Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 625 Arcueid Brunestud

    The next morning, early morning.

    In Fang Li's room, the atmosphere is showing a quite strange state.


    Silence, spread in the air.

    Sitting in the chair beside the bed, Fang Li is looking ahead, more or less in the eyes.

    In Fang Li's eyes, the white princess was not as painful as to take a breather yesterday, nor was she as sleepless as she was last night, but staring at a pair of vermilion eyes. , Staring straight at Fang Li.

    In the eyes, it is full of hostility.


    Silence is still continuing around.

    Fang Li and the white girl had been facing each other for so long. No one spoke. Only one face was smiling and one looked hostile. It just formed a sharp contrast.

    This scene has been maintained for a short period of time.

    Just when the girl didn't know when she woke up, she discovered that after sitting next to Fang Li.

    If there are third parties present, then it should soon break this strange state?

    Unfortunately, there is no third party here, only Fang Li and the noble princess.

    Thus, under the deliberate indulgence of Fang Li, this strange state has been maintained.

    Until after a long time.

    "Nothing to ask?"

    Fang Li spread out his hands and said so to the girl.

    "Or, Vampire doesn't really understand the human language?"

    The voice fell and silence remained.

    The young girl only stared at Fang Li tightly. A beautiful charming face was tense. However, in the vermilion eyes, the confusion gradually emerged instead of the intense hostility.

    Maybe the girl has judged that the man in front of him is not planning to harm himself?

    So, after the silent for a while, the girl finally spoke.

    What do you mean? Do you not kill me? ”

    Sounds, such as beautiful music, are generally sounding.

    Inside, there is no one-sided negative emotion, and there are only pure doubts and a sense of innocence and romance.

    Whoever does not believe in the first time?

    This seemingly noble princess girl is a Vampire who destroys everything in her surroundings and transforms everything into a red sea of ​​blood.

    In this case, Fang Li uttered.

    "You have to make it clear that the person who kills you is not me but a high school student who is teased by fate."

    In the face of pure doubts, Fang Li gave a simple correction.

    "Or said that after being killed once, the memory will become confused?"Fang Li blinked and said: “Do you need to add anything to nutrition or anything? For example, let you drink blood or something? ”

    Not requiredThe innocent romance of the girl's voice disappeared without a trace and she re-emerged with intense hostility.

    Moreover, it is still more than just a strong hostility.

    In that way, it is like resisting the "Drinks Blood" behavior. It is absolutely not allowed to compromise.

    Faced with such pure enmity of girls, Fang Li only made light of the opening.

    "It's best not to be too excited. It would be bad for the body."

    In a word, it is the girl's targeted hostility.

    This makes the girl finally frowned and looked at Fang Li's in the eyes full of confusion.

    Only then did the teenage girl realize the most fundamental problem.

    That is,

    "who are you?"

    The maiden's look began to raise doubts.

    "It's human, but it doesn't feel like it. It seems to know many things, but it feels not only. I don't understand."

    It seems that even though it was only the degree of dealings once, the young girl also saw how much Fang Li was not an ordinary human.

    However, it is also true.

    In ordinary human terms, there is simply no way to stop the girl's blow like yesterday.

    Only this, the young girl is certain.

    Faced with such a girl, Fang Li is an expression of disapproval.

    "In order to resurrect you seem to have consumed a lot of power, and yesterday's battle of urgency may not even show you the strength of one percent. Even if you block it, there is nothing surprising."

    At least, Fang Li thinks so.

    "If you can play with all your strengths, then yesterday's situation may not be the same."

    So, Fang Li looked straight at the girl and smiled.

    "Is it correct?"

    "Arcueid Brunestud."

    When I heard Fang Li's words, the girl's brow wrinkled and darkened by Fang Li was called Arcueid.

    Then, the young girl was surprised and said, "Do you know me?"

    Why? Is it strange? ”Fang Li replied: "Princess of the True Ancestors, Vampire Princess who was born to hunt down the fallen Vampire, your name is estimated to have no unknown in the entire world?"


    Arcueid Brunestud.

    This name, for those who are in contact with Mystery, is definitely worth mentioning.

    When it comes to this, it must be mentioned.

    The so-called Vampire, in this world, is mainly divided into two kinds.

    One is born Vampire.

    That is, the beginning of birth is Vampire of Vampire.

    This Vampire is True Ancestor.

    The girl named Arcueid is actually the Princess of the True Ancestors. True Ancestor is considered a pure family of Royal Family and has lived for more than 800 years.

    In addition to True Ancestor, there is another Vampire in the world.

    This kind of Vampire is no different from the legendary Vampire in human knowledge. It feeds on human blood and will come out at night. It can even create the same kind of blood sucking and make human become Vampire.

    This Vampire is called Dead Apostle.

    That is, Vampire's Vampire is a True Ancestor by nature, and Vampire who changed from human to Vampire is Dead Apostle.

    Arcueid is the former.

    As the Princess of the True Ancestors, its power is awesome.

    As Fang Li puts it, if not because of being killed once, there is a great power loss for the resurrection. I'm afraid, Fang Li had no way to deal with Arcueid's attacks.

    At this thought, Arcueid finally responded.

    By the way

    Arcueid's expression suddenly became terrible and he resented Fang Li.

    "Where was the guy who killed me once yesterday?"

    Arcueid's voice has only just fallen, and a weak and weak response is ringing.

    "That, I'm here…"

    I saw that, at the entrance, Tohno Shiki was standing there, holding his hand, his face full of sly and dry laughs.


    Arcueid's eyes once again brought hostility.

    And, also rich killing intent.

    Tohno Shiki only felt a cool back.

    Immediately, instinctive understanding of one thing.

    If you continue this way, you will definitely be killed.


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