Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 637 The strongest true Ancestor of the world

    Last night, when I saw Arcueid, NRVNQSR called the princess.

    "Vampire EX Ecutioner." ”


    Vampire EX Ecutioner.

    This is the meaning of Arcueid's survival.

    has said before, in this world, vampire altogether divides into two kinds.

    One is born vampire, True Ancestor.

    One is reincarnation's vampire, Dead apostle.

    True Ancestor is formed by the crystallization of nature, as in nature, and does not need to be like human and the rest of the organism to absorb nutrients to maintain life, coupled with the lives of Force, recover and even fighting power than the rest of the biological high, even have a eternal Life, therefore, True Ancestor can almost be called the most perfect creature in the world.

    However, even such creatures still have the disadvantage of only one.

    That's vampiric impulses.

    Like the inversion impulse of Nanaya clan, True Ancestor also has a vampiric impulses that cannot be restrained.

    This kind of vampiric impulses, in the attack time, will let true Ancestor completely lose the reason, in order to draw the blood to attack human.

    In view of this, under the vampiric impulses, True Ancestor are divided into two factions, making a different response.

    The one who does not want to fall into the vampiric impulses, becomes the wild beast true Ancestor without reason.

    The true Ancestor of this faction will generally choose to use their own power to tilt the system vampiric impulses, leading to a significant decline in power until the vampiric impulses can not be thrown back, it will generally choose to sleep, To imprison himself in a coffin.

    Also faction is completely reckless, or ultimately endure, chose to degenerate, become vampiric impulses is at the mercy of fallen True Ancestor.

    This one of the true Ancestor either in vampiric impulses attack when the wanton attack human, or is prepared in advance blood bag, that will be able to produce blood human as a stocks away, ready to ingest blood.

    So, Dead Apostle was born.

    The first dead apostle is true Ancestor to blood sucking, reincarnation to vampire.

    Only, Dead apostle not like true Ancestor as perfect, its own eternal life is not complete, need to rely on human blood to maintain a complete body.

    And by dead apostle to blood sucking human, also have the chance to become vampire.

    So, after the blood is thoroughly addictive true Ancestor in vampiric impulses than ever more difficult to suppress the case, only non-stop blood sucking, will human one by one into dead apostle.

    and dead apostle because of their own survival problems, and then to blood sucking, and then human into dead apostle.

    The result is that the number of dead apostle jumps unexpectedly.

    In such cases, those who vampiric impulses, and did not fallen True Ancestor have a sense of crisis in this situation, that fallen True Ancestor and the increasing dead apostle will eventually form a threat, Persecution.

    Therefore, Arcueid was born.

    Arcueid is true Ancestor are specifically used to annihilate fallen true Ancestor and inferior dead Apostle weapons.

    Because Arcueid has power that is far more than true Ancestor.

    Even those who choose to fall, do not need to use power to tilt their own vampiric impulses, unbridled play enough to change the terrain of the rank of the true Ancestor of power, Arcueid have indeed annihilated their strength.

    Therefore, Arcueid be true Ancestor for Princess, Crown Family name, actually only pure annihilation weapon.

    However, Arcueid has a strong power, which is an indisputable fact.

    According to Fang Li, if Arcueid fully open and able to come up with all power, the battle will be qualified to make it the strongest rank in the world.

    Third Rank?


    Full state of Arcueid, it is likely that the existence of second Rank.

    In the industry, people are even so evaluation arcueid.

    "Just giving the white princess enough time to destroy a continent is just a matter of sooner or later," he said. ”

    This is the strength of Arcueid.

    Such a princess, even in the case of being killed by mystic Eyes of Death perception, simply by virtue of his power to reverse the end of death, and thus resurrection.

    Imagine how powerful Arcueid ' s power is.

    The Arcueid, which is to annihilate true Ancestor and dead apostle, becomes vampire EX Ecutioner.

    800 years ago, arcueid all fallen True Ancestor, even dead apostle destroyed most of the record, even beyond the goal of hunting heresy holy Church.

    Will come to this city, also out of its own mission and a little private grievances, intends to crusade in the city's secretly raging vampire.

    As for NRVNQSR, that only was sent to hunting Arcueid assassin.

    After all, Arcueid is vampire EX Ecutioner, whose power is feared by all vampire, and sees it as a great enemy, and dead Apostle to remove it.

    As a result, NRVNQSR hunted over, just met the Arcueid was killed once, into a weak this time.

    This is why Arcueid will come to Misaki Town, to deal with the vampire reason here, is also NRVNQSR why will come after Arcueid came here reason.

    Only, these things, explain to Tohno Shiki Listen, estimate also only cause his confusion.

    So, Fang Li explains.

    "Human and human can kill each other, why not between vampire and vampire?" ”

    In a word, let Tohno shiki on the spot speechless.

    And Arcueid is one side continue to bite the bread, while secretly looking at Fang Li and Tohno Shiki, spit out the vague voice.

    "Only, did not think here incredibly hides two monsters, mystic Eyes of Death perception, that is in true Ancestor and dead apostle have never appeared in the things, there are two people have this pair of eyes, It's all human, human is a world-favored race. ”

    With that said, Arcueid also looked at Fang Li.

    "Especially you, not only has the eye, the combat capacity is still outstanding enough to match Twenty-seven Dead Apostle ancestors, for those of us who rely on the undying of the race is a nightmare." ”

    "If the church know you are there, absolutely will take you back at all costs and develop into the finest ex Ecutor." ”

    "If Mage's association knows you exist, then absolutely will comes to take your pair of eyes," he said. ”

    "If the guy who killed me over there is a monster, then you are the monster in the monster." ”

    "Even I don't want to be your enemy." ”

    After saying that, Arcueid the last mouthful of bread to choke, extend the hand, suddenly caught Fang Li and Tohno Shiki.

    "You come with me." ”

    Leave this sentence, Arcueid is to go out.


    And more

    Fang Li and Tohno Shiki's voice did not have time to issue, is to be arcueid to drag away.

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