Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 756 “Cause” and “Fruit” (Course Ticket)

    ————『Scarlet Blazing God』.

    This name, Fang Li's facial expression finally slowly became serious.

    Therefore, Fang Li looked at Hilda and said such a thing.

    "What about Scarlet Blazing God, can you explain it to me?"

    Perhaps, even Fang Li himself did not find it?

    At this moment, his jet-black eyes are gradually flashing over the ice blue.

    Seeing this scene with his own eyes, Hilda only felt that the whole blood had become cold because of the gaze of the eyes.

    Fear began to breed in deep in one's heart.

    "Aah …"

    The next second, Hilda gave a joyful voice, and the charming face was slightly reddish.

    This feeling of being frozen in the blood is horrible, but Hilda is captivated.

    (With eyes alone, people can give in. This is how noble it is…)

    Therefore, Hilda is willing to follow Fang Li, even if it comes to such an island, the enemy's stronghold.

    Now, once again staring at the pair of eyes, Hilda really couldn't stand it anymore.

    Can't help but think about the feelings of Fang Li.

    Believe that now, as long as an order of Fang Li, then count Hilda what are you doing, she will be willing to do it?

    Unfortunately, Hilda's feelings are not understood by Fang Li.

    Therefore, Hilda can only suppress this craving, intentionally cough, mask the accelerated heartbeat, and let the hot cheek cool down.

    Immediately, Hilda began to explain.

    “Hihiirokane has a very powerful power, but in itself it is very fond of war and love, and the object that Hihiirokane possesses will be transformed into Scarlet Blazing God, showing fierce heart for war and heart for love, turning into awesome. exist."

    Hilda's explanation allowed Fang Li to further confirm that Sun was Hihiirokane's consciousness.

    After all, Sun admitted himself.

    "In this world, the only thing that can make me so heated is fighting and falling in love."

    "Love is fun and people's heart beats faster."

    "Fighting is fun and exciting."

    "Without fighting and love, the world simply does not exist."

    This is what Sun said.

    The fierce heart for war and heart for love are the same as those described by Hilda.

    Then Hilda gave another amazing truth.

    "It is said that seven hundred years ago, humanity became Scarlet Blazing God, inciting the emperor, raising the battle and once plunging the entire world into chaos."Hilda said: "Finally, the Scarlet Blazing God died in the hands of the contemporary Tohyama Family Samurai and Hotogi Shrine's Miko."

    Fang Li suddenly lost.

    "Samurai and Hotogi Shrine's Miko of Tohyama Family?"

    Both sides are all familiar to Fang Li.

    Unexpectedly, this kind of thing was actually heard in this place.

    However, Hilda's words also reminded Fang Li of one thing.

    That is the relationship between Tohyama Family and Hotogi Shrine.

    When Fang Li first met Kinji and Shirayuki, the two said that the Tohyama Family and Hotogi Shrine had been dealing with each other long ago.

    “Could it be that , why would the Tohyama Family and Hotogi Shrine come in contact because of the origin of that time?”

    In other words, the Tohyama Family and Hotogi Shrine were associated with Hihiirokane as early as seven hundred years ago.

    Therefore, Shirayuki is only so familiar with Irokone's things. Even Ulus Tribe knows about Ririirokane.

    Therefore, Tohyama Kana will also enter Sherlock for Hidan, enter the IU, and eventually join forces with Tohyama Kinji in an attempt to dismantle the IU organization.

    Both sides, have a great relationship with Hihiirokane.

    "No, now is not the time to care about this kind of thing."

    Fang Li suddenly responded.

    "Since the person who holds Hihiirokane has the danger of being possessed and thus becomes Scarlet Blazing God, then Aria…"

    Is Aria not dangerous?

    Do not know if it was something that Fang Li was thinking about, Hilda spoke up.

    "So, the last time I told you wasn't that Holmes Family's little girl is very dangerous?"Hilda said: "I don't know why. The Golden Shell with that body has appeared to be a problem, and that gimmick is being affected by Hihiirokane."

    "Golden Shell ?"Fang Li suddenly asked: "What is it?"

    "That is a metal shell that can be manufactured by eliminating the occurrence of Heart Bond."Hilda explained: "There is a record in Sherlock's Study in Scarlet that, in order to allow anyone to use Irokone's power without using verticals, Hotogi Shrine once gathered a variety of precious materials and produced many of them from Miko. Metal shell, known as Golden Shell."

    "Hidan has such a Golden Shell on the surface, so Heart Bond is completely eliminated and Sherlock can use Hisan's power in the form of Method Bond."Hilda said with a frown: "Only, when she last saw the Holmes Family's little girl, her body had the same taste as Hihiirokane. It may be a problem with the Golden Shell that made Heart Bond appear."

    Hearing Hilda, Fang Li finally burst into tears.

    Now, Fang Li finally understands.

    Understand why Reki is targeting Aria so much that Aria is very dangerous.

    It's because Ririirokane told Reki that Aria is gradually turning into Scarlet Blazing God.

    However, the relationship between Ririirokane and Hihiirokane is very bad, and he certainly does not want to see Scarlet Blazing God appear.

    As a result, Reki will prevent Fang Li from becoming close to Aria's relationship with Ririarokane's advice.

    "Scarlet Blazing God is Goddess who loves war and love."Hilda said outspokenly: "If Aria has developed a love relationship, then does Scarlet Blazing God gradually increase?"

    This is the reason.

    Shirayuki was certainly aware of this, so he was not puzzled by Reki's approach. When talking with Fang Li, he also claimed that Aria had problems and needed to investigate.

    "Only, why does Aria's Golden Shell have problems?"

    Hilda first expressed this question, and when he found that Fang Li was smiling, he immediately responded.

    "Well, that's when you were in IU…"


    In the IU, Fang Li almost killed Hihiirokane.

    I'm afraid that, at that time, Fang Li did not kill Hihiirokane, but he damaged the Golden Shell wrapped in Hihiirokane's appearance.

    In other words, if Aria becomes Scarlet Blazing God, then the responsibility is only in Fang Li body.

    "I …Hilda didn't know what to say at once.

    Conversely Fang Li quickly calmed down and said to Hilda.

    "You come back first."

    Hilda nodded, body as a shadow, did not enter the shadow of Fang Li's.

    Fang Li got up from the bed and walked out of the room.

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