Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 762 you can not stand by (seeking monthly ticket)

    The next morning, early morning.

    In the room, Fang Li got up early, sat in bed, and closed his eyes, allowing Prana to continue to flow between the body and the body, again and again.

    After a night, Fang Li's Prana has become extremely plentiful under the influence of Reiji Maigo and Ionic Spark, sparking starlight in the wake of Fang Li's mobilization, giving it an extremely fulfilling feeling.

    Fang Li is working with the breatha while working with the breath and adjusts his state to the best condition. He doesn't breathe until a long time later, allowing the dazzling stars to converge slowly.

    Open your eyes and look at the blue sky outside the window. Fang Li whispering.

    "It's almost time…"

    After that, Fang Li got up and walked out of this room that was only for one night.


    As a seaside island far from the city, the morning is unusually moving.

    The birds soar in the sky.

    Wild beast yells in the distance.

    The air is getting warmer.

    The sea breeze whistled.

    No matter how you look at it, this is like a corner of paradise.

    In the pavilion yesterday, Zhuge Jinghuan sat in front of the stone table and was sipping his own tea. It looked like an outsider.

    Fang Li came out of the hallway and saw it smoothly.

    Zhuge Jinghuan did not even lift his head, as if he knew that Fang Li would arrive at this time. He smiled and said: “It seems that last night seemed to be sleeping well.”

    Hearing this, Fang Li shrugged and replied: "Then you guessed wrong. I'm very nervous."

    "Do I?"Zhuge Jinghuan turned his eyes and looked at Fang Li. He smiled and said: "How can I not see you seemingly nervous?"

    "Of course you don't see it."Fang Li Shi Shiran said: "You have seen it, then how do I go next?"

    "Unfortunately, I admit that I still look at people's eyesight and I don't see you being nervous at all."Zhuge Jinghuan’s attitude seems to have become tougher. He said: “If you are so nervous, then I’ll be a lot easier.”

    Woo.Fang Li casually asked: "Why do you say that?"

    "It's very simple."Zhuge Jinghuan said that he couldn't see the smile he had in mind, saying: "Because, you don't look like you are planning to stand on the same front with us."

    "Is it still possible for me to return this item to you?"Fang Li said with a faint smile : "You don't look like you're planning to stand by?"

    "No, I will stand by."Zhuge Jinghuan smiled again and said, "As long as you fight with Habi-sama."

    In a few words, the fight between the inside and the inside has almost been back and forth several times.

    This also means that both sides clearly know their next position.

    "I feel very sorry, Mr. Fang. ”Zhuge Jinghuan sighed and said: "I really hope you can come to our Ranban."

    "Sure.Fang Li's expression became indifferent and returned: "But I have already said that it is not for me."

    “ Why?”Zhuge Jinghuan is really sorry, so said: "We are Chinese, should be able to understand each other is right." ”

    "If that is the case, then China will not have so many disputes."Fang Li looked to Zhuge Jinghuan with a touch of light: "Anyway, even if we join Ranban in Hong Kong, the first thing we need to deal with is internal strife."

“……Can't deny this, how much do I think somewhat unwilling yet. ”Zhuge Jinghuan sighed again and greeted Fang Li's gaze and said, "It seems that we can't come together in a gentle way."

    "So, haven't I already said it?"Fang Li smiled and said: "For me, there is only one way to solve the problem."

    Suddenly, Zhuge Jinghuan said nothing more.

    Obviously, Zhuge Jinghuan already understands that it would be futile to say more.

    Then there is only one remaining countermeasure.

    mr Fang. ”Zhuge Jinghuan used the expression of a smiling knife in the past, and said something: “I don't know if you want to crack Sun’s Ruyi Bang's method?”

    Fang Li looked into Zhuge Jinghuan's eyes and became interested. Then he laughed and said something.

    "If you want to know the answer, then you can not stand by."

    Leaving this sentence, Fang Li turned and walked toward the hall of yesterday.

    Zhuge Jinghuan smile on face is slightly converged, blinked, hurriedly drank the last tea, then he got up and followed behind Fang Li towards the hall.


    When Fang Li came to the vast hall yesterday, what appeared before her was a scene that was nothing different from yesterday.

    Here refers It is nothing different from yesterday and it is thing when Fang Li leaves.

    Last night, when Fang Li left from here, the scene can be described as a mess.

    The jug rolls off everywhere.

    Cup dish is extremely messy.

    One by one Oni's people lay down in one fell swoop and seemed to be still drunk.

    Even if it was Habi, it was also relying on the huge battle axe next to him, slobbering, sleeping and calling it a sweet.

    As for Ranban's people, it all disappeared without a trace.

    As a result, there are three people who are eating and drinking on the seats.

    One is sitting in that drinking clam.

    One is Tsubaki who helps you pour wine.

    There is still one in Sarah who is quietly picking vegetables.

    The three people who brought Fang Li here are as if waiting for Fang Li's. When they see Fang Li, they immediately focus on the past.

    "You came?"

    It's surprising that there is no hostility.

    "It's a loss you dare to come."

    Tsubaki is a satire.


    Sarah continued to eat the vegetables in silence, as if he did not want to speak with Fang Li. Only the speed of the dish was much faster.

    In such a situation, Fang Li did not have any hypocrisy. He immediately stepped forward and sat down across from him.

    He immediately raised the head and looked at Fang Li.

    Tsubaki and Sarah also looked at Fang Li. His eyes were full of alertness.

    Fang Li said that he did not see anything.

    "I have a question for you."

    Hearing the words of Fang Li's, he kept silent and only picked up the jug and poured a big mouthful.


    After a while, the jug was heavily placed on the ground.

    "Say it."With his full-bodied spirit, he said to Fang Li: “If it is now, even if it is something more disrespectful, I can answer you.”

    Fang Li does not have any hesitation.

    "Then I asked directly."

    Fang Li looked directly at him.

    "Zhuge Jinghuan told me that Sun and Habi are "Oneself" and "Oneself"."

    "What does that mean?"

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