Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 665 The same Mystic Eyes of Death Perception ?


    Roa's cheeks moved slightly, and he was slightly distorted for a moment.

    However, the next cockroach where Roa was holding his face again, his shoulders vibrating, as if they were constantly laughing, and soon laughter rang.

    "Is too lazy to compare with me?"

    Roa giggled as she laughed.

    "No, you are wrong to say this. ”

    "Isn't it just that you have already experienced it clearly?"

    "I understand that we are actually the same fact."

    Saying this, Roa's one eye emerged from the gap between the fingers of his sulking face and stared at Fang Li.

    "Our "Eyes" is obviously the same thing, don't tell me it's not?"

    The eyes that emerged from between Roa's fingers, like cold-blooded reptiles, did not carry any temperature.

    In this eye, Roa can really see it.

    A line like a child's graffiti appears in every corner of Fang Li's body.

    "That is your "Death" Ah…


    Roa can see Death.

    As it just said, Fang Li should have been aware of the match in the previous match.

    Perceived Roa's attacks were all aimed at their Body's Death Line.

    This shows what?

    It shows that Roa can see.

    See the line that represents "Death".

    This also illustrates another terrible fact.

    "Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, I heard Nrvnqsr say, you also have this pair of eyes, right?"

    Roa is like finding the same kind of thing, as if talking to friends and relatives, so laughing.

    "To be honest, I was also amazed that the wonders of Age of Gods would actually be reappeared in this era, and that it would suddenly appear in the body of three people. This can really be in this age when the Mystery degree is gradually declining. It's a delusion, no, it should be a dream."

    "However, we should be pleased that as people who can see death, we are undoubtedly the ones who are greeted by the Celtic Magic God. Although it is disgusting to believe in the gods like church people, at least we should Thanks to this miracle, we saw something that only God can see."

    "Although the price for obtaining this pair of eyes is to die, even after I have reincarnation 17 times, I finally got the pair of eyes, but you don't think that if we have this pair of eyes, then are we invincible? ”

    "After all, even the Princess of the True Ancestors spent the last millennium of years in exchange for a chance to resurrect. The result was not a direct death."

    Speaking of this, the expression on Roa's face finally became mad, and he said such words to Fang Li.

    "So, we are the same."

    "The same thing is seen."

    "The power obtained is the same."

    "The exercise of the Authority is the same."

    "It will be the same for people to give others death."

    Having said that, Roa raised the knife in his hand, stuck out his tongue and brushed over the blade, and the slender eyes, like snakes, wowed the luster.

    “To get this pair of eyes is already a favorite of heaven. I’ve been dead seventeen times, but you certainly don’t have as many times as I die, but you can get that pair of eyes. This may prove your talent in this area. On top of me, if this talent is obliterated here, isn't it a pity?"

    "Let me give you two choices."

    "A: Continue to kill me here and kill only one."

    "Two: Will white princess to me, I will give you a perfect use of that talent opportunity, don't look at me like this, I have not become dead apostle before is a highest bit Dante (Magus), for mystic Eyes Development, This world can be stronger than I have almost no, after all, I have up to 800 years of knowledge, alone Magecraft attainments, even magician don't think higher than me. ”

    "You, which one do you plan to choose?"

    In the moment of falling voice, the silence once again visited the site.

    Roa only had always had a frantic smile. The pair of Snake Eyes was closely watching Fang Li, as if he were going to remember his body's line firmly. He did not blink.

    Fang Li is still calm, even if Roa reveals the amazing fact that she also owns Mystic Eyes of Death Perception.


    It should be right.

    From the moment Roa revealed that he also owns the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, Fang Li's face does not change, but the in the eyes that can be seen in Roa carry different emotions.

    That is ridiculing.

    That's ridicule.

    It was a funny funny looking at a clown in front of himself.

    Therefore, Fang Li puts the so-called choice proposed by Roa behind and murmurs against another remark in his discourse.

    "It is the same?"

    Fang Li lightly smiles.

    "This kind of thinking, wait until you can do something like me later."

    Voice, a drop.


    With a very slight floor sound, Fang Li's figure appeared as if it were a Teleportation and appeared in front of Roa quietly.

    The ice blue Mystic Eyes greeted Roa's suddenly puckered pupil.

    Immediately, the discourse reverberates.

    "For example, such a thing."

    Blade light

    "Hey —!"

    The light of chilly's blade cut through the sky and evoked a crisp sound.

    It was a sharp dagger under an extremely fast flash, hurriedly struggling to cut off the spurious voice.


    Roa was taken aback.

    At this time, one hand was already stunned and grabbed Roa's throat and lifted it.

    "Flashing Scabbard – One Wind !"

    The Dead Apostle from which the sheets were lifted was as if it had fallen from high altitude and was heavily slammed to the ground.


    In the turbulent impact, the ground was stunned and rushed out of the cracks on Roa's back on the ground.


    Roa squeaked.

    However, Fang Li still clings to his neck and presses it on the ground. The ice blue Mystic Eyes are indifferent.

    In the hand, the sharp dagger lifted slightly and fell.


    An icy, terrifying sensation in Roa's heart.

    That is the feeling of death.

    Roa can be sure.

    Once that knife fell on his body, he would be finished.

    There is no suspense.

    "Aaaaaah —!"

    At the moment, Roa sent a deep roar.

    In this instant, Roa's body began to glow.

    "biri biri —!"

    The next moment , Berserk's lightning flashes from Roa's body, like a falling thunder blasting from his body, sweeping all around.

    Fulfilled Fang Li.

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