Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 543 Accepted wishes


    Fang Li started with a glimpse of what was then a subconscious inquiry.

    “what are you doing?”

    Listening to this, Beatrice's expression has become impatient.

    "Betty makes you reach out and you just reach out and it'll be fine."

    When they heard Beatrice, Fang Li eyes looked at it with a slight glimpse of what seemed to come to mind and quietly extended his hand.

    Watching his hand in front of him, Beatrice was tempted to put on a look of disrespect, but in the end it was contrary to his own thoughts, turning emotion into a sigh.

    "This should be the first time in 400 years. Give Betty a good time to remember this time of kindness, human."

    Say so, Beatrice is also extending his own hand, with Fang Li's hand together.

    Moreover, it is still the way to pay with the fingers.

    Feeling the palm of Beatrice's hands, which was tightly intertwined with his own hands, Fang Li's had only one thought in his heart.

    (Originally, this girl's hand is so small Ah…

    Although it has been alive for hundreds of years, Beatrice in the end is still a child.

    Whether physiological or psychological.

    At this point, Fang Li deeply realized this.

    But at this time, Beatrice closed her eyes, and the young face had a solemn expression.


    This is a word that carries power.

    Therefore, when this phrase rang in the air, Fang Li faintly felt it.

    In that tangled hands, an Mystery connection began to breed.

    That feeling, just like Fang Li's test of Bo Xie's compatibility rating, was somewhat similar to Bo Xie's recognition.

    In addition to his understanding of the original book, Fang Li said something quite thoughtfully.

    "Is the contract concluded?"


    Conclusion contract.

    Fang Li and Beatrice.

    In other words, Beatrice responded to Fang Li's request and concluded the contract.

    "Since the contract was concluded, it will absolutely not be violated."

    Beatrice slowly opened his eyes and looked at Fang Li with stars like human beings could never have.

    "So you can leave without worry."

    Having said, Beatrice immediately released Fang Li's hand and opened the book again, as if nothing had happened, and continued to read the book.

    However, just as Beatrice put it, since the contract was concluded, as a Spirit, Beatrice would never be able to violate the contract.

    Fang Li really can safely leave this mansion.

    Only , Fang Li brought another question.

    "Is this okay?"Fang Li slowly put his hand together and said, "I thought I should not be able to conclude a contract with Spirit."

    After all, the contract is concluded with Spirit, and it will become Spirit User and become an Elementalist.

    In the words of Main God's Dimension, that is when the contract was concluded with Spirit, it would be a class transition as an Elementalist, and Spirit and Spirit Magic as the main means of combat.

    Can Fang Li has already become Genestellar with class transition.

    So, logically speaking, it should be impossible to conclude a contract with Spirit, and class transition becomes the Elementalist.

    In this regard, Beatrice only casually said: "At best, it is only a temporary contract. Only the content of the contract needs to be observed. Betty has not become your Spirit, nor has it formed a symbiotic relationship with you."

    The Elementalist that has concluded the contract with Spirit, whether it is Spirit or Elementalist, will form a symbiotic relationship.

    Elementalist determines the power of Spirit Magic he uses and the size of Magic Power that can be used in the atmosphere based on the strength of the contract's Spirit.

    Spirit is based on their own requirements, so that the Elementalist of the contract fulfills its wishes.

    For example, Pack is a contract with Emilia. Once Emilia dies, it destroys the world.

    Therefore, according to Spirit's personalities and needs, the content of the contract will also be different. Some Spirits even make the contractor completely become their slave to call out, in order to lend power, and even have the cost of life. The contract, this is a very bad example.

    Fang Li and Beatrice are merely concluding a temporary contract that does not form a symbiotic relationship other than the need to abide by the content of the contract.

    Therefore, if Fang Li doesn't have Class, he won't transition to Elementalist. Beatrice is not Fang Li's Spirit.

    What's more, if you want to conclude a contract with Spirit, you have to have a certain degree of affinity.

    Fang Li doesn't think he has this kind of affinity, otherwise Rem and Ram wouldn't directly regard Fang Li as a dangerous character at the beginning.

    Even Rem and Ram are like this, Spirit like Beatrice is even more needless to say?

    In fact, Beatrice is extremely repulsive of Fang Li.

    Of course, Fang Li has never seen Beatrice have close objects other than Pack, so it's really hard to say.

    "The deadline for the contract will be the next time you return."

    Beatrice made a driving gesture toward Fang Li.

    "So, hurry to Betty out."

    With this statement, Beatrice waved his hand and let the Forbidden Library's door open.

    Immediately, Fang Li was gently pushed out by an invisible power.


    Forbidden Library's door was closed by heavily.

    Looking at the door in front of him, Fang Li was not only not influenced by Beatrice's bad attitude, but raised his lips and murmured.

    "Hold up until the next time?"

    In other words, if Fang Li never returns, Beatrice absolutely will abide by this contract, forever?

    "Sure enough it was a sharp tongue but a soft heart Ah…


    About half an hour later, the session was over.

    In the rolling wheel sounds, two extraordinary guests once again drove away in the luxurious Dragon Carriage.

    However, just as Beatrice thought, the peace of the mansion is over.

    Almost the first time, Roswaal announced to everyone in the museum.

    "Ready to go to Royal Capital."

    There are four people going to Royal Capital.

    One is Emilia.

    One is Roswaal.

    One is Rem.

    There is still one is Fang Li.

    In the outside of the gate of the mansion, Rem sided his Dragon Carriage and looked over.

    Looking around, Fang Li, Emilia and Roswaal are standing there.

    "Is really planning to come with us in the past?"Emilia said hesitantly: "But we went to Royal Capital and it was important…"

    Then?Fang Li said out of breath: "Could it be that you still worry that I will disturb you?"

    Haven'tThere is no such thing! ”Emilia shook his head.

    "That's not it?"Fang Li smiled.

    That smile is extremely indifferent.

    "Although, I wish I wouldn't follow it right this time…"

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