blue Mystic Eyes were also glittering.

“……Is it?Fang Li looked directly at Habi and said, "It's the point. You could be that in addition. Can you win me?"

    "I can't guess. Without Ruyi Bang and Somersault Cloud, I can only play against you direct. In the face of your eyes, I don't have an odds of success right now."Habi admitted calmly.

    However, Habi's smile did not stop.

    Then, I said that sentence.

    "But, I'm not your opponent. What about me?"

    When this sentence rang from Habi's mouth, Fang Li's eyes suddenly tightened and turned violently.

    In this moment, a petite figure turned in an incredible motion into a blur, leaping high and falling like a meteor, and rushed to Fang Li.


    Pleasant laughter came from the other person's mouth.

    Oriented by Great Sage Equaling Heaven and Victoriaious Fighting Buddha, Kowloon's Monkey King lifted his Green Dragon Crescent Blade and turned the blade into a flash of direct glare, falling against Fang Li.

    "Hey —!"

    The crisp sound of the collegiate opens.

    It was frightening that the wind and sparks were looming between the lightsaber and blade confronted by sparks.

    At this time, Habi took the opportunity to rush up and picked up the giant axe in his hand. With a thunderbolt, he carried an astonishing enthusiasm and thundered into Fang Li.


    The explosion shocked the corner of the hill.

    Between the lifted blast wave and the gravel, Fang Li's figure resembled a phantom, plundering out, and avoiding the incoming attack just like riding the wind.

    "how is everything? Fang Li ? ”

    Habi took a huge axe and smiled like a child.

    "I can do this thing like this?"

    Sun also holds the Green Dragon Crescent Blade. The tail behind him is shaking slightly. Only the eyes are burning and the young smile is full of tenderness.

    Watching Sun and Habi standing side by side in front of their own, the body all exudes a heavy and terrible imposing manner in the mountains, and a completely identical expression on his face. Fang Li is finally silent.

    "One is full, all is one, this is Irokoen."

    This sentence, Fang Li understands.

    Use the most intuitive way.

    "Do you control both bodies at the same time?"

    Fang Li is facing the presence of two over-sized openings in front of him.

    "Can you even do this kind of thing?"

    After hearing this, Sun and Habi smiled again and the smile was still exactly the same.

    "This is not something weird?"

    "Isn't human inside also capable of using one person at a time?"

    "Indeed, it will be very difficult to have two people together at the same time."

    "However, difficulty does not mean that we cannot do it."

    Sun and Habi are like a crosstalk. One person speaks a word and forms a complete discourse. It feels like twins.

    Of course, that is indeed more breaking the rules than the twins.

    After all, it was already alone.

    However, although there is only one consciousness, the fighting power has doubled.

    Sun and Habi.

    When the two joined hands together, even if not using Ruyi Bang and Somersault Cloud, it was enough to fight against Fang Li's.

    "not to mention…"

    The smile of Sun and Habi is a change.

    It becomes a bit wicked as it was before.

    Immediately, I spoke in unison.

    "In addition to the two people here, isn't it also the third person on this island?"

    As soon as this statement was made, Fang Li understood the meaning in almost the first time.


    Fang Li without any hesitation ,figure blew into a blast, and suddenly leaps to Sun and Habi.


    Almost at the same time, the golden particles rose up in the Sun's body and covered the next Habi.

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