Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 655 was interrupted by inspiration


    Seeing that Fang Li suddenly cut his palm, the red blood flowed from the separate skin, and Arcueid's eyes widened.

    There’s nothing to be done.

    This is too sudden.

    No one would have thought that Fang Li would suddenly cut his own palm for no reason.

    However, Fang Li seemed to be immersed in his own world, staring at his cut palm and whispering.

    "Why is this fragile me able to record all death?"

    It was this unexpected thought that allowed Fang Li to follow his heart and whim to do such a thing.

    However, after doing so, Fang Li felt it.

    Himself, seemingly caught what inspired.

    "What did you say about my own Mystic Eyes of Death Perception?"

    This question is simply knowingly asking questions.

    Although unlike Ryougi Shiki and Tohno Shiki, this is a resident of the world, so you can open the brain circuit that connects to Root, understand death, and get Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, and Fang Li can get Mystic Eyes of Death Perception. It is also because it has a soul with a similar personality and Root.

    So, all along, Fang Li thinks it is a matter of course that he gets Mystic Eyes of Death Perception.

    However, today, under the whim of his own actions, Fang Li has questioned this natural thing.

    "Clearly there are countless death-related issues. Why did I get the Ability like Mystic Eyes of Death Perception?"


    If you think about it, this is a very fundamental issue.

    In Main God's Dimension, Planar World and Dungeon World are thousands of millions?

    Even the Dungeon World derived from the Plane where Fang Li is located can almost be called endless.

    In this tens of thousands of Dungeon World, the death-related ability is also called thousands of millions, and definitely not only Mystery such as Mystic Eyes of Death Perception.

    "Well, why did I get Mystic Eyes of Death Perception?"

    Staring at the blood shed from his own palm, Fang Li finally frowned.

    Fang Li knew that he had noticed one of the most fundamental problems.

    Once it is answered, one can thoroughly understand the essence of one's own soul, completely solve the hidden trouble in the soul, and get the problem of transmutation.

    Just for Fang Li to notice this issue, Ryougi Shiki will let Fang Li come to this world.

    "I have the soul of records death. Why did you get Mystery in this world?"

    As long as it can solve this problem, Fang Li can understand the essence of his soul.

    When Fang Li was immersed in this problem, he did not find it at all.

    On the side, Arcueid is staring in one direction.

    That is Fang Li's hand.


    More precisely, it should be said that it has flowed from Fang Li's hand.


    Arcueid's pair of vermilion eyes suddenly became shaken and the focal length began to slowly dissipate.

    Only a slightly distorted charming face remains. Eventually, it becomes sluggish.

    "Un… /p>

    Fang Li, who was immersed in his own thoughts, seemed to have been interrupted.

    There is no reason for him.

    Only because, Arcueid slowly grabs Fang Li's palm, eyes still staring at the blood flowing from his palm.

    Immediately, Fang Li heard it.

    Arcueid's breathing became hotter.

    In this way, Arcueid seemed to be tempted by something, a force that took Fang Li's hand slightly cutting his skin in his own direction.

    Staring into the above eyes, full of desire and jealousy.


    Fang Li looked a bit surprised when he looked at this kind of Arcueid.

    Arcueid, as if nothing was noticed, still stared at Fang Li's hand while bringing the hand to himself.

    Go in the direction of your own mouth and join the past.


    Arcueid's rush of breathing finally stopped falling.

    Under the scorching breath, Arcueid pulls Fang Li's hand with a little blood to his mouth.

    Seeing that Arcueid is about to bite, Fang Li can't stand it.

    Enough is enough.

    Fang Li could not help but speak.

    "Wake me up! You stupid girl! ”

    In a word, let Arcueid's actions lag.

    "Pā———— !"

    A very loud voice spread suddenly.

    It was Arcueid's voice that blew through Fang Li's bloody hand with almost the power to break the rocks.

    Under such strength, even Fang Li cannot ignore the pain in his hands.

    However, Fang Li did not bother to care about this.

    Because Arcueid is like an electric shock, slamming back from Fang Li's side.

    Eyes, still staring at the blood of Fang Li's hands.

    "I …Me

    Arcueid bit his lip.

    The whole body is trembling.


    The next moment, Arcueid, as if unable to endure, turned suddenly, and in the wake of “pēng”, as soon as he stepped on the ground, the figure collapsed in the direction of the wall, and immediately after it landed on it, it was a step along the wall. The Tohno Family's domain.

    Fang Li watched this happening with a pair of eyes cloudy and uncertain glittering.

    "This will not…"

    Fang Li could not help but think of Arcueid's sudden abnormalities.

    How did you forget this thing?

    At this time, Tohno Shiki seemed to be aware of the anomaly and rushed over.

    "what happened?"Tohno Shiki was surprised to say: "What happened?"

“……NothingFang Li did not look to Tohno Shiki and only looked in the direction of Arcueid's departure. In front of Tohno Shiki, he said, "Help me talk to Kohaku and Hisui. I'm out and I still work today."

    After that, Fang Li ignored Tohno Shiki, and the figure flashed. Like Teleportation, he fell on the wall, and with Arcueid, he took out the Tohno Family.



    Panting sound, gradually brought with the uncomfortable and depressed mood.

    Arcueid was so rushed breathing that his face was full of pain, but he grigged his teeth tightly and endured the urge to burst out of the body. Figure was like a civet, a swift and swift method in a building. It leapt forward, and it swept away without head back.

    No destination.

    Nothing to do.

    Arcueid now only one idea, that is, anyway, have to try to stay away from Fang Li.

    No, it should be said that it is far from all talents.

    After all, human is a dangerous drug for Arcueid today.


    Panting sound is getting more and more urgent.

    But the more this is the case, the more Arcueid cannot stop.

    It was only when Arcueid stopped that she noticed.

    Himself, came to the grass on the outskirts of Misaki Town.

    "The words here…"

    Here, shouldn't anyone come?

    Unfortunately, things are counterproductive.

    "Is it really you?"

    A cold, clear sound from above Arcueid's head.

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