Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 688 is extremely bad

    Time, back to last night.

    Aloft, Arcueid embraced Fang Li, who had once again collapsed, and landed slowly, landing in a mall where skyscrapers were cut off.

    "cough cough …!"

    As soon as it fell, Arcueid's arms, Fang Li was coughing again. The body collapsed with no power and lay on the ground with Arcueid's equally weak support.

    Complexion, extremely pale.

    Looking at such a Fang Li, Arcueid's charming face is also somewhat pale.

    Wake up

    Arcueid sat down in front of Fang Li's, and like a helpless little girl, she gently pushed Fang Li.

    Wake up

    Wake up

    "Please wake up…"

    The white princess has been gently pushing Fang Li.

    It is a little girl who is planning to wake up and never wake up again. It is helpless and powerless.

    It looks very poor.

    The expression on Arcueid's face is also the kind of downright confusion.

    For the princess, who is purely white, the pain in her heart is like needles, making her unfamiliar and suffocating.

    This feeling, Arcueid only experience once.

    Eight hundred years ago, when Roa deceived him so that rampage slaughtered all the people around him, the waking Arcueid looked at the blood of the body around the body. At that time, he felt the same.

    Therefore, Arcueid at a loss was lying in front of him, and Fang Li, who was bloody, was very careful and asked such a thing.

    "Are you going to die?"

    Naturally, no one can answer Arcueid.

    Therefore, Arcueid's expression can only go at a loss forever, watching the eyes of Fang Li's breathing become more and more weak.

    Until one sounded.

    "It's really eye-popping."

    With the sound of such a sound, the young girl dressed in a vestment fell from the air and landed in front of Arcueid.

    Watching Arcueid's sly look at him is helpless to make people feel poor, but Ciel has no sympathy.

    "If I remember correctly, the White Princess whom everyone fears should be more icy and more emotional, not even saying a word, and will only eradicate the target person, like the existence of a natural disaster. Correct."

    "But what is your current state of affairs? Is it too disgraceful? ”

    Ciel's thorny questioning did not give Arcueid the slightest reaction.

    Arcueid only holds Fang Li, vermilion eyes with unprecedented hostility, watching Ciel.

    That is the manifestation of emotional out of control.

    Obviously, the status of Arcueid is now very unstable.

    If Ciel continues to provoke this, Arcueid will never mind taking this EX ecutor to vent his anger.

    Therefore, Arcueid only whispered a question.

“……What are you doing? ”

    Ciel did not answer Arcueid, only raised his pace and approached in the direction of Fang Li's.

    At this instant, the Arcueid body erupted in a violent murderous aura, causing Ciel to stagnate.

    Raising the head, Ciel sees Arcueid's closely-viewed Zhu red eyes quietly turned into Golden Mystic Eyes.

    It is full of violence.

    "Not close to him!"

    This is a warning from the Princess of the True Ancestors.

    Like the wild beast protecting the injured descendants, the pure white princess faced any intention to come close to it with hostility, and there was a slightest injury to the possible existence of Fang Li's, purely compassionate.

    Precisely because of this, Ciel will feel it is impossible to understand.

    As Ciel said, the past Arcueid should be more icy and more emotional, like a simple weapon of annihilation, not even saying a word, only performing its own existence.

    For such Arcueid, it is incredible that emotions get out of control because of a certain person.

    Even the Roa was just making Arcueid hate it and persevere. No one could have left the heart of the White Princess.

    But looking at how Arcueid is now, obviously, for this princess, Fang Li’s weight in his heart is definitely not light.

    Is this probably the first time ever?

    So, Arcueid simply didn't know how to respond. He could only call Fang Li's name like a helpless little kid, and it rejected any one's closeness.

    This Arcueid finally made Ciel unable to maintain his face and sighed.

    "Let me see, maybe I can save."

    In a word, the explosive mureous aura of the Arcueid body was weakened.

    Instead of seeing the current expression of Arcueid, Ciel went straight up and squatted in front of Fang Li's, extending the hand, resting on Fang Li's chest.

    Magic Power's fluctuations turned into a trick in that hand and it was passed through by Fang Li's.

    Under such circumstances, Ciel gradually understood how bad Fang Li is now.

“……It's not good. ”

    At the moment, Ciel whispered.

    "Anyway, regardless of the injuries outside the body, the injury within the body is already very serious. The internal organs have almost lost their function. Within the body has become a mess, and even the blood vessels are completely broken. This is simply the degree of death. He couldn't die until now. This is a miracle."

    This is due to Fang Li's VIT is not low.

    Although not known as Main God's Envoy by VIT, now Fang Li is already a speed type, not an extreme speed type, as in the past. In the case of VIT, it is counted in Fourth Rank's Main God's Envoy. Lawful.

    But only law-abiding.

    By relying on the law-abiding VIT value, Fang Li managed to withstand the immediate death and maintained his breath.

    "But that's it."

    Ciel made a final decision.

    "Even if we take advantage of Ability, human in the end still human, the body becomes like this. There will be only one ending."

    What the ending is, needless to say.

    "Unless it is possible to give him a body, and without this level of Ability, any Magecraft estimate will not save him now."

    So, Ciel looked at Arcueid again.

    Eyes, become sharp.

    "If you suck his blood and turn him into your Dead Apostle, that would be something else."

    In the moment of falling voice, the extremely repressed death began to permeate.

    Arcueid only looked at his face with blood and breathing weaker Fang Li.

    After a while, a smile appeared on the stunning charming face.

    A bitter and complex smile.

    Immediately, Arcueid is open.

    "I will not suck his blood."

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