Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 675 is impossible with the eyes


    Under the sky-splitting sound, the knife that cuts the atmosphere, with a dazzling arc of light, leaps into the direction of Arcueid like a laser that has been galloping.

    "pū chī —!"

    Under the sound of tearing, the sharp knife cut through Arcueid's tightly clutching Roa's neck and left a wound on it, causing a bit of blood to fall in the air.


    Feel the pain of uploading, Arcueid in the eyes flashed an obliterate gas, and the hand just lifted up like iron claws, cross out.

    "pū chī —!"

    Another tearing sound started.

    Only, it was Arcueid's claws that pierced Roa's chest, slashing Roa's chest below and splashing a lot of blood.

    "Wū… aaah ————!"

    Roa's wailing sounded.


    In the next second, with a stifling sound, Roa's entire body flew backwards, like being bombed by an invisible shock wave, crashing all the way down the pillars and stirring up the sky. Stones and rubble, with terrible strength, heavily crouched over a ruin, so that the entire half-destroyed Skyscraper shook.


    Roa, who fell in the ruins, so coughed up the blood of the mouth, and the whole person had become dilapidated, leaving only part of his chest above him. His blood was hard to imagine.

    And Arcueid has not let such Roa.

    “shuā shuā shuā shuā shuā ————!”

    Accompanied by the buzzing sound, Arcueid fired a few claws in the direction of Roa, letting the claws act like a cymbal, ignoring the range, like a cold slash, plunging forward.

    "pū chī –pū chī –pū chī –!"

    In the voice of the human body pierced through the hole, the claws of a few roads shaved off Roa's chest, cut off Roa's internal organs, and finally made all the ruins of the neat and tidy into several pieces, leaving the rubble again. Explode, leaving only the head of Roa buried.

    In general, once it has fallen to this level, it is impossible to say anything to survive.

    But Arcueid knows clearly that for today's Roa, if you don't wipe out the whole of it thoroughly, you can't really kill him.

    As a result, Arcueid once again raised his hand and gathered terrible power on his claws.


    At this point, Arcueid suddenly groaned.

    The raised hand was as if it had lost its strength and it suddenly fell down.

    In fact, Arcueid really felt that his power couldn’t get together at all.

    No, more precisely, the hand is almost as dead as the blood has stopped flowing and the temperature has gradually been lost. It is like being cut down and completely unfeeling.


    Arcueid's expression slightly glimmers.

    Until a gloomy and cold laughter rang.

    "Even if you are, there is no way to do this?"

    In the laughter, the gravel rubble in front was opened by a body.

    Just as the ash that had been burned out suddenly reorganized, Roa's body gradually recovered and pushed away from the gravel that pressed against his body and swayed.

    By the time Roa straightened up, his body had completely recovered and there was no trace of a wound.

    "If it wasn't before you were killed, then just the level of attack should be impossible to hit?"Roa said ridiculously: "Unfortunately, although you are using the power of great surpassed my imagination, but the injury is still not recovered, even if dodge my attack, the body's response is still a little sluggish, and the result is I was chopped."

    "Since I was being cut, I couldn't use that hand for a short time."Roa smiled and said to Arcueid: "If you haven't been killed, then I can't see your "Line"? What a pity! ”

    This sentence made Arcueid react.

    "You just said "Line"?"Arcueid looked closely at Roa and said, "Are you getting Mystic Eyes of Life?"

“……Are you finally willing to speak? Princess… Your HighnessRoa was silent for a moment and then smiled lowly. "Why do you think it is Mystic Eyes of Life? Maybe I got Mystic Eyes of Death Perception? ”

    "Mystic Eyes of Death Perception ?"Arcueid said without hesitation: "It is impossible."

    Definitely, Roa's brows could not help but jump.

    In this case, Arcueid sounds.

    "What did you think I was dead once?"

    Arcueid stared at Roa, word by word.

    "If it were the Mystic Eyes, staring at the Mystic Eyes, it would feel that the body temperature was taken away, the internal organs were pierced, and even the soul would be frozen, only need to be split second, never experienced forever A sense of terrifying will strike your body, giving you the feeling that Death God is in front of you."

    "That feeling, once you experience it once, it will never be forgotten. Not to mention, I was first divided into 17 pieces by one person who owns the Mystic Eyes, and another knife by a more scary fellow. Pierce the body and kill things that you never thought about before."

    "I can't have that feeling at all before you."

    "So, your pair of Mystic Eyes, absolutely impossible is Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, and you are also unlikely to have that pair of eyes."

    The words of Arcueid's sentence let Roa's expression gradually sink into a gloomy.

    However, Roa still cannot refute.

    Because of the feelings mentioned in Arcueid's mouth, Roa really realized it.

    Right in front of Fang Li's.

    And as Arcueid said, as long as you experience this feeling once, you will never forget it forever.

    "Thank you for reminding me of this, let me break free from your obsession and hatred, not killing you."

    Arcueid is holding his arm down as if it were intended to pierce Roa's sharp line of sight. Such a declaration.

    "Next, I will beat you to death, weaken your power, and wait for Fang Li to come here and give you a final strike."

    "Before that pair of eyes, this time, you will be completely destroyed and you can never reincarnation."

    After that, Arcueid lifted the hand who was able to move.

    At this moment, Roa suddenly smiled.

    That smile is extremely embarrassing.

    "No way. Although I don't want to use this trick, it can only be done now."

    Hearing this sentence, Arceurid's heart suddenly emerged bad premonition.

    However, it was too late to react at this time.

    "Pā———— !"

    That's what bursts of sound.

    In the sound of the sound, Arcueid's around the body, a burst of blood energy emerged suddenly.

    The pungent smell of blood began to permeate and Arculeid's complexion finally changed.


    If the words have not yet finished, Arcueid will be wrapped by blood energy.

Aaaaaah ————! ”

    The mournful screams rang up.

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