Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 485 has a dangerous taste

    "Rumble …"

    In the rolling sound of the wheels and the heavy footsteps, a lizard that rivals the size of a horse is still pulling one by one in the street where people come and go. It is like a carriage and runs on the road.

    Surrounded by Demi Human and Beastman with physical features of the wild beast.

    Some people wear fancy dresses, and some wear armor and leather armor and walk slowly.

    Obviously such an incredible scene, at this moment, is filled with a very ordinary sense of life, proving that such a scene is the daily life in this city.

    "No matter how many times you watch it, it will still make people feel novel. Ah…

    Walking on such a street, Natsuki Subaru sighs in disdain for his uncouth sportswear.

    "Although it's another world full of adventure and war, for men, it's not an exaggeration to call it a place of dreams. But when I thought about half an hour ago, I bought instant noodles and snacks at convenience stores. People find it incredible."

    That is the way it is said, but Natsuki Subaru's words still do not have much tension.

    From this teenager's point of view, everything in front of him still belongs to the field of Fantasy. Before the impact of the facts, it is estimated that there will be such a state of tension.

    In fact, Fang Li is not as good as Natsuki Subaru.

    At least, Fang Li did not have the slightest sense of tension.

    However, the source of this performance is different from Natsuki Subaru.

    Natsuki Subaru only hasn’t been consciously aware of it, so it’s so leisurely.

    As for Fang Li, unlike Natsuki Subaru, it is not like a tiger, even if a sudden occurrence occurs, it cannot be resisted. Secondly, it is Main God's Envoy. It has long been used to everything in the mixed world of Main God's Dimension. Naturally there will be no tension.

    Although the results are the same, the difference in sources can make Fang Li and Natsuki Subaru feel completely different.

    For silver-haired girls, Fang Li's lack of tension is reminiscent of self-confidence, and Natsuki Subaru's lack of tension is reminiscent of arrogance.

    This intangible feeling makes the silver-haired young girl's impression of the two different.

    "That guy called Fang Li's is very reliable. He can make people feel that he is strong. Together with his propositions and principles, he should be a believer."

    "The boy named Natsuki Subaru is a little bit unreasonable and always feels that he may have an accident at any time."

    This is the silver hair girl's impression of Fang Li and Natsuki Subaru.

    In this regard, the gray kitten said so.

    "I agree with the latter's words, but the former is a bit of a matter of careful consideration."

The teenage girl suddenly wondered: "Why do you say that?"

"The grey kitten is sitting on the shoulder of a silver-haired girl while holding her arms, as if she was thinking so hard, after a while, giving such an answer."

    "I always feel that there is a dangerous taste in his body."

    Hearing this, the silver-haired girl turned her eyes to Fang Li body.

    It was already a silver-haired girl who did not know how to do it several times.

    Although most of the reasons are due to the relationship between insignia holding a girl in Fang Li's hand, the young woman will pay so much attention to him, but the main thing is that Fang Li's body does have a different kind of presence from ordinary people, telling girls that This person is not an ordinary person.

    As a result, young girls are naturally more likely to stay in Fang Li's body.

    This is human nature.

    However, it is different in Natsuki Subaru's in the eyes.

“……It's strange…"

    Natsuki Subaru, who has been watching the performance of the silver-haired girl, has been upset.

    "It's all traversers. The treatment of that guy is exactly the level of protagonist, but what about me?"

    "Could it be that because I can't even jump on the roof? Why can that guy have a way? Are you crossing? Or is my cheat actually not activated? ”

    "It's okay, but Flag of Another World bishoujo is standing on the guy's body. What's wrong?"

    Thinking about it, Natsuki Subaru felt unbalanced in his heart, stopped, looked up and shouted at the sky.

    "At least to trigger 邂逅bishoujo's event!"

    Suddenly shouting, everyone around the trip was shocked.

    "Pā———— !"

    In the next second, under a loud bang, Natsuki Subaru's back of the head directly received a crit and was slapd on the floor.

    Fang Li is standing behind Natsuki Subaru, facing Natsuki Subaru and corner of the mouth twitches lying on the ground and holding back of the head. "What sudden nerves are you doing?"

    "Don't stop me!"Natsuki Subaru glared at Fang Li and said in a righteous voice, "This world is full of injustice. I must appeal to the world!"

    For this discourse of Natsuki Subaru, the conversely silver-haired girl responded.

    "This world is indeed full of injustice."

    The silver-haired young girl said so, but her brows were obviously screaming. Like persuasion, she said to Natsuki Subaru: “But if you just think about complaining to the world when you’re experiencing something unfair, it’s impossible. Solve the problem."

    Very reasonable argument.

    Only, in the face of Natsuki Subaru's nonsense speech, the silver-haired young woman actually used this kind of philosophical discourse to answer, but too seriously too much?

    SayingFang Li sighed and asked the silver-haired girl: "Why did you follow us for granted?"

    In the alley, the silver-haired girl finally compromised Fang Li and did not use force to retrieve the insignia.

    "That's something that's important to you. If I grab back insignia, you're not very likely to get back to you?"

    In this way, the silver-haired girl chose compromise.

    In this regard, the gray kitten said so.

    "Sure enough, I knew you would make such a choice."

    It seems that the silver-haired girl is really an unbelievable rotten man.

    However, this rotten man has always followed Fang Li, but it also made Fang Li feel somewhat surprised.

    Actually this is not what is worth accidental.

    "You will take insignia to deal with the thief called Felt?"

    The silver-haired girl said very seriously: "Then I will go with you. When you have completed the transaction, let the other party give me the insignia."

    That’s all there is to it.

    "All right."Fang Li sighed again.

    Natsuki Subaru was raised the head and looked at the silver-haired girl, curiously asking for a voice.

    "Yes, what is your name? Can't we continue to call you silver-haired bishoujo? ”

    "I didn't let you call it."The silver-haired young girl wrinkled her nose and whispered after silence.

    "You just call me Satella."

    When the words fall, the surrounding air changes.

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