Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 476 medium scope promotion of evaluation

    "Serial Number 11273 returns to Main God's Dimension and automatically performs the Clearance Evaluation."

    "Dungeon World: Shakugan no Shana."

    "Quest Difficulty: Fourth Rank."

    "Number of Participants :1."

    "Main Quest Number :3."

    "Quest 1: strike to kill a Crimson Lord, additional strike to kill will add bonus based on the number of strike to kill."

    "Quest Completed, extra strike to kill completed, strike to kill number of medium, evaluation medium scope increase."

    "Quest 2: Get three Crimson World's Treasure Tools, additional acquisitions will add bonuses based on the number of acquisitions."

    "Quest Completed, additional acquisition is completed, the quantity obtained is medium, and the evaluation medium scope is improved."

    "Quest 3: Get 20000EX change points. Additional acquisitions will be based on EX change points."

    "Quest Completed, get 30000EX change Points, evaluation medium scope."

    "Clearance Evaluation: Rank S-."

    "The remaining factors affecting the Clearance Evaluation are detected and the evaluation is promoted."

    "Influencing factors: Complete Rank A+ Side Quest [Experiencing], and evaluation has increased dramatically to reach Rank S+."

    "Final Clearance Evaluation: Rank S+."

    "Get rewards: 50000EX change points, 20 free Attribute Points."

    When such a System Notification sound reverberated in Fang Li's mind, Fang Li's body was like a hot spring, and it suddenly rose into a heat stream, causing damage to both sides of the body and soul suffered in Dungeon World. All recovered at an alarming rate. The moment was restored.

    Until this time, Fang Li decided that he did return to Main God's Dimension.

    After Shana left, Fang Li stayed in Outlaw's desert stronghold until the three-day retention time passed.

    Now, as soon as I return to Main God's Dimension, all of the consumption of Fang Li's is completely cured, just like the previous weakness was like a joke, and disappeared without a trace, so that he slowly opened up. Your own eyes.

    It is a familiar lawn.

    "This time, Dungeon World is really short…

    Compared to the previous worlds, this time Dungeon World trip is indeed shorter.

    From the appearance of Friagne to the event in Seireiden, the whole process was only half a month.

    "However, Clearance Evaluation hasn't reached the S+ level, it's a bit sorry Ah…

    This time Dungeon World experienced a little shorter time, but the twists and turns in it were not ordinary.

    Although the time to complete Quest is less, then the evaluation at the time of customs clearance will increase accordingly. Otherwise, it will decrease. If Fang Li completes all Main Quests in such a short time, the evaluation should be high. But that is also relative.

    In fact, the completion status of the three Main Quests of Fang Li's was only enhanced by the evaluation of the medium scope. When the Side Quest affecting the Clearance Evaluation is not calculated, the Clearance Evaluation still reaches Rank S-, which is enough to prove that the Main Quest is completed. The speed is excellent.

    However, if the time is short, then the odds of triggering Side Quest and Hidden Quest naturally decline.

    As a result, Fang Li only triggered a Side Quest, so that the evaluation was improved but it was not up to the S+ level. It was not a good thing or a bad thing.

    If it can reach the S+ level, then Fang can use Rating Stone to upgrade the Clearance Evaluation to EX-Rank and get the third Personal World.

    After all, there are three remaining Fang Li's Rating Stones, which is more than enough.

    Therefore, this aspect is considered a regret.

    "However, if Settings is Personal World, then the next time you enter the Dungeon World, there is no way to trigger Quest."

    If you think about it from this aspect, it may be a good thing again.

    "Anyway, as long as the Reiji Maigo road sign is in place, using Dungeon Command will continue to enter the world of Shakugan no Shana, and it will not be a bad thing to trigger Quest by then."

    Moreover, let's not mention the rest, the gains brought to Fang Li by the Dungeon World trip this time are not without.

    For example EX change points, plus the completion of the Side Quest awards, then there are gains of 80000EX change Points, so that the number of Fang Li's EX change Points has reached 180000.

    The free Attribute Points also has 20 points. If all of them are added, then the Fang Li's Combined Attributes will reach 200 points. Only 100 points will be able to reach the limit of Fourth Rank, which will affect the Third Rank barrier.

    Just rising to Fourth Rank has just passed a Dungeon World. Fang Li will be halfway through Fourth Rank, and it's all too much God Speed.

    "Unfortunately, what I need most now is not the promotion of Attribute."

    With this thought in mind, Fang Li raised his pace and went to the mansion that was in his personal residence.


    "Kacha …"

    With a slight opening sound, Fang Li walked into his home in Main God's Dimension and entered the hall through the entrance hall.

    Compared to the apartments in the “Shakugan no Shana” world, Fang Li’s home in Main God’s Dimension is not too luxurious.

    At first, Fang Li used 1000EX change points to transform his personal residence, leaving the bare open space covered with a soft lawn and a mansion.

    Of course, the mansion reformed with the 1000EX change points, naturallyy impossible can be regarded as how luxurious, but it is only a two-bedroom common house, but the area is quite spacious, and it is actually very comfortable to live.

    However, Fang Li rarely enjoyed the comfortable time here.

    After all, in Main God's Dimension, Fang Li is either bored in a simulation game on the training ground, or bored in the Tower of Trials, or simply linger in areas such as the Trading Area and the entertainment area, where there is little time to stay in his personal residence. I was poor.

    So, at most, this is where Fang Li sleeps.

    In this case, Fang Li did not have any stopover. She passed directly through the hall that looked very lively, entered his own room, closed the door, and lay down on the bed.

    Immediately, Fang Li was took a deep breath and snorted.


    The next second, a flame-like white phosphorescent explosion exploded from Fang Li's body.

    It is Stigma that is awesome.

    After the opening of Stigma, Fang Li was so lying in bed and doing nothing, allowing the power of the soul to be gradually consumed.

    About three minutes later, Fang Li's complexion became pale and his eyes became tired. The sense of weakness in the soul rushed in and engulfed it instantly.

    So, Fang Li fell directly into sleep.


    "plop …"

    Fang Li opened his eyes in a pleasant splashing/underwater sound, and looked into the endless dark sea of ​​income.

    Almost at the same time, a voice sounded.

    "come yet?"

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