Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 534 Intensified Instincts

    "dí dā …"

    Clearly in the dripping sound, the bright red liquid drips along the edge of the sharp dagger and slowly falls to the ground where it gathers into a small pool of blood.

    Fang Li held a bloody dagger in this way, as if he did not see the meat around him and the sea of ​​blood. He continued to move forward.

    Looking at this scene, Rem and Ram feel more or less afraid.

    ————“Murdering Demon Walking in the Hell of the Blood Sea and Meat”——————

    At this moment, the impression that appears in the hearts of the twin sisters is such a simple sentence that can be completely described.

    However, this sentence has enough power to shake everyone's heart.

    So, what emerges from the heart of Rem and Ram is trembling.

    However, it is not fear.

    Watched this scene, the rise of Rem and Ram's heart is actually joy.




    Rem and Ram are ghosts.

    Fang Li is also a ghost.

    However, Fang Li is a Murdering Demon who can take a walk in the sea of ​​blood.

    The extremely bloody and brutal scene successfully stimulated the instincts in the body of Rem and Ram.

    Belong to ghost instincts.

    Originally, Oni was power-conscious and cruel Clan.

    No matter what kind of ghost, there is a bloodthirsty and brutal side in the body.

    This aspect is reflected in the madness and confusion of the horns.

    Today, the bloody scene of Fang Li is awakening the instincts of Rem and Ram's body little by little.

    In particular, Rem, who has not lost his horns and still has the brutal side of Oni, suffers the most.


    The next moment, Rem blew out a low buzz that resembled howling, and the forehead was actually starting to light.


    The atmosphere shook slightly.

    The surrounding Mana began to gather in the direction of Rem's glowing forehead.

    Then, on Rem's forehead, a corner began to grow like a light, slowly absorbing the surrounding Magic Power.

    Those Magic Powers were all sucked into Rem's body and strengthened Rem's power.


    Ram finally awoke from the instinct that gradually became awakened with the body, and watched as Rem was gradually excited. Complexion could not help but change.

    Forward, Fang Li's stopped and turned to see Rem.

    Its in the eyes, a pair of ice blue Mystic Eyes glittering with dazzling light.


    I was staring at the ice blue Mystic Eyes and Rem was just a kick.

    The ghost that inspired the horn will follow his instinct.

    And under the instinct of instinct, no matter what life can intuitively understand the most basic rules of this world.

    That is weak meat.

    The antelope sees the Lions running.

    The lion sees the antelope chasing.

    Who is the expert?

    Who is the weak?

    Compliance with instincts will perfectly distinguish these individuals.

    Because, this is the instinct of life.

    In dealing with expert, Ability, who has no resistance to weak life, can only surrender or flee.

    For the weak, a strong life will be demanded. Either eat or rule.

    Therefore, a weak ghost will show absolute surrender to a powerful ghost.

    At this moment, Rem's instincts told her clearly.

    Murdering Demon is stronger than himself.

    Therefore, you must surrender.

    As a result, the surrendered instincts of the instinct allowed Rem to finally regain consciousness.


    In the light of light, the horn of light retracts Rem's within the body and disappears over Rem's forehead.


    Rem this relaxed took a breath, body slightly shook, almost did not fall.

    Upon seeing this, Ram quickly supported Rem.

    Fang Li canceled the appearance of the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, looked at Rem and asked, "How? Are you Okay

    Haven'tNothingRem's breathing was a little hurried.

    "Do not force yourself."Ram blames some of them. "You used to consume a lot of Stamina because of the cursing relationship, and now you almost excite your horns and your body will be overwhelmed."

    After all, although Horny's Horn can absorb the surrounding Magic Power to strengthen itself, it can also have the disadvantages of deforming the mind and burdening the body.

    Rem would have lost a lot of Stamina. If he re-energizes the horn, he really can only fall.

    "If you can't help yourself, let Ram take you back to Irlam Village."Fang Li said: "I can do it alone."

    This point, Rem and Ram have really realized.

    It must be said that the current Fang Li is really not a newcomer who had entered Main God's Dimension before.

    With the gradual acquisition of Mystic Eyes of Death Perception and the complete acquisition of Nanaya Assassination Arts, Fang Li's battle mode has been fully formed, even if faced by Third Rank.

    Not to mention, Fang Li also mastered the full Assassination Technique essentials after practicing Fan Xinglu's system, and has begun to develop further levels of technology based on Nanaya Assassination Arts.

    Tohno Shiki was able to achieve almost invincibility in the world of “Tsukihime” with Mystic Eyes of Death Perception's ability and basic defense techniques of Nanaya Assassination Arts.

    Fang Li's Mystic Eyes of Death Perception On purity, even on Tohno Shiki, Nanaya Assassination Arts is even more masterful and even continues to innovate.

    Since Tohno Shiki is almost unparalleled in his own world, why can't Fang Li?

    As long as it is not an encounter that can never be defeated, similar to Reinhard's almost invincible Character, then Fang Li in this world will have an odds of success no matter who he encounters.

    The reason why Bring Rem and Ram, only to let them lead the way, incidental understanding of the situation.

    Even if the two are absent, Fang Li can take some time to fumble, without any danger.

    Understand this, Rem is stubborn shake.

    "No, please let Rem continue with it."

    Saying this sentence, Rem got up from Ram's arms and seemed to have recovered some Stamina.

    Looking at this kind of Rem, Fang Li and Ram exchanged a look and both were nodded.

    Next, the three people went deep into the depths of the forest.

    On the way, Demon Beast was completely resolved by Fang Li.

    Rem and Ram are responsible for finding the target.

    Both are Oni and have a keen sense of smell. Once someone's aura is nearby, it can be discovered.

    Not to mention, Rem aside, Ram also has a special Ability named Clairvoyance.

    A creature that allows the performer to match the wavelengths shares the field of vision, continuously relaying the vision, and viewing the mystery of the place thousands of miles away.

    With this secret technique, coupled with Rem's sense of smell, the two really played their part, guiding Fang Li to the depths of the forest.

    Until a moment…

    "Un… /p>

    Ram, who was using Clairvoyance, suddenly opened his eyes.

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