Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 489 observes the death of death


    Dead silence, pervading.


    Dead silence, pervading.


    Dead silence, pervading.


    Dead silence, pervading.

    When Fang Li came back to God, he already felt that there was a constant silence around him.

    So Fang Li slowly opened his eyes.

    However, only one piece of darkness printed into his eyes is filled with silence.

    Darkness has no end.

    Because it is empty here.

    Fang Li floats in such an empty darkness, like the surface where it floats. The body has no gravity, but it can feel the coldness spread throughout the body.

    In such a place, Fang Li, Fang Li can only observe one thing.

    A type of regular body that forms the endless darkness around.


    Yes, it is fog.

    The black mist has always been filled, as if everything was isolated, and Fang Li was told that the reason why it is dead is because of the ubiquitous dark fog.

    This dark fog, Fang Li is aware of.

    Because it is something that Fang Li is very familiar with.


    Yes, this is dead.

    Death of Character named "Natsuki Subaru".

    In the moment when Natsuki Subaru was killed, Fang Li was swallowed by such a fog.

    In other words, Fang Li was involved in the death of a character named "Natsuki Subaru."

    This is not something weird.

    Considering the unique Ability that Natsuki Subaru holds, this may be a normal development.

    It is better to say that it is to observe this thing that Fang Li will come to this world.

    "And since I was involved in it, I was able to maintain my awareness and memory here, which means that my original vision was at least correct."

    Saying this, Fang Li raised his hand.


    A faint ray of light emanated from the device suspended in the Fang Li's hand, and although it did not disperse the darkness around it called "Death," it illuminated itself.

    That device, precisely Reiji Maigo.

    Able to interfere with time to a certain extent, let the time in midnight get lost by Noble Phantasm (Treasure Tool).

    "Although it is impossible to avoid the backtracking of time, I can at least be able to interfere with my time in this irreversible retrospective. My original vision was really right."

    So, when he saw the Dungeon World of "Re:Zero − Starting Life in Another World" as an option, Fang Li chose the world apart from anything else and entered it.

    The reason is to observe the death of Natsuki Subaru.

    "Then the next step is to see if this death can solve my doubts."

    So whispering, Fang Li hid Reiji Maigo, raised the head in the mist of death, and looked ahead.


    The black mist stirred.

    In the dark fog named "Death", Fang Li's eyes unknowingly turned into ice blue Mystic Eyes, putting everything around him into the field of vision.

    Perhaps this should be the first time?

    For the first time, watch death with Mystic Eyes that can look straight at death.

    Mystic Eyes of Death Perception's ability is to make all the death in front of their own nothing, through the hand of the holder to end all things.

    However, at this moment, the inclusion of "Death" in Fang Li Mystic Eyes was extremely vague.

    A crack-like Death Line sometimes disappears and disappears, like a mirage, flickering and irritating.


    Fang Li could not help but cling to his head.

    A wave of tingling sensations such as needles passed into Fang Li's mind, causing Fang Li's head to have a slight pain.

    “Is this the burden on the brain when using Mystic Eyes of Death Perception?”

    There is no doubt that this is the first time Fang Li has had this burden.

    After all, Fang Li can understand all deaths. When using the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, it should not be a burden on the brain.

    However, at this moment, everything that pervades Fang Li's field of vision is already dead.

    Since it is already dead, how can we find the Death Line itself?

    Therefore, this contradictory concept caused confusion in Fang Li's Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, and his head seemed to be hurt by needles.

    At the same time, Fang Li felt it.

    Deep in his own soul, the sea that recorded all death also began to crest.

    "Is there a contradiction in the soul?"

    Fang Li suddenly felt that even the soul began to tingle.

    Feeling this unprecedented change, Fang Li finally realized it.

    “So that's how it is , Ryougi Shiki just wanted me to see this?”

    Ryougi Shiki said that in order to solve the hidden dangers of the soul and find out its own essence, Fang Li needs to observe people who often accompany death.

    At that time, Fang Li was actually very skeptical.

    "Compared to the countless deaths recorded in the ocean of my soul, is it really useful to observe one's death?"

    Previously, Fang Li once said that the death of one person was too small before the death of all things.

    If so, is it really useful to observe such a small death?

    With this suspicion, Fang Li still implemented Ryougi Shiki's proposal.

    It was not until this moment that Fang Li understood.

    "Perhaps one person's death is really small, but what I am facing now is one's own death. The weight is the same."

    Indeed, countless deaths are recorded in the soul of Fang Li's. General death is not enough to see in front of it.

    However, what Fang Li needs to understand is not countless deaths, but why his own soul can record the nature of death.

    "So, what I should see is not the death in the Sea of ​​Death, but the record of these dead souls themselves."

    "And what I need to observe is not one's death, but the person's death itself."

    In other words, Fang Li needs to observe death instead of observing those who will die.

    "But, what exactly can this explain?"

    What is death?

    It is dead.

    What else can it be?

    "Feeling, Ryougi Shiki told me that it should be not solely only that."

    Fang Li glared at a pair of ice blue Mystic Eyes and stared at the dark fog in front of him.

    The contradictory concept of death lingered in the soul and mind of Fang Li's, causing Fang Li to collapse.

    However, Fang Li ignored it, only to observe the death before him.

    "In the end, what else is there?"

    Just as Fang Li gazed at the death in front of him, all of a sudden, the surrounding dark fog began to stir up.

    Fang Li's pair of ice blue Mystic Eyes suddenly shrank.

    I saw that, in this darkness with nothing in it, behind Fang Li, there was a sudden extension of his two hands, like embracing Fang Li, and he turned his neck from behind Fang Li.

    It was the arm of a fair woman.

    Shortly afterwards, a voice is low mumble in Fang Li's ear.


    When the words fell, the dark mist around Fang Li moved Berserk's scroll and swallowed it.

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