Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 597 is dead


    The sound disappeared from this world.

    The sound of the ground being blown by the Unseen Hand.

    The tree was hit by a dark shadow and cut off.

    Petelgeuse mad hums.

    Birds, insects and insects in the forest.

    All the voices disappeared from Fang Li's ear, heart and even the mind in this moment.

    Only the voice of only one was left and it sounded in Fang Li's mind.


    That's what shatters.

    This sound can be the cracking of anything.

    However, only in this moment, even if not need to deliberately think and cognize, Fang Li can rely on instinctive understanding.

    The source of this fragmentation is not something else but a soul.

    Petelgeuse's soul.

    When the waning moon dagger fell out of Petelgeuse's chest and cut the Death Line that belonged exclusively to the soul, Petelgeuse's soul was killed.

    So the madman's soul is broken.

    Fang Li can confirm this fact.

    Because of the same cracking, Fang Li had already heard in his own soul.

    Can not withstand the constant record of death, under a serious burden to the broken own soul, in that day, is in this voice, so that Fang Li's soul space crack.

    Today, the same sound came to mind and Fang Li was almost enlightenment in the split second.

    "This is the death of the soul…"

    The Petelgeuse, who intended to carry out the resurrection with death as an opportunity, had no way of resurrection when the result of the death was fixed and the transferred soul was obliterate.

    However, this is just a result theory.

    If the result of death is not fixed because of Mystic Eyes of Death Perception's ability, then Death is just a phase of Petelgeuse's turn to new student/life forget it.

    That being the case…

    "When the soul enters the stage of death, does it really have to die?"

    When the human body is destroyed, it will die in most cases.

    This is common sense.

    However, in these worlds where Mystery is likely to happen, there is still an existence that will not die if the body is destroyed.

    Therefore, for such existence, the death of the soul is often the real death.

    However, this is also only limited to these worlds.

    If there is a soul that is destroyed, then will it not die?

    Is there such a presence in Main God's Dimension with all possibilities?

    However, even if it exists, as long as it is alive, Fang Li's eyes can kill him.

    In other words, there is only one value for Fang Li.

    That is death.

    All things are dead.

    Fang Li is able to record all these deaths.

    But even so, Fang Li's soul has no record of the object.

    That is itself.

    The dead soul is recorded, but it cannot record its own death.

    This is a confirmation of the sentiments of Fang Li’s previous observation of the death of Natsuki Subaru.

    "Although for the death of all things, the weight of a person's death is really too small, but it is the death of this person, and sometimes it is the death of all things that cannot be achieved."

    Human has a saying that death is worthwhile to die.

    In other words, the so-called "Death" is not something that counts value.

    The death of all things is death.

    A person's death is also dead.

    Since all of them are dead, why is the party with a large number of advantages?

    Not all are dead?

    The death of the body is death.

    The death of the soul is death.

    However, Petelgeuse can transfer the soul to other body's body when the body dies, so as to achieve the goal of surviving.

    This result is not dead.

    When the soul was killed, Petelgeuse really died.

    This is dead.

    Dead only one result.

    Whether the subject is killed or the soul is killed, as long as the existence is still alive, then it is not dead.

    Only the end will be considered dead.


    "Even if the soul is broken, as long as there is no end, then it will not be dead."

    Fang Li seems to understand.

    As a way of giving death to other people, what is the final route that we need to meet, besides the same death, how can there be a second way?

    Although still don't understand why his soul can record death, the origin of his own essence has not yet been found, through the death of Petelgeuse, Fang Li seems to have some understanding of how to do it.


    Ice blue Mystic Eyes slowly faded in Fang Li's eyes, regaining the dark-colored color.


    One Unseen Hand raging in this space is also unknowingly stopped and gradually dissipated.

    Around it, it has completely turned into a ruin. It is either a pit or a tumbling tree residue. It is hard to imagine.

    Only Fang Li, still one hand holding the silver-haired Half Elf girl, one hand holding the Moon Blade, piercing it into the person's chest.

    There, the Petelgeuse kept its madness, but the figure was frozen and frozen there.

    In eyes, I have lost anxiety.

    When Fang Li pulls the sharp dagger out of Petelgeuse's body, his body is actually not a trace of a wound.

    Petelgeuse, just kept this look and died here.

    Looking at such a Petelgeuse, Fang Li pityed and broke the silence around him.

    "You are still incurable because you are still mad at death, Petelgeuse Romanee-Conti…"

    In addition to Fang Li, the other person on the scene was also touched by this.

    Looking at Petelgeuse's frantic death, Emilia's heart rose to an indescribable sadness.


    When Emilia reacted, she discovered that she actually shed tears.

    At the moment, Emilia wiped away her tears and she was confused.

    That way, it's almost like wondering why he feels sad about the death of a madman who doesn't take human life seriously.

    If the death of Petelgeuse is all this madness, then does Emilia have the same innocence and kindness until about the same time?

    This is the shortcoming of the Emilia body and is also the advantage of the Emilia body.

    Therefore, Fang Li did not bother such Emilia and only silently waited for her to adjust her mood.

    After a while, Emilia returned to God and whispered to Fang Li.

    "Let's go."

    Fang Li nodded.

    After all, even if Petelgeuse is dead, things are not over yet.

    The crusade against Hakugei continues.

    Although, in this case, the result is already doomed.

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