Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 574 “Enlightenment” and “Reasons”

    The wind once again blows over the lawn.

    A gust of wind blew over here, but it was only a minute ago.

    In other words, Fang Li confronted Wilhelm's fierce sword edge, but it only took a minute.

    However, this time, Fang Li and Wilhelm did not know how many swords they had fired and how many times they fought.

    Take a closer look at the conditions around understood.

    At the site where Fang Li and Wilhelm just met, a sword with a trail of three meters in diameter was scattered.

    In addition to the sword marks, the grass seedlings on the lawn were not even injured.

    It can be imagined that the sword edge between Fang Li and Wilhelm is up to the end.

    In this case, Wilhelm honestly issued the evaluation.

    "It's a wonderful technology and it's up to the Demon God."

    That being said, but Wilhelm can keep up with Fang Li's sword, it is enough to prove that his skill is also superb to the extreme.

    You know, after Fang Li received the title of “Guardian Knight”, in the case of holding a sword weapon, the Combined Attributes rose by a full 100 points.

    Although it was just a chopper-like test, Wilhelm was not necessarily the case.

    "So that's how it is. Is this the Sword Demon sword?"

    Fang Li murmured that shortly afterwards actually cancelled the posture and put the Knight Sword in his hand slowly into the scabbard of his waist.

    Wilhelm could not help but slightly glimpse and asked: "Do not continue? Hasn't that kind of fun just now? ”

    "Indeed, it was just a little warm-up exercise."Fang Li smiled at Wilhelm and said: “Although it is just warm-up, but for Mr. Wilhelm, should it be enough?”

    The word unfathomable mystery was to silence Wilhelm.

    Immediately, Wilhelm sighed.

    "It seems that not only is the skill, your mind is also very superb."

    After that, Wilhelm body's sharp sword aura and powerful imposing manner disappeared little by little. Knight Sword received it.

    In this moment, the world-famous "Sword Demon" changed back to an old deacon of the Karsten Family, facing Fang Li, and bowed slightly.

    "It is extremely sorry to occupy your precious time."

    In response, Fang Li only shook his head and made such an answer.

    "This is also for each other."

    After leaving this sentence, Fang Li turned away and left directly.

    Looking at the back of Fang Li, Wuhelm could not help but have an illusion.

    One of the other's hair became bright red, and the Knight Sword on the waist became the illusion of the famous Dragon Sword.

    And that figure, for Wilhelm, it is familiar with the peak.


    It should be said that for the entire Dragon Kingdom Lugnica, this figure is familiar enough to not be familiar with.

    After all, it was the back of what was called the "Sword Saint" on earth.

    In this moment, Wilhelm actually produced a illusion that he saw the Knight among Knights.


    Wilhelm suddenly woke up and shook his head.

    At this time, Fang Li has already left.

    Only Wilhelm was left. He looked at Fang Li's disappearing direction. After a long time, he sighed.

    "It's really old…"


    The night falls quietly.

    In the study room at the uppermost floor of the Karsten Family, Crusch seems to be working on papers and working hard.


    Beside, Ferris was accompanied by a yawn of boredom, which seemed to be boring.

    Then the door was knocked.

    "excuse me."

    Wilhelm walked in from outside the door and stooped at Crusch.

    Seeing Wilhelm coming in, both Crasch and Ferris were mind/energetic, one raised his head and one dispelled his sleepy face.

    "come yet? Old Man Wil ! ”Ferris made a greeting to Wilhelm.

    "thanks for your trouble."Crusch is heading towards Wilhelm nodded and goes directly to the topic.

    How to

    Without the subject's inquiries, only Wilhelm's unwavering response.

    "A very scary person."

    — "Fearful".

    This evaluation, for whom exactly it is, does not require explanation.

    Not to mention that such an evaluation, that person is not the first time it has been owned.

    Only, for Crusch and Ferris, this evaluation is a bit surprising.

    "Awful?"Ferris said something incredible: "Even Old Man Wil felt terrible?"

“……In my case, it is not so terrible but admiration. ”Wilhelm said in silence, then said: "After all, people like him, I saw it for the first time."

    "Do I?"Crusch closed his eyes, and when he opened his eyes, he was already looking directly at Wilhelm's body and asked, "In your opinion, what exactly does Knight Fang Li have to admire?"

    Wilhelm did not answer the first time, but slightly lowered his eyes and considered the word.

    Then, Wilhelm said so.

    "Crusch-sama should know, for us, how important are things called "realization" and "reasons"? ”

    But of course!Crusch replied without hesitation: "If you don't realize it, then you can't continue to advance. If there is no reason, you can't continue fighting. Our sword contains such a soul and it shines in our hands."

    “Correct.”Wilhelm nodded said: “We are all due to our convictions and reasons, so we will continue to fight and keep waving the sword until we reach our ideal realm and fulfill our heart's wishes. Until then, we will never stop. It will only continue to advance."

    Saying this, Wilhelm suddenly made a topical turn and his tone became serious and he said something.

    "But that person is different."

    In a word, both Crasch and Ferris were stunned.

    Immediately, Ferris hesitated and said: “Old Man Wil is saying that the man did not have the fighting awareness and reason?”

    "impossible."Crusch immediately vetoed and said: "If a person really does not have the consciousness and reason for fighting, then how can one achieve such a state? How could it make DeLong appear under his will? ”

    Maybe only Wilhelm and Ferris know it?

    Know why Crusch cares so much about Fang Li.

    The reason is because of the extremely important existence in the Dragon Kingdom Lugnica.


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