Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 520 Another observation

    As a result, when it was almost almost noon, Fang Li visited the entire Roswaal Mansion and probably remembered the structure and route of the mansion.

    Although it is so said, but in this process, Fang Li is somewhat careless, only probably remember some necessary places and routes, the rest are all abandoned to the brain.

    After all, Fang Li is not going to live in this mansion. After solving Witch Cult's Main Quest, it is estimated that he is unlikely to stay here again.

    That being the case, there is no need to remember the use of every room in a large mansion and the usefulness of each facility.

    If not because of being at Butei High has developed the habit of trying to remember the terrain and route as soon as it arrives at a new place, and if something happens, it can immediately respond, and Fang Li may not even have a route. remember.

    In view of this, at about noon, Emilia looked worried and left and returned to his room in two steps and started learning.

    Looking at Emilia's hesitant departure, Fang Li was relieved.

    "It's serious Ah…

    Maybe it is because they really feel that they owe a loss to Fang Li's relationship. Emilia's attitude towards Fang Li's does not know how much he has become more diligent than before.

    Plus, this silver-haired Half Elf was originally a kind and sincere girl. Once she really enthusiasm, it would really be treating Fang Li as her own son, and even the clothes would help wash it. Now.

    "It was said that he did not want to be too close to me, but now she loves to worry about it. This girl is also cute Ah…

    Fang Li smiled and turned to look out the window.

    In the books that Fang Li read yesterday, there are also facts about the distribution of Magic civilization in this country.

    So, there are some maps attached to this world.

    "If I remember correctly, this direction should be the direction of Royal Capital, right?"

    "I really don't know what that live treasure is like now."

    With Reinhard at Natsuki Subaru, at least it is certain that Natsuki Subaru will never have problems.

    If Natsuki Subaru was in danger when he was around Reinhard, then when he was with Fang Li, he was afraid that he would really die several times.

    "I hope you don't suddenly get a Return by Death when my Main Quest is half done."

    In order to avoid this situation, Fang Li resolutely abandoned the idea of ​​bringing Natsuki Subaru alongside him to continue observation, and let him follow Reinhard.

    Moreover …

    "Moreover, in this world, besides that live treasure, the other person is also worth observing…"

    Think of it here, Fang Li's mouth slightly lifted.

    Perhaps, to a certain extent, this person is even more suitable for observation by Fang Li than Natsuki Subaru.

    Because what Fang Li wants to look for is the essence of the soul.

    And that person is often accompanied by death in the soul.

    Fang Li will choose to execute Main Quest at this time, because it is possible to throw Natsuki Subaru's unstable time reversal device to Reinhard, and secondly because he wants to find some inspiration from the person's body.

    "I just don't know if my eyes can see through…"

    In the eyes flashed a bit of ice blue light, Fang Li murmured such a sentence.

    "So, hurry up…"

    "Witch Cult …"

    After that, Fang Li turned around and walked toward his room.

    Yesterday's book should also be returned to Beatrice.


    The Forbidden Library in Roswaal Mansion does not exist in any place, but exists as a separate space.

    However, this space is able to shuttle freely to the Roswaal Mansion and perform a random connection with any door in the Roswaal Mansion.

    People in the public hall call this phenomenon Opportunity Door.

    To enter the Forbidden Library, either Beatrice's consent is required to allow the Beatrice to expose the Opportunity Door's position, or to hit the great luck. In addition, it is difficult to find the Forbidden Library.

    However, Fang Li ignores this rule.

    "Is it here?"

    In front of one of the leafed doors of the Roswaal Mansion, Fang Li approached and opened it directly.

    In the next second, an extremely unscientific scene appeared in Fang Li's in the eyes.

    "Elder Brother's fur is as soft and comfortable as ever! Oh! ”

    In the solemn library, a pinkish, girlish-style bed was opened yesterday by Fang Li. The extremely poor Spirit maiden was lying on it with a little girl like a childlike child. Cute and charming beautiful smile, holding a gray kitten, is squeezing hard.

    The tenderness of the face was not as cold as yesterday, and some of them were only as enthralled as having a happy dream.

    In his hands, the gray kitten who was forced to lick the body was equally narrowing the eyes and enjoyed the opening.

    "I can make you happy. I feel very good, but Betty, is there a guest?"

    Beatrice suddenly gave a slight glimpse.

“……This hateful aura …This will not…”

    The innocent smile on Beatrice's face is as if she was melted and replaced by an unsightly look.

    When Beatrice slammed up from the bed and looked in the direction of the door, where the youngest woman was least willing to see was to enter her vision.

    Moreover, there is a smiling face that is full of playfulness with a hat that people can not wait for.

    "you…!"Beatrice exclaimed: "Why did you choose Opportunity Door?"

    "Want to know?"Fang Li's smile on his face said: "But I don't tell you."

    Beatrice gritted his teeth.

    Beatrice is certainly not understood.

    After learning how to use Mystic Eyes of Death Perception with Ryougi Shiki, Fang Li's use of Mystic Eyes of Death Perception has improved even further.

    The Forbidden Library is located in a separate space and is capable of random connection with any leafed door of the Roswaal Mansion.

    Then, Fang Li only needs to use Mystic Eyes of Death Perception in this mansion to see where there is an extra Death Line. It must be independent of the Forbidden Library in space.

    Is Beatrice's words simply unimaginable?

    In such cases, as long as Fang Li is willing to, gently stroke the Forbidden Library's Death Line, this space may be killed.

    Of course, with Fang Li’s current mastery of Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, it’s more about killing Opportunity Door.

    Want to kill the independent space, perhaps have to go through a period of skill.

    "I have read this book."Fang Li raised his books and said to Beatrice: “Give me another interesting one.”

    "I don't think so!"Beatrice held out a hand in the direction of Fang Li's.

    The atmosphere in the Forbidden Library suddenly suddenly turned into a shock and swept towards Fang Li.

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