Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 691 is just the same kind

    Three days passed quickly.

    During these three days, Fang Li stayed in the room all the time, just as he intended to make up all the nights he had previously spent, whether it was daytime or nighttime.

    The body has been completely restored to the original due to Arcueid's power.

    However, the side effects of the soul are not the category that Arcueid's power can fix, so Fang Li needs a rest to restore the fatigue of the soul.

    During the visit, the number of Tohno Family members visited the disease. Even Tohno Shiki seemed to have awakened and once had seen Fang Li.

    Only ,entire group was extremely understanding and did not mention Arcueid's things. It was just a matter of discussion about the situation of Misaki Town.

    In addition, Fang Li has been lying in bed for a long time.

    During this time, Fang Li also tried to control the power that Arcueid left for him.

    Unfortunately, that power did not obey the command of Fang Li's and only entrenched in Fang Li's within the body. It was like the king of wild beast in the forest that was guarding a site. It was aloof and independent.

    It is only natural that you want to come.

    That's all the power of Arcueid.

    Arcueid seems to infuse all of the power into Fang Li's within the body. Even parts that haven't been restored before, it's all gradually restored in Fang Li's within the body and not restored in Arcueid's Master's body.

    Therefore, when this power is fully restored to its heyday, it is enough to destroy the whole continent, the terrible power of the Second Rank.

    Such terrible power, if Fang Li can use it at will, then what it be be that in addition need to be afraid of?

    You know, among Main God's Dimension, Main Rank's Envoy of Second Rank is a very rare existence, and First Rank Main God's Envoy is just like a legend.

    Fang Li, a Main Rank's Envoy of Fourth Rank, would like to get this kind of power step by step. That would be tantamount to idiotic dreams.

    Of course, Fang Li did not want to use it.

    "That is ultimately Arcueid's power."

    Therefore, Fang Li will still return to the princess one day sooner or later.

    And, while still possessing the power of absolute power, in front of Arcueid, return it.

    This is what Fang Li later needs to do.

    However, before that, Fang Li needed to find Millennium Castle first, and he also needed to find a way to return the power.

    Before that, let Arcueid go to bed.

    So, three days later, Fang Li finally came out of the room.

    Came to the living room and found the Tohno Family's entire group.


    Tohno Shiki horrified.

    "you are leaving?"

    Not only Tohno Shiki but even Tohno Akiha, Kohaku and even Hisui were extremely stunned and looked at Fang Li. They were surprised.

    “ Why?”Tohno Shiki quickly asked: "Why suddenly decided so?"

    Unlike Tohno Shiki, who was puzzled, Tohno Akiha, Kohaku, and Hisui were as silent as the heart and silent.

    Because, as early as the first day of coming to this western-style mansion, Fang Li had already said when he was hired as a deacon of the Tohno Family.

    "Sooner or later, I will still leave."

    Fang Li smiled and shrugged.

    "Although it was not a long time since I came to the Tohno Family, it is time now."

    It is not really long.

    It's not even a month's time.

    "If it's based on a monthly salary, I'm leaving now. I can't even get my salary."Fang Li smiled and said to the crowd: "However, the time is short, or at least it doesn't have to be like death. We haven't gotten to that point yet."

    Such words are undoubtedly somewhat ruthless.

    The length of time is simply not the key to the problem.

    In this regard, Fang Li should have experienced this in the Roswaal Mansion.

    After all, there was a half-hearted Half Elf girl and a gentle and venerable Oni girl who had been deeply involved with Fang Li in just one month or so.

    It's just different from that time.

    At that time, Fang Li did not know how many times to help and save the two girls.

    In view of this, it is not a strange thing to add that the two girls are naturally lacking love and gradually attracted by Fang Li.

    This is not the same here.

    Perhaps the relationship between Fang Li and Arcueid is somewhat complicated.

    However, the relationship with these people in the Tohno Family is much simpler. It is purely a relationship in the workplace.

    "So, just get together here."

    Fang Li claps his hands and draws everyone's attention to it, saying something like this.

    "Thank you for your care since this period of time."

    Fang Li's tone was still casual when he said this, but the essence of the inner circle is that anyone can detect it.

    Because of this, Tohno Akiha finally spoke.

    "Do not think about it anymore?"Tohno Akiha's tone is also very sincere, so to say: "To tell the truth, I do not agree with you just go away. When the family is used to people precisely, the guys who have recently come and go in this city are too heterful if you can To help me, it was a big deal."

    That's what it's saying, but Tohno Akiha's idea is actually there still still one right?

    "Our Tohno Family owes you the debt of Nanaya's family. It's just too unreasonable to announce the end just here."Tohno Akiha said: "So, I still hope you stay."

    Hearing this, Fang Li laughed.

    "Actually, you don't owe me anything at all, and Clan's debt has no reason to pay back only to one's body."Fang Li took a look at Tohno Shiki and said to Tohno Akiha: “If you really want to repay, then there are also objects that can be repaid. That person is not necessarily me.”

    Tohno Akiha becomes silent on the spot. Only Tohno Shiki's face is unknown.

    After a while, Tohno Akiha gave up and sighed. "It seems that you have made up your mind."

    “Correct.”Fang Li said bluntly: “So we are looking forward to see again/goodbye later.”

“……Is it?Tohno Akiha nodded, eyes went to Fang Li's body and said softly, "You take care of yourself."

    "Fang Li-san."Kohaku also said, "Please take care of yourself."

    I wish you a good [happy] journey!Hisui also spoke very rare opening.

    In the end, Tohno Shiki scratched his head and gave up on the same sigh.

    “In the end, I don’t understand what you’re a fellow.”

    This sentence, let Fang Li grin.

    Answer, then there is only one.

    "We are the same kind."

    "Just the same kind. ”

    That's the way it is.

    In this way, Fang Li’s journey in this world was announced.

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