Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 472 suddenly intensified conflict


    Shana was stunned.

    Seeing that Fang Li is like saying something very ordinary, with a calm expression as always, Shana's heart has an unpredictable hunch.

    It was an unpredictable feeling than when I just heard about God of Creation Snake of the Festival.

    Although this premonition is unfathomable mystery, and it is incredible, but it feels like this kind of fluctuation in the heart. Shanna's idea is only one.

    (so hateful …)



    Very hateful.

    Do not know why, Shana has this feeling.

    Feeling that Fang Li will say the next thing will be more hateful and hateful than he imagined.

    Therefore, Shana did not find that her own in the eyes has inevitably emerged a little shaken.

    In this case, Shana can see very clearly.

    See Fang Li's astonishment.

    It was absolutely no idea that Shana would react like this.

    Obviously, Fang Li found out Shana's vacillations.

    Shana's words are known.

    Although Fang Li's usual performance gives people a feeling of to do as one pleases, this person has the advantage that others can hardly have.

    That's calm.

    In any case, no matter what the situation is, the more critical it is, the more calm Fang Li will be.

    In the end, what kind of experience made this human more calm in times of crisis, Shana didn't know.

    Shana only knows that because of this calmness, Fang Li has the observation and judgment that others can hardly follow.

    Therefore, Fang Li will find Shanna's shaken, which is also a normal thing.

    However, this has caused Shanna's heart to rise up with a feeling of irritation.

    So, Shana said coldly, as if she had responded to Fang Li before, so he said, "Say it is, since 『Bal Masqué』 in order to get Reiji Maigo not hesitate to do this, then in order to avoid being targeted, we leave This is also a correct choice."

    Perhaps Shana himself did not find it?

    When she said this sentence, she deliberately added "we" to this emphatic object.

    This means that Shana added her own share of the word 'Leaving' in Fang Li's mouth.

    From an objective point of view, this is not an explanation.

    After all, Fang Li holds Reiji Maigo, and "Bal Masqué" is eyeing it. It is definitely planning to hold Reiji Maigo to do something that surpassed outsiders imagine.

    If there is any activity in a large Deenizen Group, it is certainly not a trivial matter. 100% will harm the balance of the world.

    That being the case, Shana as a Flame Haze, for the mission, left with Fang Li, and that's normal.

    At least, Shana told himself this way.

    Unfortunately, in the next second, the ruthless words broke the fluke of Shana's heart.

    "No, I will leave alone. We will separate here."


    In this moment, Shanna's irritability and disgust have climbed to the limit and they have suffered an unimaginable impact.

    Only , Shana tried to hide it this time and did not let Fang Li discover.

    Therefore, Fang Li continued: "You don't have to worry. Even after I leave, even "Bal Masqué" is impossible to find my whereabouts, and even more impossible to take Reiji Maigo from my hands. Therefore, you don't need to be come with. ”

    Hearing this, Shana only silently shouted in his heart.

    (don't say !)

    "That's what you say, but once Bal Masqué can't find me, it's very likely that he will start with you."

    (don't say !)

    "After all, you are the only Flame Haze who has had a close contact with me. If the other party can't find me, then naturally I will find a way to get my news from you."

    (don't say !)

    "However, this time, Alastor's appearance has given the other party enough deterrence. Even if Trinity doesn't come to your attention with casualty?"

    (don't say !)

    "Anyway, in a few days, I will be out of here. We will separate here–"

    "don't say !"

    In the dry wooden cabin, the sound of Shana finally resounded like an explosion.

    After the sound fell, the whole room was caught in an indescribable silence.

    In this silence, the performance of the people present is completely different.

    Fang Li is completely stunned.

    Shana was released because of the burst of inner emotions, and she was in a horrible imposing manner.

    As for Alastor, it seems to have been stunned by surprise. In a moment, even one sentence could not be said.

    As a result, in such an atmosphere of silence, only Shana shouted loudly at Fang Li under the control of the bursting emotions.

    "You can't leave!"

    In a word, let Fang Li's brow crease.

    So, Fang Li directly asked for a voice.

    “ Why?”

    Of course, a doubt that made Shana unable to respond.


    Shana himself also wants to know why.

    All in all, Shana did not leave Fang Li's necessary.

    Although Reiji Maigo is very important, Fang Li has already proved that he has the Ability to protect it. As a Flame Haze who has a mission, Shana should not continue to get entangled here.

    With the addition of Fang Li, it was not easy for Bal Masqué to find him again. This is undoubtedly a good practice for the purpose of protecting Reiji Maigo.

    Obviously, this is a good and harmless thing. If you change the previous Shana, you will absolutely say nothing.

    At this moment, Shana's heart is only resisting and disgusting.

    Moreover, it is still extremely intense.

    In such a mood, no reason could be found. Shana could only say so.

    "In short, it is not! No no no

    This is not a reason. It can't even be called a conversation. There is only unilateral waywardness.

    Fang Li, who did not even think that Shana would have such fierce opposition, could only frown and frown. “You should at least give me a reason?”

    "shut up shut up shut up !"Shana, like a wayward child, with a desperate expression, tried to shout: "No matter what, it is not!"

    With this statement, Shana didn't want to hear Fang Li's refutation anymore, but like he was afraid of something, he turned and ran away without returning.


    Fang Li's voice came from behind and clearly passed into Shana's ear.

    But Shana could not hear it, only escaped with the fastest speed.


    Shana knew that he was on the run.

    Escape the impending reality.

    In this way, Shana escaped Outlaw's stronghold and rushed directly into the desert.

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