Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 550 again choose to escape

    Fang Li's current mansion is actually nothing more than an Astrea Family.

    The Astrea Family's main building is in the family-owned territory, not in Royal Capital.

    However, because Reinhard is a Guardian Knight and a contemporary “Sword Saint” relationship, there is also a place where Royal Capital’s nobility can be used.

    Thanks to this building, not only Felt, but also Natsuki Subaru has a place to live.

    After leaving Felt's room, Natsuki Subaru directly took Fang Li to his room.


    In the loud opening sound, Natsuki Subaru forced the door open and turned to Fang Li's proud display.

    See? This is my room! ”

    Natsuki Subaru's room, like Felt's room, is a particularly luxurious one.

    "If it is in our world, it is the level of a luxury suite."Natsuki Subaru said to face Fang Li, "What about? Is it big enough? Is it better than your silver hair at Bishoujo's home? ”

    It has to be said that Natsuki Subaru is desperately trying to find a sense of superiority in Fang Li's body.

    If not, Natsuki Subaru absolutely will be overwhelmed by her tragic Another World life.

    Fang Li only looked at Natsuki Subaru and said with a smile: "I think it should not be much worse."

    "tch tch tch."Natsuki Subaru shook his finger and looked like "You don't want to lie to me." The thief smiled and said: "I know it. But where you go is Kingdom's border. Since it is a border, it's definitely not a good place. Maybe better than Royal Capital's aristocratic Golden Zone?"

    It seems that this is why Natsuki Subaru believes that his treatment is better than Fang Li's treatment.

    “Look at this luxurious room, look at this high-grade rug, and the other three meals are also luxurious and unbelievably absolute absolute rank!”

    Natsuki Subaru stood in his room, one hand akimbo, one hand pointing to the sky, in this strange pose, laughing face to face Li.

    怎么样? Regret did not come here with me? Regret it? Absolutely regret it? ! ”

    Seeing Natsuki Subaru laughing so loudly in front of her, Fang Li couldn't bear to take away his hard-earned self-entertainment.

    After all, at this time, as long as Fang Li came to say "it's a pity that there is no Bishoujo of Another World", it can be directly KONatsuki Subaru.

    No, Felt should also be a bishoujo.

    Unfortunately, people do not call Natsuki Subaru who seems to have been living a good life.

    At the moment, Fang Li shrugged and looked around at Natsuki Subaru's room and asked inattentively.

    "You plan to stay here afterwards?"

    Hearing this, Natsuki Subaru smile on face becomes even more impotent, once again hand akimbo, one hand pointing to sky, shouting loudly.

    "How can a glorious crossman be a rice bug?!"

    However, you have been doing a month of rice bugs.

    When Fang Li thought so, Natsuki Subaru did not know where to find a small book and presented it to Fang Li's.

    The title is written on a small book.

    ————"The plan 2.0 to use modern knowledge to make a fortune in Another World" –——


    How to say it ?

    It is title that is simple and clear and makes tsukkomi impossible.

    Moreover, since it is 2.0, then 1.0what happened?

    Could it be that , in this month's time, the 1.0 plan that Natsuki Subaru made has already ended in failure?

    This is really a sad fact.

    Natsuki Subaru, who did not know that he had been sympathetic, was still proudly demonstrating his plan to make a fortune 2.0 and talked about it.

    "Although the process is very tortuous, but after my Natsuki Subaru's efforts, this time the 2.0 plan is finally fresh, and rely on this, then this Sir will begin to shine in this Another World!"


    Saying this, Natsuki Subaru just wanted to open the book and share with Fang Li the fortune-making plan he had worked hard to formulate, but it was interrupted by Fang Li.

    "No matter what you do, there is one thing I need to remind you."

    Fang Li looked straight at Natsuki Subaru and spoke lightly to Natsuki Subaru.

    "The next may be a quite turbulent time. If you don't want to die, it's better not to run out of Reinhard's mansion."

    In a word, the smirking smile on Natsuki Subaru’s face immediately solidified.

    And Fang Li continues to speak.

    “I don’t know if the so-called “fab-to-rich” plan you have worked on does not work, but the world can’t just rely on that to survive.”

    Fang Li looked at Natsuki Subaru and said: "I think you should understand it?"

    Fang Li's words let Natsuki Subaru's memory be awakened.

    The memory of death.

    Cold teeth, like fangs, run through the body.

    Fire-like intense pain hits the nerves.

    Yin Hong's blood was lost.

    His own life is extremely sad towards the end.

    Then, it is engulfing its own darkness.

    And, spread all over the body's icy feeling.


    The memory unwilling to be remembered was excavated violently by Fang Li, making Natsuki Subaru's face extremely ugly.

    However, Natsuki Subaru calmly beat the heart of the violent beat, pretending to carelessly say: "Well, leave it alone, we still come to talk about making a fortune…"

    The voice is so weak.

    Therefore, Natsuki Subaru closed his mouth and raised the head and looked at Fang Li.

    Only Fang Li, who had his eyes on his eyes, gazed calmly.

    Under the calm gaze, Natsuki Subaru's heart finally began to surge.

    Fang Li's words are known.

    Although Natsuki Subaru did not do anything under the protection of Reinhard, nothing but the external, not the inner.

    "I think you must have many things to ask me?"Fang Li directly said: "So, we have time to talk about it."

    A month ago, Natsuki Subaru chose to escape in the face of Emilia.

    However, after the Emilia thing, Natsuki Subaru chose to escape again.

    "You've always been very reluctant to follow Reinhard's appearance, but in fact, that's just acting?"

    Fang Li relentlessly revealed the heart of Natsuki Subaru.

    "With your cheeky skin, if you really want to come with me to Emilia, you will definitely come up for it yourself, and Emilia, who is kind to you, will certainly not be able to refuse you."

    "But you didn't do it."

    "Because you are afraid."

    "Fear me."

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