Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 547 The world revolves around this one

    "Who are you?"

    This is not a question, it is not a question, only a simple question.

    Just as if you thought you were speaking out, it would be absolutely possible to get the answer. The young girl would simply give this question out.

    Therefore, Fang Li tilted the head, facing the girl's eyes, smiled indifferently and responded.

    "At least for sure, I will never be Hero, Miss Priscilla."

    When I heard Fang Li's words, it wasn’t the girls oneself who reacted, but Natsuki Subaru.


    Natsuki Subaru raised the head, stroking his chin and making a thoughtful noise.

    "How is this name so familiar?"

    Natsuki Subaru will feel familiar, it is a matter of course.

    After all, for a full month in Royal Capital, and again in Reinhard's home, Natsuki Subaru knew more or less of the knowledge.

    Among them, it includes some famous Characters.

    The arrogant girl in front of her is such a Character.


    Full name , Priscilla Barielle.

    Barielle is a famous aristocrat in Dragon Kingdom Lugnica. Like Mathers Family, it is the existence of the territory.

    However, Priscilla was not a blood relative of Barielle, but was the wife of the last owner. After the death of Barielle's family, Priscilla inherited all its property and territory.

    And Barielle is not Priscilla's only one by one dying husband.

    The 19-year-old girl was married to seven husbands at a young age.

    However, this young girl's husband died all the time because of all her fingers not touching her.

    In view of this, Priscilla is very famous in Kingdom.

    The person called — "Bloodstained Bride".

    Of course, Priscilla is famous for the reason there is still one.

    “One of the candidates for Dragon Kingdom Lugnica's King actually came to this kind of lane, and the gangsters who stand by to save their enthusiasm are going to gangster gangsters who are trying to save their lives?”

    Fang Li smiled at the girl and said: "It's really an incredible interest."

    "that's right."Natsuki Subaru immediately echoed, shortly afterwards awakened, and his eyes widened.

    "One of the king's alternates?"Natsuki Subaru looked at the girl in horror and could not help but raise the voice. "You're the Black Widow called "Bloodstained Bride?"

    "Now do you find the identity of this one?"Priscilla rightly said: "Even the existence of this one does not know. In the end is the clown coming from the border?"

    "…so that's how it is."Natsuki Subaru caught his face.

    “The arrogant aristocrat Ojou-sama's settings? Could it be that kind of arrogant inner puny settings ? If you can dial down the arrogant skin of the other side, you can complete the development of the Raiders? ”

    "But, if the throne is a candidate, will the difficulty be too high?"

    Watching Natsuki Subaru's posture of squatting on the floor, crying and talking to himself, Priscilla picked up his beautiful brow.

    "What exactly does this clown say? Could it be that it was intended to please this one in a funny language? That is really not a funny monkey drama! ”

    "Thank you very much for your harsh and ugly evaluation! This one lady! ”Natsuki Subaru has a slightly distorted face and does not know whether to feel angry or humiliated. Facing Priscilla shouted: "What people are so beautifully looking forward to, why is this kind of thankless setting?"

    For Natsuki Subaru, Priscilla only had a contemptuous look.

    “This one is beautiful and the world knows it, and the world always revolves around this one. You use this natural rhetoric to discuss this one's favor, which is not at all smart, or obediently continue to play with you. Monkey play."

    After that, Priscilla lifted his closed fan and pointed to Fang Li.

    "Also, this one said, allowing you to come up with the name, but do you let this clown deal with this one?"

    The arrogant attitude of Fang Li could not help but frowned.

    (It really is self-righteous Ah…

    I know."

    If not close to the eye, Fang Li does not believe that anyone in the world actually believes that the world is moving around her.

    However, there is one in front of me.

    Moreover, it is not pretend to be such a thing, but it really does.

    Of course, to some extent, there is nothing wrong with the other person's words.

    Because, Priscilla is also lucky to have Divine Protection.

    That's called Divine Protection of the Sun.

    The effect of Divine Protection is to be able to get a variety of action corrections on daytime.

    In other words, as long as it is on daytime, what Priscilla does and what actions it takes will eventually correct it and let the situation move toward its favorable side.

    The seven husbands who were beaten to death may have died because they did not touch one of their fingers because of Priscilla’s Divine Protection.

    That being the case, the other party will think that the world is turning around itself, and that is not something weird.

    Unfortunately, Fang Li does not eat this meal.

    "You say, the world is moving around you, right?"

    Fang Li raised the head and smiled at Priscilla.

    "In this case, the world will sooner or later let my history be exposed to you. Don't you need to ask?"

    "also…"Fang Li slowly walked to Priscilla and came to Priscilla.

    "Un… riscilla looked at Fang Li in confusion.

    The next second, Fang Li suddenly extended the hand and pinched Priscilla's chin, lifting the other person's face up and facing him.

    In Priscilla's pair of red eyes, the look began to change.

    Become dangerous.

    However, Fang Li was as if he had not seen anything. He grimaced at the other person's chin, lifted the other person's little face, and leaned forward to close the Priscilla. .

    "I don't know what your previous seven husbands are, but I want to tell you that men don't like women too much."

    "If you don't want to become an old woman who can't marry later, it's better to lose this good skin. It's better to converge."

    "After all, the world will revolve around you. It does not mean that a man will turn around to you Ah…

    Leaving this sentence, Fang Li released Priscilla's chin and lifted Natsuki Subaru, who was lying on the ground, staring at him, pulling it out of the alley like dragging trash.

    Only Priscilla was left, staring intently at the direction of Fang Li's departure. After a while, he suddenly smiled.

    That smile is cruel and full of innocence.

    "How dare you say this one?"

    "Interesting, let this one see if you're going around this one…"

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