Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 603 (Seek Monthly Tickets)

    After that, everyone moved to the restaurant and started eating.

    Is it true that Rem's maid power is really high?

    The crowd was just just moving to the restaurant and it didn't take long to sit down. Rem was ready for dinner, completely different from his Elder Sister who was only good at steaming sweet potatoes.

    If the change was made in the past, people would inevitably express their emotions for Rem's Ability.

    However, today, everyone has finished eating in silence from beginning to end.

    After that, each returned to his room.

    In this regard, Fang Li is really helpless.

    "I didn't expect it to be just a departure. Can it actually have such a big impact?"

    Fang Li does underestimate his position in the heart of the girls in the mansion.

    After all, Fang Li, at best, only knew the people for about a month.

    A month's time, if really counted, is actually very short.

    At least, Fang Li did not think that he could build a difficult battle with others in just one month.

    However, Fang Li who was thinking about it was forgotten.

    In the beginning, the relationship between Sylvia and the two men only took less than half a year.

    Moreover, in less than half a year, Fang Li spends most of his time training himself. The actual time spent with Sylvia may be less than that between the young girls in this mansion.

    However, it takes less time to get along, but not necessarily less.

    Take Sylvia for oneself, although the time spent with Fang Li is not long, but in order to find his teacher thinking about all day and night, Sylvia spent an entire number of years, even becoming World Famous Diva. One of the means to achieve this goal.

    In this case, Fang Li helped Sylvia in the storm, did not let Sylvia's efforts over the years, and coupled with the two people in the center of the process, naturally came to the point where the lover.

    For Fang Li, this period of time is not long.

    For Sylvia, this is actually a continuation of several years of hard work.

    It is not surprising that this result is eventually reached.

    for same reason,

    Fang Li spent only one month in this mansion, but it first solved to a certain extent the fairness that Emilia had always hoped for, even became the first friend in her memory, and it also solved Rem’s longest Seven Years of Heart Bond, really calculated, this period of time could it be that in in short?

    Even if it was Ram, Fang Li was trusted by Fang Li because it was solved by Fang Li, not to mention Emilia and Rem.

    People's feelings are such a thing.

    Sometimes it accumulates on prolonged time.

    Sometimes it is also possible to rely on each other's mutual support to come to fruition.

    Time is just one of the turning points in forming emotions, but not all of them.

    Some people can fall in love at first sight when they meet for the first time. This is the truth.

    Therefore, it has nothing to do with the length of time.

    Feelings and feelings, feelings are sentimental.

    As long as there is a feeling, it will be sooner or later that others will have different feelings for it.

    Fang Li does not understand these principles.

    Only ,Fang Li This person has always been to do as one pleases ,do not like to beat around the bush.

    "If you leave or leave, even if it is beautifully decorated, then you must still leave."

    "In that case, instead of dragging its feet, or even not saying goodbye, it's better to simply speak clearly."

    It was such a pinpointing attitude. In the past, Fang Li hadn't been so weak that he had burst into the emotions of others.

    Moreover, Fang Li did not do anything wrong.

    "Isn't it not going to come back? It's too exaggerated to make a lifelong death, isn't it?"

    Fang Li sighed slightly.

    Originally, as a Main God's Envoy, Fang Li was destined to experience various disturbances in one-by-one Dungeon World, and it was not surprising when he fell.

    If it is another Main God's Envoy, in such circumstances, there is simply no feeling to talk about feelings with others?

    However, Fang Li is indifferent to death and is the personality of such to do as one pleases.

    Because it's no wonder when it will die, it shouldn't harm the opposite sex. This is good for each other. This is the same idea as the eight-point idol drama. Fang Li's free thought will only be considered.

    Moreover, in Main God's Dimension, couples are not uncommon, and there are no shortages of life winners for countless bishoujo.

    Because, in the first time you entered Main God's Dimension, Main God's Dimension has already said.

    "Here you can get the dream power."

    "You can get endless wealth here."

    "But these things have to be fought for by yourself. What Main God's Dimension gives you is just an opportunity."

    So, here is the heaven of expert, the hell of the weak.

    As long as it is powerful enough, then you don't have to worry about falling down. You don't have to worry about being EX change Points and being obliterate, you can satisfy endless desires.

    Of course, if you indulge in your desire to become obsessed and do not continue to pursue your own strength, you will sooner or later suffer consequences.

    In other words, thinking too much does not make sense at all.

    As a Main God's Envoy, there is only one thing to consider.

    How can you improve yourself?

    In that case, what you want to achieve is not a problem.

    Fang Li's words, although not to the extent that they can rely on his net worth, to spend some EX change Points, want to return to this world, is not an easy task?

    “Even if I don’t know how long this period of time is…”

    Fang Li could not help but sigh again, raised his eyes and looked out the window.

    At this point, the night has come.

    One day, it was so.

    In two days, Fang Li will return to Main God's Dimension.

    "Before that, I hope they can see it…"

    As soon as Fang Li thought about it, Fang Li's door was suddenly sounded.

    Fang Li responded immediately from his own thoughts, turned his head, looked at the door and made a direct noise.

    "come in."

    When the voice falls, the surrounding is ushered in the feeling of silence.

    It was not long before the door was opened.

    The person who came in from outside the door was Rem.

    However, Fang Li is somewhat surprised.

    Just because Rem didn't wear a maid attire with some sensations like before, but wearing a blue nightgown.

    Fang Li will be surprised and taken for granted.

    Even after spending a month here, Fang Li has never seen Rem wear any outfit other than maid attire.

    As a maid, this is somewhat inappropriate.

    Rem must have such an idea, never showed such a figure.

    And at this moment, Rem is dressed like this.

    And, as if it were tension and courage, it was such a sentence.

    "Please punish Rem."

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